Apple issued a news release about Apple iphone SE Please read it and evaluate this

Apple issued a news release about Apple iphone SE Please read it and evaluate this

Apple issued a news release about Apple iphone SE. Please read it and evaluate this press release in terms of its 1) news value,  2) content ( read the 4 fundamentals of writing of page 319; use  numbers 3 & 4 to make your  critique)   3) essentials ( inverted pyramid model).  Please read the textbook pp. 319-322 to understand what criteria you should use to evaluate, and incorporate these rules in your answer. Apple – Press Info – Apple Introduces iPhone SE ” The Most Powerful Phone with a Four-inch DisplayIMG_4036.jpegIMG_4035.jpegIMG_4037.jpegIMG_4038.jpeg

All written assignments must be formatted in APA using a cover letter page numbers abstract

All written assignments must be formatted in APA using a cover letter page numbers abstract

All written assignments must be formatted in APA using a cover letter, page numbers, abstract, running head, and reference page. You are required to complete this assignment in 2-3 pages. (a minimum of 750 words) However, sources must be cited in text per APA guidelines weekTWOcasestudyinstructions.docxWhatMakesItSoGreat_AnAnalysisofHumanResourcesPracticesARTICLE.pdf

All written assignments must be formatted in APA using a cover letter page numbers running

All written assignments must be formatted in APA using a cover letter page numbers running

All written assignments must be formatted in APA using a cover letter, page numbers, running head, and reference page. Students are required to complete this assignment in 5-8 pages paper that illustrates: A proposal toward a new strategic direction, with a strong focus on employee growth.  Design a proposal in 1250-1400 words, 5-8 double spaced pages with attention to APA. Please use the attached Research Paper Template. Do NOT forget to add your ABSTRACT.  HCA628-SignatureAssignment-2.docxResearchPaperTemplate1.doc