Annotated Bibliography Entry of non-academic sources.


Assignment: Annotated bib of non-academic sources

For this activity find two sources using the Ivy Tech LibraryLinks to an external site. article databases. Then, using APA , you will write a source citation and an evaluative annotation of the source.


An annotated bibliography should help you think about your research (and what you’ve started reading). It should be a collection of sources that you’ve found that you have evaluated as the best that you’ve found (meaning that you’ve looked at other things and they won’t be included because they weren’t as good). When you find your most helpful research, you should place it on an annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography should help you express: 1 the value of the research, 2 a summary of who wrote the article and what it says in relation to your topic 3 an evaluate the source quality (why is this source of high quality) and what are the most important things it says. Finally an annotated bib should communicate to someone else (in this case your teacher: 4 how does this source answer your research question, 5 how/why could you use this to write a synthesis (paper 2, where we look at the relationship of sources together and how they change meaning paper)?, 6how/why could you use this source to write an argument paper (where you persuade/convince someone)

Your chosen source should address your research topic and question.

For this assignment, you should include the following things:

an APA style source citation (correctly punctuated and formatted, including doubles-pacing and hanging indent)

An evaluative annotation of about 150-200 words, which includes

a brief summary (about 2-3 sentences)

an evaluation of the source assessing the author and/or publication’s credibility, bias, strengths and limitations, as well as how you might use this source in your argument essay.

An idea of how this source interacts with the other source included (what is it saying that is different, agrees, disagree, contradicts your other source? How do these two sources impact/change each other? (Helpful for your teacher to understand if you are in a good position to write paper 2)

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