Imagine You Have Just Received Your Certification And Are Taking On Your First Trainee Within

Imagine You Have Just Received Your Certification And Are Taking On Your First Trainee Within

Imagine you have just received your certification and are taking on your first trainee within your organization who is working towards certification. Based on the BACB® guidelines and the Ethics code, and this week's lecture, create a task analysis that you will follow to set up the supervisory relationship prior to your first supervision meeting with this trainee. What things must be in place before you begin? Are there any conditions under which will you not proceed with the supervisory relationship?

Remember to review the Reflection Paper rubric and instructions for reviewing a peer's submission in the Important Course Information module.

Additionally, please include LINKS or DOIs to any articles or books referenced outside of the assigned readings as part of your APA citation (as is required when using web-based referencesLinks to an external site.). Failing to do so will result in point deductions.


In A 750 Words  Explain      An Event Or Experience That Caused You

In A 750 Words  Explain      An Event Or Experience That Caused You


In a 750 words 

  • Explain      an event or experience that caused you to examine the values, norms, and      socially constructed rules of conduct that influence morality.
  • Explain      the impact that differing cultures, traditions, and personal experiences      have had in shaping your worldview. Include discussion of how you might      incorporate the tenets of the Christian worldview perspective on      human value, dignity, and ethical decision-making as a health care      professional.
  • Describe      how you distinguish between moral conflict and ethical dilemmas, and      include specific examples.
  • Describe      how you can assess spiritual needs and provide interventions for      individuals, families, and groups that have different beliefs than your      own.


    In Chapter 7, The Author Discussed Myths About Suicide Behavior Provided By The World Health

    In Chapter 7, The Author Discussed Myths About Suicide Behavior Provided By The World Health

     In chapter 7, the author discussed myths about suicide behavior provided by the World Health Organization. Did any of the myths surprise you? Which one(s) and why? 


    Hanley (2012) Discussed A Number Of Obstacles To Conducting Functional Analyses Of Problem Behaviors. Select

    Hanley (2012) Discussed A Number Of Obstacles To Conducting Functional Analyses Of Problem Behaviors. Select

    Hanley (2012) discussed a number of obstacles to conducting functional analyses of problem behaviors. Select 3 obstacles most relevant to you and discuss how to overcome them. This can either be based on experience or interest – but you must refer to the academic literature to support the discussion.

    The obstacles must come from the article attached. 

    Rubiric attached

    They check for AI and plagiarism


    Harvey Wilson Is A 55-Year-Old Patient With Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus (Dm). He Has Been

    Harvey Wilson Is A 55-Year-Old Patient With Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus (Dm). He Has Been

    Harvey Wilson is a 55-year-old patient with type II diabetes mellitus (DM). He has been taking medications for this issue since his late 40s along with statins for his cholesterol issues, Lisinopril for his hypertension, and steroid cream for his intermittent eczema on his arms and legs. Though he reports adherence to a “good” diet he has gained 30 pounds in the last 10 years with a body mass index (BMI) of 35. He knows that some of that is associated with his use of basal insulin and occasional rapid acting insulin at meal times when he remembers to take his premeal blood sugars. He still has normal renal function and has not been hospitalized for any wound or glucose control issues. He is on metformin at the maximum dose but does complain from time to time about some gastrointestinal (GI) issues with this medication. His HgA1C readings are always “on the high side.” His liver function tests, other complete metabolic panel (CMP) results, and complete blood count (CBC) are normal. He has a plan in his record to start adding additional medications if his previous goals of weight loss and HbA1C control are not met.

    1. Which families of antidiabetic medications might be considered for him as adjunctive medications?
    2. Mr. Wilson agrees that more medications are required. However, he refuses to take any more medications that require needles and he refuses an increase in frequent glucose checks. He hates needles. Which of the medications noted above are no longer a first choice for him?
    3. He has also heard that some of these newer diabetic medications cause cancer. Which group of the medications is linked to thyroid medullary cancer incidence?
    4.  Because Mr. Wilson has intermittent GI issues with his metformin, are any of the family groups originally considered of potential concern? Why?

    half of a page, only 3 references.

    references should

     Should be from peer reviewed publications.

    2. Should be provider oriented. not patient oriented info, example Cleveland clinic reference is patient oriented and for patient education, not for advanced learners.

    3. Should be US based.

    4. Should be from past 3 years, if the publication is classic 5 years is OK.

    5. Publications should be scholarly


      For This Assignment You Are To Complete An Occupational Interview On An Employee In A

      For This Assignment You Are To Complete An Occupational Interview On An Employee In A

       For this assignment you are to complete an occupational Interview on an employee in a chosen human service field. (ATTACHED IS A SAMPLE INTERVIEW, THAT CAN BE USED).  The attachment is examples of interview questions other students have used.  You should NOT use the same questions (I encourage you to develop your own interview questions). MINIMUM OF 4 PAGES. 


      Description Key Assignment Your Boss Has Asked You To Complete The Final Contract That Will

      Description Key Assignment Your Boss Has Asked You To Complete The Final Contract That Will


      Key Assignment

      Your boss has asked you to complete the final contract that will become the document guiding the companies in the fulfilling the requirements you have presented in the previous weeks. Revise the Phase 4 draft by addressing feedback suggestions from fellow students and your instructor. You are to provide a white paper that includes the following:

      1. An introduction discussing what topics will be discussed and an explanation of the purpose for administering a contract
      2. A statement of expectation, also considered the statement of work, defining the c services required
      3. A request for information using stakeholder requirements from previous phase
      4. An appropriate contract format (e.g., fixed price, cost plus expenses, and so on) and an explanation of why the selected contract type is appropriate for this effort
      5. The appropriate terms that you desire to incorporate from the Uniform Commercial Code (provide the UCC designation and the title, not the complete wording in the code)

      The legal terms and conditions should be detailed in the UCC section. The statement of expectation should include all rules the two companies (the contract provider and the buying company) must comply with for the contract to be considered fulfilled. Students will be expected to show they understand the specific rules each company must adhere to. See Phase 5 Key Assignment Final Draft instructions for white paper organization.


        Description Primary Discussion Response Is Due By Thursday (11:59:59Pm Central), Peer Responses Are Due By

        Description Primary Discussion Response Is Due By Thursday (11:59:59Pm Central), Peer Responses Are Due By


        Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central).

        Summative Discussion Board

        Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following:

        • What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?
        • How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
        • What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?
        • The main post should include at least 1 reference to research sources, and all sources should be cited using APA format.


          Data Is Widely Used By The Health Care Industry And The Community At Large To

          Data Is Widely Used By The Health Care Industry And The Community At Large To


          Data is widely used by the health care industry and the community at large to understand and anticipate trends in diseases and other health issues, treatments, and prevention. Therefore, it is imperative that the data provided to all parties is timely, accurate, and useful. 

          Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you explain advanced techniques in data analytics. You will reference your Wk 4 – Using Data to Address Quality Measures assignment to complete this presentation. 

          Include the following in your paper:

          • Explain the importance of data quality to the health care facility referenced in your Week 4 assignment.
          • Explain how sampling and probability affect quality data on public reported sites, such as Hospital Compare.
          • Explain the importance of data mapping and scrubbing to the health care facility reference in your Week 4 assignment.
          • Identify 2 possible errors in data that could cause issues for the health care facility in your Week 4 assignment
          • Describe how the health care facility can ensure their data is clean. 

          Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.

          Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


            Below Is A List Of Long-Term Projects By Several Prominent Photographers. Some Of The Projects

            Below Is A List Of Long-Term Projects By Several Prominent Photographers. Some Of The Projects


            Below is a list of long-term projects by several prominent photographers.
            Some of the projects listed below are completed; some are still ongoing.
            Elinor Carucci – Closer
            Myra Greene – My White Friends
            Abelardo Morell –Tent Camera
            Jason Lazarus – Too Hard To Keep
            Deana Lawson – Portraits
            Michael Wolf – Tokyo Compression
            Taryn Simon – The Innocents
            Alec Soth – Sleeping By The Mississippi
            Lisa Lindvay* – Hold Together
            Doug Rickard – A New American Picture
            Susan Meiselas – Carnival Strippers
            David Schalliol* – CHA’s Plan For
            LaToya Ruby Fraizer – The Notion of Family
            Cindy Sherman – Untitled Film Sills
            Please look up these projects and take some time to digest the work. After you’ve done that, pick two
            projects from the list that are very different from one another to write about.
            The first goal of this assignment is to expose you to work that you probably haven’t seen before. The next step is to get you to respond to and identify with some of the work listed below. I want you to be able to recognize different genres of photographic work as well as identify key differences and similarities between multiple bodies of photographic work. You will be writing about some work that is more straightforward and traditional and also work that is much more conceptual and experimental.

            This assignment will be no less than five pages, and no more than six pages long, not including the pages necessary for citations. This assignment counts toward the critical writing requirement set forth by the university for the Arts and Literature Domain credit.
            Please use MLA style formatting for this asssignment and make sure you cite any and all articles and books.
            In a long form assignment please compare and contrast two dynamically different long-term projects from the above list.
            While it is important and necessary to research and cite sources for this assignment, I will be looking for this assignment
            written in your own voice. Your insights, opinions, observations and criticisms are the most important
            element in the successful writing of this assignment.
            Your assignment should touch upon and include personal insight and information about the following:
            Provide a very brief summary of each project that you chose. Include insight into the background of the
            project and your personal understanding of it.

             Discuss why you chose the person that you did to write about and what personal (internal or external)
            interests drove that decision and attracted you to the work? What resonates the most with you about the
            i.e. Formal, conceptual, visual, social, political, artistic, etc. aspects that informed your choices.
            How is medium of photography used in each project? How why and do you feel it is used successfully? Is
            there a different approach that you would personally?
            i.e. Objective, Subjective, Documentation, Experimental, etc.
            What roles do the photographers play in their bodies of work and do they do it well?
            Please explain why and how.
            i.e. A distant observer, an active participant, an organizer/curator, the key subject, etc.
            Research and discuss the socio-economic conditions of the time, place and subjects of the photographs.
            How do you feel it comes into play in the overall impact of the work and how it is executed and presented?
            Discuss the major differences that you feel between the two bodies of work.
            i.e. narrative differences, genre differences, conceptual differences, formal differences, etc.
            What aspects of the bodies of work line up and compare the most. Where are you making the connections
            between the two and are you surprised that they line up that way?
            With a critical eye, of the two projects do you feel is stronger overall? What are the elements that come into
            play that inform this decision? At what point/s in the work do you want more? Are there moments in the work
            that you feel are overdone and far too literal? Do you feel the work is presented in the correct context, how
            and why? If the work is presented in the wrong context, please present some ideas on how that could be
            Use this criticism to round out your assignment and to draw a conclusion that supports your observations
            throughout the assignment