Pronunciation Practice If you work in the health professions field, you will likely have plenty

Pronunciation Practice If you work in the health professions field, you will likely have plenty

Pronunciation Practice If you work in the health professions field, you will likely have plenty of opportunities to hear and speak unfamiliar terms during work. If you do not, it is important to practice and learn in other ways. Lecture I demonstrated a simple google dictionary tool that speaks terms allowing you to listen, learn, and practice them.Use the tools available to share proper pronunciation of medical terms with peers.Include the following aspects in the discussion: Choose ten challenging words from the body systems this week (the terms should be long, complex, and contain a prefix, suffix, or both) Access the google speaking dictionary Practice as often as is necessary for you to become fluent in speaking the terms with correct pronunciation Record the terms using a voice recording tool of your choice (must be able to submit a link to your recording) Submit the terms written out and your recording link to the discussion board. Critique peer’s pronunciation. Would it provide safe communication?

Privacy and confidentiality are the key fundamental elements for building trust between a health care

Privacy and confidentiality are the key fundamental elements for building trust between a health care

Privacy and confidentiality are the key fundamental elements for building trust between a health care provider and the patient. When compromised or breached, the patient-provider relationship can suffer, making for potentially poor outcomes. In the Privacy and Confidentiality Report template, you will review a real-life scenario in which Ben Smithfield observes potential areas of concern where either privacy or security of protected health information (PHI), or both, may be breached. Managers are responsible for ensuring substantial compliance with not only the organization’s policies but also state and federal laws that outline the standards for privacy and security of a patient’s PHI to maintain trust and confidence and to avoid serious fines and penalties.t—WritingPromptsWorksheet.docx

Privileged communication is a legal concept that prohibits the disclosure of confidential communications, while referring

Privileged communication is a legal concept that prohibits the disclosure of confidential communications, while referring

Privileged communication is a legal concept that prohibits the disclosure of confidential communications, while referring to confidentiality as the ethical responsibility of professionals to safeguard clients from unauthorized disclosures. This is one example of an important distinction that spans the legalities and ethical nature of professional practice. An understanding of these distinctions is not only characteristic of a responsible professional, but is also vital to the provision of ethically and legally accountable services in clients’ best interests. Discuss the differences between confidentiality, privacy, and privileged communication, as well as the differences between the duty to warn and duty to protect. What would you think is the most important aspect of confidentiality as it relates to your profession? Present a scenario in which you discuss some of your ideas in simple and clear language, as though you were having an actual discussion with a colleague who was in training. Then, discuss situations in which it is legally required that you breach confidentiality. Your initial post should be at least 300 words in length.

Pretend to Interview a professional in a helping field Ask the professional about his or

Pretend to Interview a professional in a helping field Ask the professional about his or

Pretend to Interview a professional in a helping field. Ask the professional about his or her experiences with teamwork and collaboration (with clients, co-workers, and personnel in other agencies). Ask him or her to identify keys to having a good working relationship. Also ask about times when ending services with a client (because of discharge or referral) were especially hard and effective ways to cope with it. 200

Please submit your peer review here by March 12, 11:59pm. For your submission, please leave

Please submit your peer review here by March 12, 11:59pm. For your submission, please leave

Please submit your peer review here by March 12, 11:59pm. For your submission, please leave the filename as is and add ‘_reviewed’ at the end. The peer review will be anonymous. I will send you the Introduction one of your peers wrote. I have created a random list of writer-reviewer pairs. As a peer reviewer, you will assess the chapter you have received. You will use the the Introduction Rubric to provide thorough and constructive feedback for all criteria. You will receive a grade for the quality of your peer review using this peer review rubric. Constructive feedback can be positive and negative; you should strive for a balance between positive and negative comments. When you provide negative comments, be sure to offer suggestions for improvement tactfully using professional language. To provide feedback, you should use the comment function in Microsoft Word (or your word processing software of choice). If you have not used the comment function before and struggle with it, please contact me as soon as possible. Briefly, you can highlight a section of text in Word, right-click it, and select New Comment (Windows); on a Mac you can highlight a section of text and then select New Comment. This comment will most likely contain your name – I will anonymize the comments before sending the reviewed chapter back to the original author. Begin each comment with the rubric criterion it addresses in bold font (see picture below). You can include additional comments at the bottom of the document. Please make sure to provide thorough feedback on all criteria listed in the chapter rubric. This will allow your peer to successfully address any areas that are still developing in their submission. Your peer review will be graded based on the following (see linked rubric below): Addressing all criteria Providing thorough constructive feedback Showing evidence that you thoroughly read and reviewed the paper Providing both general and specific feedback After you have completed your review, please add ‘_reviewed’ to the end of the filename and submit it using the peer review assignment for each respective chapter. The full peer review instructions and rubric can be found hereE4AF2D3D-1D1E-44B2-909A-CFD3EE571FB3.png

PLEASE UPLOAD EACH TECHNIQUES SEPARATELY Techniques Summaries: Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Chapter 11 (ATTACHED)

PLEASE UPLOAD EACH TECHNIQUES SEPARATELY Techniques Summaries: Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Chapter 11 (ATTACHED)

PLEASE UPLOAD EACH TECHNIQUES SEPARATELY Techniques Summaries: Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Chapter 11 (ATTACHED) These assessments are designed to help you become an active learner through consistent immersion in the concepts taught in this course. I want you to write professionally in the 3rd person, such as ‘Reflective listening is a technique that involves’…. no use of 1st person.  I predict that you will learn about yourself as you learn the course content. Length: 3 pages double-spaced 12-point Times New Roman font). If you use references, use APA style.   Here is the format:  TECHNIQUES TEMPLATE TECHNIQUE OR INTERVENTION: THEORY OF WHY IT WORKS? BARRIERS TO SUCCESS (WHAT COULD PREVENT SUCCESS)? SPECIFIC MECHANISM (The HOW) OF CHANGE GOALS/OUTCOME OF THE TECHNIQUE GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF THE TECHNIQUE IN ACTIONChapter9WhyAssessment.pdfChapter10ChangeTechnique.pdfChapte12ActivatingClientExpectationsHopeandMotivation.pdf

Please use standard APA format for headings and citations to address

Please use standard APA format for headings and citations to address

Please use standard APA format for headings and citations to address the following writing prompt. Your response should be a minimum of two pages, but no more than five pages (unless you have instructor approval). The definition of a minority does not necessarily mean a person who belongs to a small group within a population. What are the five characteristics of a minority, according to sociologist Louis Wirth in 1945? Based on your readings and experience, pick a minority group and discuss them using the five characteristics of a minority according to Wirth? Do all five characteristics fit for that group? Why or why not? Find a current newspaper or magazine article regarding the group you chose (within the last five years). How does what you studied in this section relate to the current situation of the American minority group that you studied? Note: please include a link for the article you chose in APA format on a reference list at the end of your essay. Rubric



PLEASE READ BOOK BEYOND FEELINGS A GUIDE TO CRITICAL THINKING AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS.  CHP 3 PG 44 ?# 5.  The scene is a campus security office, where two students are being questioned. A few minutes earlier, they were engaged in a fistfight in the cafeteria. The campus police ask them again and again how the fight started. The stories are conflicting. Because each student seems genuinely convinced that the other one was the aggressor and there were no witnesses, the campus police have no hope of discovering the truth. But is there a truth to discover? Or are there two truths, one for each student’s story? What light does the chapter shed on these questions? CHP4 PG 56 ?#    3. In each of the following cases, someone believes he or she knows something. In light of what your learned in this chapter, discuss weather the person really does. a. Ted reads in the morning newspaper that a closed friend of his has been arrested and charged with burglarizing a number of stores. Ted is shocked Its impossible. The police have made a mistake, he tells his mother Bob and I have been as close as brothers. I just know he’s not guilty.  CHP 5 PG 69 ? #8    8. Read the following dialogue carefully. Then decide whether anything said violates the ideas in the chapter. Identify any erroneous notions, and explain in your own words how, they are in error. Fred: There was this discussion in class today that really bugged me. Art: Yeah? What was it about? Fred: Teenage sex. The question was whether having sex whenever we please with whomever we please is harmful to teenagers. Some people said yes. Others said it depends on the circumstances. Art: What did you say? Fred: I said it doesn’t do any harm to anybody, that parents use that story to scare us. Then the teacher asked me what evidence I had to back up my idea. Art: What did you tell him? Fred: I said I didn’t need any evidence because it’s my opinion. Sex is a personal matter, I said, and I’ve got a right to think anything I want about it. My opinions are as good as anybody else’s.

Please read the following study: Rehana Khalil Ali E Mansour Walaa A Fadda Khaled Almisnid

Please read the following study: Rehana Khalil Ali E Mansour Walaa A Fadda Khaled Almisnid

Please read the following study: Rehana Khalil, Ali E. Mansour, Walaa A. Fadda, Khaled Almisnid, Mohammed Aldamegh, Abdullah Al-Nafeesah, Azzam Alkhalifah, & Osama Al-Wutayd. (2020). The sudden transition to synchronized online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study exploring medical students’ perspectives. BMC Medical Education, 20(1), 110. Consider the challenges discussed in this qualitative study, propose any changes you would make in the study design or additional comments you would offer regarding your experiences during the pandemic while attending online courses and how it aligns with the study findings.    Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, use at least three peer reviewed articles and cite them to support your statements.thestudy.pdf

Please answer the following question and post your response Thank you The OIG Compliance Program

Please answer the following question and post your response Thank you The OIG Compliance Program

Please answer the following question and post your response Thank you! The OIG Compliance Program Guidance for DMEPOS entities lists 47 areas of special concern to the OIG. This is far more compliance risk areas than appear in the program guidances for any other type of health care entity. It is a reflection of the rather large number of fraud and abuse cases that have involved the DMEPOS industry for over 20 years.  Pick five of them and briefly describe the nature of the fraud involved.Chapter_24_-_HC_Compliance_II_-_KMK.pptx