History 108



1. Read the following primary sources and take notes. You will need to include examples with citations in your response.

Anonymous Song, The Trappan’d Maiden: Or the Distressed Damsel. English Broadside (1689-1703)

Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself. Vol. I (1789)Links to an external site.


The primary sources should be cited in your paper so I know where the information that you are discussing came from.

Use in-text MLA-style citations (author’s last name page number) at the end of the sentence it relates to.

Consider the following questions when you are reading the sources and creating your response.

Who wrote the primary source?

How did their social location (race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.) influence their writing and the argument they made in the primary source?  

2. Review the module lecture, reading, and videos to help you understand the historical context of the above primary sources, but base your answers and the bulk of your response on information found in the above primary sources.

3. Answer the following questions, write 1-2 pages total or record yourself thoroughly answering the questions. 

After reading the above passages from Equiano’s narrative, what do you think were the experiences of slaves? Provide 2 examples from the source to support your answer.

After reading/listening to the above song, what do you think were the experiences of indentured servants? Provide 2 examples from the source to support your answer.

Why do you think colonists in North America used different forms of forced labor? 

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