CRIS306: Complex Trauma and Disasters: Case Study Discussion Question Response


My case study assignment and crisis response plan were on the crisis of a natural disaster of a tornado. The number one thing that I discussed was preparedness. In my annotated bibliography assignment, one of the journal articles was on how being proactive and preparing for tornadoes was the biggest indicator on how bad the crisis of a tornado could end up. If people prepare, have the necessary items in case the power were to go out along with listening to the National Weather Service for any emergency updates. Paying attention to warnings and listening to them saves lives (Ripberger et al., 2019). Part of our disaster plan will include an incident command center with specific roles and responsibilities The church will make sure emergency plans are in place, the church is up to code, and people had specific rolls to fill like communication with the congregation and outside agencies. 

The response from the church would be that we are prepared to meet the basic needs of the members and local community. Having water, food and using the church as an emergency shelter. We will work with other local churches, national and local relief agencies.

Building resiliency in my local church is something that will be difficult and take time. It is very small and filled with an older generation. Building resilience is something that needs to be done in all church settings and especially to prepare for a crisis. If not, when a crisis does happen everyone will be left asking “what are we going to do? Or how did this happen?”  The number one step and best way to build resiliency is by collectively showing and reminding people that it’s not about us and our struggles, it’s about Jesus, not our comfort. We will get as many people as possible on board to prepare, have a positive mindset and understand that the best way to know what to do in a crisis situation is prepare what to do. When that mindset is known resiliency happens. Then we can find God’s plan in the midst of trials, or in this case, getting prepared for them. Following the disaster response plan, setting up an ICS and being proactive. Looking beyond the problems that might happen to a solution before they hit. Getting people on board by showing them, with God’s grace, we can handle anything. Then asking the question, with the resilience to handle any situation that may come our way, how can we advance the Kingdom? By being resilient and prepared, we will be able to administer to the local community if a crisis does happen. When the focus of the church is on being resilient and prepared and a crisis does happen, we can be the light to others and the spiritual help they need.

Ripberger, J. T., Krocak, M. J., Wehde, W. W., Allan, J. N., Silva, C., & Jenkins-Smith, H. (2019). Measuring Tornado Warning Reception, Comprehension, and Response in the United States. Weather, Climate, and Society, 11(4), 863–880.

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