Please answer the following question and post your response Thank you The OIG Compliance Program

Please answer the following question and post your response Thank you The OIG Compliance Program

Please answer the following question and post your response Thank you! The OIG Compliance Program Guidance for DMEPOS entities lists 47 areas of special concern to the OIG. This is far more compliance risk areas than appear in the program guidances for any other type of health care entity. It is a reflection of the rather large number of fraud and abuse cases that have involved the DMEPOS industry for over 20 years.  Pick five of them and briefly describe the nature of the fraud involved.Chapter_24_-_HC_Compliance_II_-_KMK.pptx

Part 1 Access the Konstanz Information Miner tool at the KNIME web

Part 1 Access the Konstanz Information Miner tool at the KNIME web

Part 1 Access the Konstanz Information Miner tool at the KNIME web site Review the information about the KNIME Analytics Platform. Explain the following: How could this platform be used to analyze health care data?   What benefits does this software have in comparison to commercial products that have similar functionality and use? Part 2 Access the journal article by Raghupathi, W., Raghupathi, V., (2014) Big data analytics in healthcare: promise and potential. Health Information Science and Systems 2(3), 1-10   Read the article and define the 4 Vs of big data analytics in health care and give an example of each.

Part 1: Using approximately 150-250 words and APA 7th Edition Citations and References as appropriate

Part 1: Using approximately 150-250 words and APA 7th Edition Citations and References as appropriate

Part 1: Using approximately 150-250 words and APA 7th Edition Citations and References as appropriate, what forms of violence do you think are most significant or prevalent in the United States today? Why?  Part 2: Using approximately 150-250 words and APA 7th Edition Citations and References as appropriate, why do you think that some individuals develop into violent or abusive adults and other individuals become pacifists or peaceful adults? What key factors influence offenders to be violent?  United States DEMOGRAPHIC

Overview:For your initial writing assignment, you will construct a paragraph about something meaningful in your

Overview:For your initial writing assignment, you will construct a paragraph about something meaningful in your

Overview:For your initial writing assignment, you will construct a paragraph about something meaningful in your life using the structure of the famous ‘Humans of New York’ blog posts. Please save your file in .doc or .docx format.*Students are encouraged to visit the following website before completing writing assignments. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL):*To view the grading rubric for this assignment, click on the name of the assignment and click ‘View Rubric’Instructions: Review the HONY Paragraph Assignment Sheet (attached above).  For your paragraph, you will answer ONE of the following prompts: Describe one of your best days. If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be? Who do you admire most? What gives your life meaning? What was one of your saddest moments? What is your greatest joy? What is your greatest regret? Your paper must adhere to the following guidelines: 200-250 words Double-spaced, Times New Roman/Calibri, 12-point font MLA format for heading 1-inch margins Include a photo – either a personal photo or insert a photo from creative commons. Use correct punctuation, grammar, and mechanics. Use complete sentences. ENG1100MOD1HONYSheetINFO.docx

Overview E-Commerce is the activity of buying or selling products through online services or over

Overview E-Commerce is the activity of buying or selling products through online services or over

Overview E-Commerce is the activity of buying or selling products through online services or over the Internet. The e-commerce market has changed the way business is transacted, whether in retail or business-to-business, locally or globally. The dataset of this project is from an online store, which includes product information and customer transaction records from 2016 to 2018. The ultimate goal of the company is to improve the sales. In this project, you’re supposed to find out the online shopping behaviors of the customers and make marketing suggestions for the store in order to increase the customers’ life-time value to the company. Dataset The dataset has 7 tables, which include customer transaction information for each order and the product information: onlineshop_customers.sql onlineshop_orders_items.sql: one order can contain more than one item. onlineshop_orders.sql: ˜fulfilled’ indicates the order was completed. onlineshop_products_sku.sql: ˜sku’ represent stock keeping unit, which is used to track inventory in the store. onlineshop_product.sql onlineshop_traffic.sql: page_views: each time a user visits a web page, it is called a page view; sessions: a session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame; avg_session_in_s: average seconds in one session. onlineshop_transactions.sql: status success indicates the transaction was completed. Assignment The objective of this E-Commerce project is to test your SQL skills as well as data analytics skills. Firstly, because the dataset is in .sql format, you will need to load the dataset into MySQL Workbench. Make sure to create a schema first, the sql files are for individual tables. Feel free to utilize visualizations and research material to support your responses to some of the tasks and questions. Also, remember to show your calculations. Describe the relationship between each table. Find the Product type, Product style and SKU number for each product. (You may join different tables together to get your proper result) What’s the total number of orders for each product type? What’s the most popular product type? What are the monthly total sales and monthly total orders? How about the total orders for each product over time? How about traffic over time e.g. page views, and sessions? Do you see any relationship between traffic and orders over time? Select and calculate important business metrics, e.g. churn rate, retention rate, conversion rate. Justify your selection and explain and interpret the result. The goal for almost all companies is to boost sales. With that in mind, based on the metrics that you calculated, what business suggestions are you able to provide in order to achieve the goal. Requirement: 4 pages minimum. The cover page and reference page/s are not included in the above-stated page requirement. Papers need to be formatted in proper APA 7th Edition style. A minimum of at least three outside peer-reviewed sources for your references.

One time I had to describe the impact of a song to my girlfriend who

One time I had to describe the impact of a song to my girlfriend who

One time I had to describe the impact of a song to my girlfriend who was not familiar with the genre. She is more of a rap and hip-hop listener. I was raised by my grandfather who listened to nothing but Led Zeppelin and other bands we now consider classic rock. Explaining the impact of the works I listen to is difficult because it is completely different than rap and hip hop. As i try to introduce her to this genre, I have to explain to her these songs are important to me because it reminds me of my childhood with my grandfather. As she is someone who is educated and the same age as me at 23, we can both respect different genres of music. Challanges arise when we are in the car together and I want classic rock radio and she wants new hip hop. It can be challenging.

Now that you have learned the basics of digital forensics analysis and methodology, and have

Now that you have learned the basics of digital forensics analysis and methodology, and have

Now that you have learned the basics of digital forensics analysis and methodology, and have experienced one of the common forensic tools, use the material presented in this project as well as research you have conducted outside of the course materials to write a research paper that addresses the following: digital forensics methodology the importance of using forensic tools to collect and analyze evidence (e.g., FTK Imager and EnCase) hashing in the context of digital forensics How do you ensure that the evidence collected has not been tampered with (i.e., after collection)? Why and how is this important to prove in court? The deliverables for this project are as follows: Digital Forensics Research Paper: This should be a five-page double-spaced Word document with citations in APA format. The page count does not include diagrams or tables.

Need someone to fill out the chart in the word document that is provided for

Need someone to fill out the chart in the word document that is provided for

Need someone to fill out the chart in the word document that is provided for marketing my Mental Health for College Students Program. Also attached is the PowerPoint for the chapter we are on and it provides examples.  Need it done by 11:59pm EST , if you cannot do it for in this time frame with the price given then please do not bid. I am not paying more than what I post as it is just a chart that you have to fill in the information that is missing. I have done half of the work.  Below are the assignment details in this message: In this assignment you will outline a marketing plan that includes the following elements: the four Ps (product, place, promotion, price) in table format; your recruitment plan of how you will reach your priority population; and the motivational factors of your priority population.MentalHealthforCollegeStudentsMarketingPlan.docxch_11_PPT_lecture.pptx

Now that you have defined your operational problem built your charter and outlined what data

Now that you have defined your operational problem built your charter and outlined what data

Now that you have defined your operational problem, built your charter, and outlined what data you will be collecting and measuring, it’s time to build your balanced score card.  This weeks assignment is to construct a  balanced scorecard for your operational problem.  Note:  This will be another section of your final paper. We visited these tools in Week 2 | Chapter 5, please refer back for more information to assist you.  Below is the link that will take you to the page in the module: The Balanced Scorecard Paper Requirements Actual balanced scorecard tool (Please see example below).   This must be built in Excel. KeyMetrics Build metrics being tracked – Building in mock numbers is required, lean on research to educate yourself on how these metrics impact organizations and where you would want your organization to fall in these areas to meet your goals. Label scorecard with red/yellow/green – as seen below.  Please review in Chapter 4 what these colors help indicate in a scorecard.   Metrics range that correlate to red/yellow/green Identify range, actual and target Definition page to explain the metrics and measurements References in APA formatting No minimum page requirement but must meet all requirements stated above Source:   Lowder. (2016, October 20). Healthcare Dashboards vs. Scorecards: Use Both to Improve Outcomes. Retrieved May 14, 2020, from

Module 1: Discussion 1 44 unread replies.44 replies. Please watch the following video and answer

Module 1: Discussion 1 44 unread replies.44 replies. Please watch the following video and answer

Module 1: Discussion 1 44 unread replies.44 replies. Please watch the following video and answer the question below.  How to live to be 100+ by Dan Buettner How to live to be 100+ – Dan BuettnerLinks to an external site. The lifespan of adults in the United States has increased substantially since the early 1900s. The average lifespan in 1900 was 48 years whereas the average lifespan in 2020 was 78.8 years. However, within the US, there are substantial differences in life expectancy based on demographic factors such as sex, race or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, location where one lives, etc. Moreover, the US currently ranks 28th out of 37 for life expectancy among similar economically developed countries. That is, we are in the bottom 10 for life expectancy when compared to other economically developed countries ( to an external site.). Based on the textbook readings, the information provided in the video above and external resources as appropriate, explain why (a) life expectancy has increased in the US and (b) why life expectancy in the US is lower compared to other countries. In your response, consider (1) what factors contribute to older adults living a long, healthy life, (2) what factors contribute to a shorter lifespan or life expectancy and and (3) factors or areas the US would need to improve upon to improve life expectancy and catch up to other countries.  You must post an initial reply post by ,3/15 Your initial reply post must meet the definition of substantive. Briefly, it must be 200- 250 words in length and clearly demonstrate synthesis and understanding of the course materials related to the question topic. It must be well-written with few grammatical or spelling errors. It must include at least 1 reference to either a peer-reviewed article or the textbook.