Assignment: Visit your local lighting store An independent retailer such as Lofing’s Holbrecht Lighting Ferguson

Assignment: Visit your local lighting store An independent retailer such as Lofing’s Holbrecht Lighting Ferguson

Assignment: Visit your local lighting store. An independent retailer such as Lofing’s, Holbrecht Lighting, Ferguson and Lamp’s Plus are a few in Sacramento. Please DO NOT go to Home Depot/Lowe’s big box stores. Write a summary 2 page summary of your visit and photo preserve your lighting choices.  Document what business you visited, the location and time of day you went in.  Walk the showroom floor (looking up-lol) and observe the various types of lighting offered.  You are there to source and see lighting you have specified in 4 of the spaces from last weeks floor plan. Speak with the salesperson for details of your selection.  Does the luminaire selected have the light output required for the area being lighted? What type of lamp (bulb) is required for use? compact fl. incandescent, LED, halogen, etc  Are the luminaires energy efficient? Are you able to use dimmers with your selections? If so, what type?  What are the newest products on the market?  Do they offer a lighting designer to assist planning? Take photos of each light source for each room.  Price all lighting selected pieces. How helpful were the sales associates? How knowledgeable were they? Do they have a certified lighting designer on staff? Do the offer commercial grade lighting?

As you’ve probably noticed by now, production and post-production work is more than just screaming

As you’ve probably noticed by now, production and post-production work is more than just screaming

As you’ve probably noticed by now, production and post-production work is more than just screaming ‘Action!’ and turning a camera on. It’s a lot of paperwork. But all the paperwork is a necessary evil. In this short written project, you will write down the major changes you plan on making to your visual cut. Obviously, this will require you to watch your rough cut – over, and over, and over again. Then watch it again. Editing’s fun, right? All we’re interested in here are the MAJOR changes related to the visual and/or spoken audio portion. You’ll obviously add music, color correction, special effects, etc. Those we’ll get into next week. Here, we want to know how you plan on tightening up the story and flow of the piece, so that the audience can understand it better.