write a report about international business detailed requirements


  • Select any problem in your organization related to International Business. (5 Marks)
  • Introduction about topic or problem. (Minimum 2 pages) (4 marks)
    • Introduction about topic or problem should be in general.
    • You can refer to research paper, books and reports in order to write about selected problem.
  • Write down complete details of the problem (Minimum 3 pages). (5 marks)
  • Write down brief details about the company. (2 marks)
    • Nature of business
    • Number of employees
    • Location
    • Vision and mission
    • Management structure
    • Other related info.
  • Write down questions based on the case (minimum 3-4 questions). (4 marks)


Students are required to abide by the following format:

  1. Projects should not exceed 20 pages.
  1. Projects should be type using the A4 papers, 1 ½ spacing, Times New Roman font with 12-point scale.
  1. Apply the leadership and management change concepts in your assignment.
  1. References should be attached (Appendix) from referred journals or establish sources. References should use the APA format

Author, (year). Title of the Article. Name of Journal. Journal number: Issue number, page number.

  1. Make sure references cited in the report appear on the reference list.

Important Note:

Please note that, similarity rate shall not exceed 20%.

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