Write On Your Understanding Of Transformational And Authentic Leadership And The Differences Between The Two

Write On Your Understanding Of Transformational And Authentic Leadership And The Differences Between The Two

Write on your understanding of transformational and authentic leadership and the differences between the two theories. How have you seen these leadership theories playing out in practice? Cite examples of each from your own experience as a leader or a follower and support your ideas with properly cited references from scholarly sources 

300 words


    In Your School District, Who Are The Critical Stakeholders Who Should Be Involved In The

    In Your School District, Who Are The Critical Stakeholders Who Should Be Involved In The

    In your school district, who are the critical stakeholders who should be involved in the Planning Committee of a Strategic Plan? Why did you identify these individuals? 

    300 words


      I’M Currently Having Some Difficulties While Solving Some Of The Exercises Below. Hope You Can

      I’M Currently Having Some Difficulties While Solving Some Of The Exercises Below. Hope You Can

       I'm currently having some difficulties while solving some of the exercises below. Hope you can help me solve them  bubble shooter

      2. ____________ he ____________ meeting at this time tomorrow? (to have)

      3. ____________ you ____________, when I come? (to relax)

      4. ____________ Jacob ____________ home at this moment tomorrow? (to drive)

      5. What ____________ we ____________ at night? (to watch)

      6. Where ____________ the basketball fans ____________, when the match finishes? (to go)

      7. What ____________ your grandfather ____________ at this time tomorrow? (to plant)

      8. Where ____________ they ____________ at 10 o’clock tomorrow? (to relax)


        In 400 Words, Identify The Primary Characteristics Of The Charter Generation. Your Blog Should Fully

        In 400 Words, Identify The Primary Characteristics Of The Charter Generation. Your Blog Should Fully

         In 400 words, identify the primary characteristics of the “charter generation.” Your blog should fully address all aspects of the generation, including regional differences and use specific examples 


        Identify And Reflect On The Following Two Elements Of This Course That Are Useful In

        Identify And Reflect On The Following Two Elements Of This Course That Are Useful In

        Identify and reflect on the following two elements of this course that are useful in your professional development and ability to:

        • Formulate communication strategies to develop effective working relationships with professional colleagues, policy makers, and the community.
        • Integrate educational research, technology, and information sources into leadership practices to support successful educational organizations.

        3oo words


          What are these artists doing and do they fit or not fit with your understanding

          What are these artists doing and do they fit or not fit with your understanding

          What are these artists doing and do they fit, or not fit, with your understanding of what art is, or should be?  To what degree are they engaged in the ‘creative process’, at least how Duchamp characterizes it?   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS9ku07gFbA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObhNiJaoVow 1 pages

          Use Microsoft Word’s Readability statistics to find the Flesch-Kinkaid Grade Level of your Communication Assignment 

          Use Microsoft Word’s Readability statistics to find the Flesch-Kinkaid Grade Level of your Communication Assignment 

          Use Microsoft Word’s Readability statistics to find the Flesch-Kinkaid Grade Level of your Communication Assignment  8 OR 11. NOTE: Steps to run the test can be found here: http://www.wyliecomm.com/2016/04/flesch-kincaid-grade-level/ or this link might help dependent on your version: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/test-your-document-s-readability-85b4969e-e80a-4777-8dd3-f7fc3c8b3fd2 Submit: Submit a screen print your Writing Analysis results from above  Write a one-page paperrr identifying a new target goal for your writing (i.e. 5th grade level, 12th grade level, etc.).  Describe specific ideas on how to change your writing to connect to that level.   (NOTE: There are 2 submission for this assignment)D23CC289-04D0-4737-8BD6-7EB2DDF0F5A7.jpeg1491E975-FE43-4377-BF1B-6F91A0304EE7.pngA25302FD-18D8-442E-8348-03CA0A8AE0C1.png

          Tour a neighborhood and view Streng or other MCM houses Take photographs of three 3

          Tour a neighborhood and view Streng or other MCM houses Take photographs of three 3

          Tour a neighborhood and view Streng or other MCM houses. Take photographs of three (3) different homes. Identify with label and descriptions. Point out MCM features and details. Include 3-4 paragraphs on the builder(s). American River Drive, ArdenOaks, Land Park, River Park, Fab 40’s, Elk Grove, Davis – do a google search for possibilities near you. Visit an area MCM furnishings store and take photographs of three different MCM furniture pieces. There are several MCM resale stores as well as retail stores selling new furnishings in the MCM. West Elm, Scandinavian Designs, Urban 57 are possibilities. Also include three (3) photographs of MCM lighting fixtures. Identify with label and descriptions. If the pieces are ‘knock-offs’ identify which piece/designer it copied. A knock-off is a lesser quality and usually a tad different reproduction of a designer piece. 025854C3-DF44-459A-93E5-29603380E34F.jpeg16887A32-EA75-404E-A4E6-6E4E1B8461E5.jpeg60E4E580-766C-4974-BF07-05D208A74D65.jpeg177684FF-6C63-4411-8FC4-8B93912111F7.jpegFB6C8ACD-7B30-4CA8-B10F-0D1841F31610.jpeg4C326756-1A1F-40A9-8049-1987CCAE3B9C.jpeg70846EA2-9726-407E-8BF4-C81C67EB5E4C.jpeg35FCC00F-154B-439C-9429-03C6F7792EFD.jpeg0C39EA88-C78E-491B-9BA1-315645989825.jpeg

          This assignment is intended to help you use leadership skills to gather project members from

          This assignment is intended to help you use leadership skills to gather project members from

          This assignment is intended to help you use leadership skills to gather project members from cross-functional departments and skill sets and lead them in the fulfillment and implementation of a mock project. Discover the various responsibilities of a project manager by organizing a project. See Chapter 19, sections 19.9 and Cases.  Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling. The project will be a continuation of how to improve the process you chose in Weeks 1 and 2. Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation (supported by Excel and Word as needed), with detailed speaker notes, that includes the following: Project description Project Management Charts (Critical Path, Gant Chart, etc.) Improved Process Flowchart from Week 1 Meeting cadence/rhythm and timing Metrics to measure the project’s success Financial and budgetary considerations Description of the project reporting structure

          Students are to read Chapter 3 ‘Just Words Language’ from Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes

          Students are to read Chapter 3 ‘Just Words Language’ from Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes

          Students are to read Chapter 3 ‘Just Words? Language’ from Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes by E. Randolph Richards by Graeme Goldsworthy answering the following questions: What did you learn about from the reading? Do you agree or disagree with the author, explain why? What stood out to you most, and why? What was the main idea from the chapter! Please remember to show evidence that you did in fact read the chapter! Students are to read Chapter 4 ‘Captain of My Soul: Individualism and Collectivism’ from Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes by E. Randolph Richards by Graeme Goldsworthy answering the following questions: What did you learn about from the reading? Do you agree or disagree with the author, explain why? What stood out to you most, and why? What was the main idea from the chapter! Please remember to show evidence that you did in fact read the chapter!MisreadingScriptureWithWesternEyesRemovingCul-.pdf