Discuss An Example Of When A Decision Was Made To Pass On Educational Costs To

Discuss An Example Of When A Decision Was Made To Pass On Educational Costs To

Discuss an example of when a decision was made to pass on educational costs to either students or parents. What was the impact of this decision? Would you have made the same choice given similar circumstances? Why or why not? 

300 words



    Discuss How Individuals In Your Organization Are Involved In The Budget Process. What Has Been

    Discuss How Individuals In Your Organization Are Involved In The Budget Process. What Has Been

    Discuss how individuals in your organization are involved in the budget process. What has been your involvement, and what opportunities have you had for input into your organization’s budget? 

    300 words


      Develop The Managerial Process Steps With 2-3 Main Action Item Points Intended To Define The

      Develop The Managerial Process Steps With 2-3 Main Action Item Points Intended To Define The

       Develop the managerial process steps with 2-3 main action item points intended to define the specific requirements for the necessary HMIS or HIS acquisition 


        Construct One Possible Common Financial Goal For Their Service Proposition To Your Service Proposition. Describe

        Construct One Possible Common Financial Goal For Their Service Proposition To Your Service Proposition. Describe

         Construct one possible common financial goal for their service proposition to your service proposition. Describe how this financial goal could align with your ecosystem design, include one possible revenue opportunity, financial risk, or financial benefit


          Assess Logistical Operations Processes (Physical Plant, Supply, Services, Transportation) Directed To Assure Quality And Continuity

          Assess Logistical Operations Processes (Physical Plant, Supply, Services, Transportation) Directed To Assure Quality And Continuity


          • Assess logistical operations processes (physical plant, supply, services, transportation) directed to assure quality and continuity of care.
          • Apply sound project management principles to support the design of organizational processes.


            Assignment Overview You Have Selected Your Focal Species In Urban Wildlife Species Selection Discussion. In

            Assignment Overview You Have Selected Your Focal Species In Urban Wildlife Species Selection Discussion. In

            Assignment Overview

            You have selected your focal species in Urban Wildlife Species Selection discussion. In order to predict how urbanization will affect your species, you need to know something about the ecology and conservation status of your species. Time to do some background research!To answer the following questions, you will need to search for credible sources of information, using Google Scholar, , or other online resources such as iNaturalist or the Encyclopedia of Life. (You can find information in other ways, but these are helpful places to get started!) Make sure that you cite all sources of information in the text of your responses and include the full citations in a literature cited section. Assignment Requirements 

            1. Title your submission with the common and scientific name of your species. 
            2. Species ecology For each response, you should have an in-text citation (author, year) for the source of the information. 
              • What habitat types is this species found in? Describe the key features of these habitats
              • Consider common abiotic factors, such as temperature, shade, urbanization, and/or water availability. How do these abiotic factors influence the survival and reproduction of this species? 
              • What is its role in the ecosystem? What does it feed on? Does it require trees or shrubs? Does it compete with other species? Does it have predators? 
            3. Species range and status For each response, you should have an in-text citation (author, year) for the source of the information. 
              • What is the global distribution (species range) of your species? Is it observed worldwide or only found on certain continents? 
              • What is the native range of this species? Is it native or introduced to southern California?
              • What is the conservation status of this species? 
                • If it is native to Southern California, is it a species of conservation concern? Why or why not? 
                • If it is introduced, how/why was it introduced and what makes the species successful outside of its native habitat? 
            4. Phenology (timing of important events in the life cycle) for your species For each response, you should have an in-text citation (author, year) for the source of the information. 
              • What time of year does it reproduce? 
              • Does it live in California all year? Or is it migratory?
              • Does it have times of the year it is more activity?
              • What time of the day is the species typically active? 
              • Does it undergo a seasonal hibernation or daily torpor?
            5. Species Adaptations For each response, you should have an in-text citation (author, year) for the source of the information. 
              • What behavioral, physical, or physiological characteristics does the species have that make it well-adapted for its environment?
              • Does this species adapt well to urbanization? What behavioral, physical, or physiological characteristics allow it to adapt well (or make it difficult to adapt)?
            6. Hypotheses – Based on your background research state your hypothesis for the following:
              • When do you think your species will be most likely to be found in the camera trap data? (dawn, day, dusk, night, or deep night)
              • What other variable do you think might influence when your species is sighted on the camera traps? (temperature, nearby buildings, streets, water sources, % of tree canopy cover, shrub cover)
              • Explain your reasoning behind each of your hypotheses and use at least 1 source or each (it can be the same source).
            7. Literature cited, using full citations as shown on the How To PageEach in-text citation from your responses to the questions above should be included in the list of literature cited and each item in the list of literature cited should have an in-text citation. 


            Now that you've completed the research on your species, submit your responses to each of the questions above in a file (Word doc or pdf). Before submitting, make sure that you have included all of the required sections:

            1. Title with the common name and scientific name of your species
            2. Species ecology
            3. Species range and status 
            4. Species phenology
            5. Species adaptations
            6. Hypothesis 
            7. Literature cited

            I Picked Taxonomic Group: Mammalia (Mammals)Common Name: Delmarva Peninsula Fox SquirrelScientific Name: Sciurus niger cinereusDelmarva Fox Squirrel by Larry Meade, Public Domain (U.S fish and wildlife services)

            1. https://www.fws.gov/species/delmarva-peninsula-fox-squirrel-sciurus-niger-cinereusLinks to an external site.
            2. The Delmarva Fox Squirrel is considered an introduced species in Los Angeles County. Originally native to the eastern United States, it has been introduced to various parts of California, including Los Angeles County, where it has adapted well to urban and suburban environments.


              Analyze The Specifics Of The Us Healthcare System In Terms Of Populations Served, Policy Applied

              Analyze The Specifics Of The Us Healthcare System In Terms Of Populations Served, Policy Applied


              • Analyze the specifics of the US healthcare system in terms of populations served, policy applied and funding available.
              • Analyze the organizational resilience to ensure the continuity of operations. 


                Affecting Change (40 Points) The Traditional Model Of Child Protective Services System Based On A

                Affecting Change (40 Points) The Traditional Model Of Child Protective Services System Based On A


                Affecting Change (40 points)

                The traditional model of child protective services system based on a welfare worker responding to anallegation of abuse is not adequately safeguarding our children. As a member of your local community concerned about the welfare of the children in your community, I need a ten page paper including at least 10 references from peer-reviewed journals or other scholarly works, detailing the current status of child protective services and how these services could be improved through establishment of community partnerships.

                Rubric for Assignment 3:

                Assignment is well-organized and adheres to APA style /10

                Detailed explanation of the current status of child protective services /10

                Discussion of how current services could be improved through community



                Use of peer-reviewed journal articles and other references /10

                TOTAL 40


                  A. Introduction 1. Offers A Detailed Description For The Purpose Of The Paper.  2. Summarizes

                  A. Introduction 1. Offers A Detailed Description For The Purpose Of The Paper.  2. Summarizes


                                                A. Introduction

                  1. Offers a detailed description for the purpose of the paper. 

                  2. Summarizes the 4 client need categories and sub-categories. ( Safe and effective care environment , health promotion and maintenance , Psychosocial integrity , Physiological integrity )

                  3. Describes why using the NCLEX-RN® test plan to guide practice readiness is important. 

                  4. Explains why clinical self-assessment is important. 

                  5. Describes how the activity statements help prepare you for practice. 

                                  B. Clinical Experience Reflection and Plan 

                  1. Describes a unique clinical experience that you have encountered in the clinical setting. 

                  2. Identifies 2 client need categories and 2 activity statements for each category that you had the opportunity to practice in the described experience. 

                  3. Identifies the 2 client need categories and 2 activity statements for each category that you need more practice with in your future clinical experiences. 

                  4. Provides a rationale for why these categories and activity statements were selected for seeking out new opportunities for practice.

                  5. Discusses 3 strategies you will use in your future clinical experiences to seek out practice opportunities. 

                  C. Conclusion 

                  1. Restates the purpose of the paper. 

                  2. Summarizes the main points of the paper. 

                  3. Offers final impression of why the NCLEX- RN® test plan is important. 


                  You will submit a paper on ‘How has my classes in Biology influenced my understanding

                  You will submit a paper on ‘How has my classes in Biology influenced my understanding

                  You will submit a paper on ‘How has my classes in Biology influenced my understanding and ability to deal with the present pandemic’.    * The assignment is due April. 8, 2022.  You can submit the paper earlier.    *  The paper must be typed (800 words).    *  You must upload the paper to the Canvas page.    *  Assignment is worth 50 pts. Some Rubric CriteriaRatingsPts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeASLT.BIOL1033.PO1.LO1PODevelop competencies in the key concepts in biological science disciplines. LODemonstrate knowledge of general biology concepts in the areas of cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, and evolution. Mastery of 3 indicates 70% or higher. threshold: 3.0 pts 5 ptsExceeds Expectations OutcomeASLT.BIOL1033.PO2.LO3PO2. Apply the process of science using quantitative reasoning, modeling and technology. LO3. Interpret biological images, scientific graphs and models used to illustrate general biology concepts. Mastery of 3 indicates 70% or higher. threshold: 3.0 pts 5 ptsExceeds Expectations ASLT.BIOL1033.PO3.LO2PO3. Analyze the dynamic interactions of science, technology, and society. LO2. Apply general biology concepts to the natural world and society. Mastery of 3 indicates 70% or higher. threshold: 3.0 pts 5 ptsExceeds Expectations