Understanding Colon Cancer: Prevention and Treatment(BIOL1119 Project)



Please read the instructions thoroughly in order to achieve top marks!


  1. Complete the Project Worksheet


  1. Create a fact sheet or infographic
    • Include as much information from your worksheet as possible
    • Get creative! Use colour!
    • See pages 3 and 4 for examples


  1. Submit your worksheet (step 1) and fact sheet/infographic (step 2) on Brightspace by Friday, April 12 at 11:59pm.



*Plagiarism: The use of someone else’s work and presenting it as one’s own without properly documenting the source. This includes but is not limited to words, images, ideas, phrases, signatures and/or computations.

Please see Niagara College’s Academic Honesty Policy for more information.




Follow this example to learn to write bullet points that summarize information in our own words.


  1. Read the information from your resource and make sure you understand it.

  2. Decide which words/phrases contain the most important information and highlight these words/phrases.

(Mayo Clinic Staff, 2022): “Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the large intestine (colon). The colon is the final part of the digestive tract.

Colon cancer typically affects older adults, though it can happen at any age. It usually begins as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called polyps that form on the inside of the colon. Over time some of these polyps can become colon cancers.

Polyps may be small and produce few, if any, symptoms. For this reason, doctors recommend regular screening tests to help prevent colon cancer by identifying and removing polyps before they turn into cancer.

If colon cancer develops, many treatments are available to help control it, including surgery, radiation therapy and drug treatments, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

Colon cancer is sometimes called colorectal cancer, which is a term that combines colon cancer and rectal cancer, which begins in the rectum.”

  1. List the highlighted words/phrases using your own wording and expressions wherever possible.

Point form notes:

Colon cancer, colorectal cancer

  • Starts in large intestine
  • Anyone can get it but mostly elderly
  • Begins as benign polyp but may develop into malignant growth
  • Screening tests help prevent
  • Treatment for colon CA: surgery, radiation, chemo, targeted therapy, immunotherapy


  1. What are the key factors contributing to the development of colon cancer?
  2. How often should individuals undergo screening tests for colon cancer?
  3. What are the implications of benign polyps in relation to colon cancer?
  4. What treatment options are available for individuals diagnosed with colon cancer?
  5. How can individuals adopt preventive measures to reduce their risk of colon cancer?

Cognitive Disability Awareness

Understanding Cognitive Disability: A Journey of Awareness


In the tapestry of humanity, diversity is the thread that weaves us together, and cognitive disability is an integral part of this beautiful mosaic. However, amidst the intricacies of our society, there exists a need for greater awareness and understanding of cognitive disabilities. This essay embarks on a journey to explore the nuances of cognitive disability awareness, shedding light on its significance, challenges, and the transformative power it holds.

Embracing Diversity: The Heart of Awareness

At the core of cognitive disability awareness lies a celebration of diversity. Just as a garden flourishes with an array of flowers, our society thrives when it embraces the unique abilities and perspectives of individuals with cognitive disabilities. Recognizing this diversity not only enriches our communities but also fosters a culture of empathy and inclusion.

Challenges and Stigmas: Breaking Down Barriers

Yet, amidst the tapestry of diversity, barriers and stigmas often cast shadows upon those with cognitive disabilities. Misconceptions and ignorance can create formidable obstacles, hindering the full integration of individuals with cognitive disabilities into society. Breaking down these barriers requires not only education but also a fundamental shift in societal attitudes and perceptions.

Empathy and Understanding: Bridging the Divide

Empathy serves as a bridge that connects us to the lived experiences of individuals with cognitive disabilities. It is through understanding and compassion that we can dismantle the walls of misunderstanding and build a more inclusive world. By walking in the shoes of others, we cultivate a deeper appreciation for the challenges they face and the strengths they possess.

The Power of Advocacy: Voices for Change

Advocacy serves as a catalyst for change, amplifying the voices of those whose narratives have often been marginalized. Through advocacy efforts, individuals with cognitive disabilities and their allies shine a light on the importance of accessibility, accommodation, and equal opportunities. It is through collective action that we can pave the way for a more equitable society.

Inclusion in Action: Creating Welcoming Spaces

Inclusion is not merely a concept but a lived reality that manifests in the spaces we inhabit. From classrooms to workplaces, and beyond, creating inclusive environments requires proactive measures that prioritize accessibility and accommodation. By embracing universal design principles and fostering a culture of belonging, we lay the foundation for a society where everyone can thrive.

Celebrating Strengths: A Tapestry of Talents

Within every individual lies a tapestry of talents waiting to be celebrated. Cognitive disabilities do not define a person’s worth or potential; rather, they are but one facet of a multifaceted identity. By shifting the narrative from deficits to strengths, we honor the unique contributions that individuals with cognitive disabilities bring to our communities.


In conclusion, cognitive disability awareness is a journey of empathy, advocacy, and inclusion. It calls upon us to recognize the beauty of diversity, break down barriers, and celebrate the strengths of every individual. As we navigate this journey together, let us strive to create a world where everyone, regardless of cognitive ability, is valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Reference: Shogren, K. A., Wehmeyer, M. L., & Singh, V. (2017). Handbook of Parenting and Parent Education with Diverse Populations, Second Edition.

Respond To Two Colleagues In One Or More Of The Following Ways:

Respond To Two Colleagues In One Or More Of The Following Ways:


Respond to two colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

  • Critique your colleague's suggestion about how to apply a systems perspective to Lester’s case.
  • Identify one way that a concept in your colleague's post might contribute to advocacy and social change.
  • Discuss how you might apply the empowerment and strengths approach to one of the concepts your colleague has presented.

Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.


In Lester's case, various systems within the social environment interact to impact his life across the lifespan. His family, healthcare professionals, and legal and financial institutions constitute these systems. Lester's family plays a crucial role in decision-making and emotional support, while the healthcare system addresses his physical and mental health needs. Legal and financial institutions become significant due to his need for legal assistance and financial support. These systems collectively influence his recovery, emotional well-being, and prospects for community reintegration.

As a social worker working with Lester, applying a systems perspective involves understanding and navigating these interconnected systems. Collaborating with the family to address their concerns, coordinating with healthcare professionals, and facilitating legal and financial support are essential components of this approach (Zastrow et al, 2019). Recognizing Lester within the context of these systems allows for a comprehensive intervention strategy, addressing not only his immediate health issues but also the broader factors affecting his overall well-being.

In a broader social work context, a systems perspective entails acknowledging individuals as integral parts of larger systems. Social workers aim to understand the "dynamic interactions between individuals, families, communities, institutions, and societal structures" (Zastrow et el, 2019). By recognizing these complex relationships, social workers can develop interventions and advocate for policies that address both immediate needs and systemic factors contributing to challenges. This systemic perspective enhances the profession's capacity to create impactful and sustainable change across various levels of the social environment.


In Lester’s case, multiple systems within his social environment interact to impact his life across the life span, including family, healthcare, rehabilitation facility, legal systems, and broader community resources. Lester’s family, including his children, brother, sister-in-law, and potentially extended family members, play an important role in his life. His children hold power of attorney but haven’t been actively involved in his care, while his brother is his shared decision-making proxy. His sister-in-law has taken on a significant caregiving role, visiting him daily and managing his household affairs. However, there are tensions within the family, as his brother is eager to take him out of the rehabilitation center, while his sister-in-law may have a different perspective on his care needs. Regarding Lester’s interaction with the healthcare system, this began with his admission to the hospital after the accident and continued with his transfer to the rehabilitation facility. Healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and social workers, provide him with support and services, including psychosocial support. The decisions made by healthcare providers, such as the duration of his rehabilitation stay, impact his recovery trajectory and future quality of life (Zastrow et al., 2019). To expand on the legal systems, Lester will require legal assistance to navigate various aspects of his situation, including accessing his pension and benefits, applying for long-term disability, and potentially making decisions about guardianship or conservatorship. Legal processes and regulations will shape his access to resources and services. Lester will also need access to community-based services for ongoing occupational therapy, physical therapy, and long-term care support. These resources may look like home health agencies, senior centers, transportation services, and support groups. The availability and accessibility of these resources vary based on factors like location, funding, and eligibility criteria (Zastrow et al., 2019). 

As a social worker, applying a systems perspective to my work with Lester involves understanding and addressing the interactions between these systems to support his well-being and recovery. This approach includes a comprehensive assessment of Lester’s strengths, needs, and resources across various systems to develop an individualized care plan, which requires collaborating with healthcare professionals and family members to gather information and gain multiple perspectives (Zastrow et al., 2019). Additionally, I would advocate for Lester’s rights and preferences within these systems, like ensuring informed decision-making. Identifying systemic barriers or gaps in services that impact Lester and advocating for policy changes or resource allocation to address these issues is another component of applying a systems perspective in this case (Wickrama, O’Neal, & Lee, 2020). 

Generally, utilizing a systems perspective involves recognizing that individuals are embedded with interconnected systems, in the form of relationships, services, and interactions, that influence their experiences and outcomes. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding the complexity of clients’ lives and addressing systemic factors that contribute to social problems and inequalities (Zastrow et al., 2019). By considering the interactions between individuals, families, communities, institutions, and larger societal structures, social workers can develop more effective interventions and promote systemic change to support individual and collective well-being. 


    Scenario Due To The Increasing Patient Demand For Emergency Medical Care In Your Community, You

    Scenario Due To The Increasing Patient Demand For Emergency Medical Care In Your Community, You



    Due to the increasing patient demand for emergency medical care in your community, you are considering the possibility of opening a new urgent care center. In order to secure funding for your project, you will need to present some key information to your lenders. You have been specifically asked to analyze market structure, monopolies, and monopsonies. You have also been asked to provide information on the demand for health insurance and the supply of health insurance along with factors that influence the healthcare labor market.


    Develop a PowerPoint Presentation with a minimum of 12 slides, including the title and sources slides that contain the following information. Note that PowerPoint slides must include detailed speaker notes.

    1. Create an overview of the healthcare market structure that includes at least three current key players in your area (Examples: Other hospitals, urgent care centers, physician offices).
    2. Analyze in detail, monopolies and monopsonies in the selected market area.
    3. Assess the demand for health insurance and supply of health insurance from the public and private sector healthcare markets.
    4. Create an overview of healthcare labor supply and factors that influence labor demand for healthcare workers.

    Use at least three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

    Presentation Requirements

    Your submitted presentation should follow these formatting requirements:

    • Include a cover slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover slide is included in the required number of slides.
    • Sources slide(s) at the end of the presentation with five quality sources cited using the Strayer Writing Standards format.
    • Speaker notes should be detailed and submitted with slides.
    • Use clear bullet points with a summary when needed. Presentation slides should be clear and concise about health services strategic marketing using proper writing mechanics.
    • Use pictures, diagrams, and graphs where applicable to make your slides more appealing.

    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Analyze market structure and competition in healthcare.


      Overview For This Assignment, You Will Be Provided With A Spreadsheet Containing Projected Numbers For

      Overview For This Assignment, You Will Be Provided With A Spreadsheet Containing Projected Numbers For



      For this assignment, you will be provided with a spreadsheet containing projected numbers for two different patient services programs. You will need to download the Program Projections [XLSX] Download Program Projections [XLSX]spreadsheet and use it to conduct your analysis.


      You are a member of the financial services department at Benson Regional Medical Center. The chief financial officer and chair of the capital budgeting committee, Dana Foster, has requested that you perform some capital analysis of two proposed patient service programs.

      You have been provided with a spreadsheet that covers much of the projected financials for each of the proposed programs. Your task is to perform an analysis of that information and provide your recommendation to the capital budgeting committee as to which program they should pursue.

      You have been asked to create a presentation to present your findings to the capital budgeting committee.

      Using the provided spreadsheet, complete a capital budgeting analysis on the information provided in the spreadsheet. Specifically, you will need to identify a net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and a discounted payback period for proposed Program #1 and Program #2. You will present your finding in a presentation.

      • Design a PowerPoint presentation for the capital budgeting committee that includes all of the following:
        • Create a brief 1-2 slide description of the proposed programs.
        • Develop a comparison between the cash flow projects of each program from Year 0 to Year 5. Highlight the differences.
        • Compare the results and interpretation of the discounted payback period between both programs.
        • Compare the net present value (NPV) for each program.
        • Compare the Internal rate of return (IRR) for each program.
        • Develop a recommendation for which program the capital budgeting committee should take into consideration. Include supporting rationale.

      Formatting Requirements

      The presentation should be 8-10 slides in length and include speaker notes with each slide.


      The Payback Period in Microsoft ExcelLinks to an external site. video walks you through computing a payback period in Microsoft Excel for a proposed capital investment.

      The Solution 6: Choose a Project Based on NPV, IRR, and Payback PeriodLinks to an external site. video walks you through choosing a project based on NPV, IRR, and payback period.

      The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

      • Analyze a capital budget for a program within a healthcare organization.


        Louis Pasteur Said, The Role Of The Infinitely Small In Nature Is Infinitely Large. Explain

        Louis Pasteur Said, The Role Of The Infinitely Small In Nature Is Infinitely Large. Explain

        Louis Pasteur said, “The role of the infinitely small in nature is infinitely large.” Explain what he meant, using examples of the roles of microorganisms in health, industry, and the environment.


          Most Educational Organizations Have Been Faced With Budget Cuts Over The Last Several Years. When

          Most Educational Organizations Have Been Faced With Budget Cuts Over The Last Several Years. When

          Most educational organizations have been faced with budget cuts over the last several years. When department leaders are forced to make budget cuts, they either target specific budget areas to reduce or eliminate, or they make across-the-board, even reductions. Discuss the approach you believe is favorable, and why. 

          300 words



            In 450 500 Words, Address The Following: Learning From Experiences Revisit The

            In 450 500 Words, Address The Following: Learning From Experiences Revisit The

            In 450–500 words, address the following:

            Learning From Experiences

            • Revisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.
            • Reflect on the 3 most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each? 
            • What did you learn from this experience? 
            • What resources were available?
            • What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?
            • What would you do differently? 
            • How are you managing patient flow and volume?  How can you apply your growing skillset to be a social change agent within your community?

            Communicating and Feedback

            • Reflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge and how to communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.
            • Answer these questions: How am I doing? What is missing? 
            • Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor. 


            How Do Ethical Leadership Practices And Mindfulness Intersect? How Do Ethical Leaders Incorporate Mindfulness Into

            How Do Ethical Leadership Practices And Mindfulness Intersect? How Do Ethical Leaders Incorporate Mindfulness Into

            How do ethical leadership practices and mindfulness intersect? How do ethical leaders incorporate mindfulness into their leadership? Support your ideas with properly cited references from scholarly sources,

            300 words


              Examine Information Technology Implementation By Analyzing A Case On Using Integrated Systems That Collect, Track,

              Examine Information Technology Implementation By Analyzing A Case On Using Integrated Systems That Collect, Track,


              • Examine Information Technology Implementation by analyzing a case on using integrated systems that collect, track, and share information across local- and wide-area network tools to clinical and administrative audiences.
              • Evaluate the role of health care professionals in HIT acquisition and implementation through application of financial management.