You Are Interested In Working For A Company And Have An Interview Coming Up. How

You Are Interested In Working For A Company And Have An Interview Coming Up. How


You are interested in working for a company and have an interview coming up. How do you prepare for that interview such that you impress the person you are talking with? It starts with researching the company. The more you know about the company -their history, mission, customers, origins, products, services, competition – the more qualified you will be to talk about it.

How well you do your ‘homework’ before you speak to the company makes a statement about your preparedness and genuine interest in working there. If you want the job, you’ve got to be able to explain ‘why’ you want to work there. It can’t just be because of the money (even if that is what you really care about). You need to want to work there because of what they do, how they do it, and the impact it has on society and why that matters to you. You need to be able to talk about what makes this company a great place to work for and why you believe you can add value to their goals and objectives.

In order to speak like someone they should hire, you need to come equipped with the research, receipts, and facts that let you talk intelligently about the company. You want to impress them with your knowledge about their company and get your foot in the door! This assignment will help you take that first step- research the company!

This assignment will require you to write a paper about a company you are interest in working for.

After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Explain what the company does and what it contributes to society.
  • Describe the mission, competition, industry, and products and services of the company.
  • Be familiar with how to speak enthusiastically and informationally about a company.

Note: Students must provide in-text (parenthetical) citations next to relevant facts or quotes they use.  If they do not, points will be deducted.  A reference list at the end of the assignment should also be included.  MLA, APA, or another consistent formatting standard are welcome.

Submit a Word or PDF Document which responds to the following prompts. Approximately one paragraph is recommended for each prompt.  It is expected that you describe the company and information in your own words (copying and pasting information from the internet is not only plagiarism, but it also won’t help you learn about this company you want to work for).

  1. Company Background– Relevant information might include its history, founding, mission, location, and leadership.
  2. Market Research– Relevant questions to consider: How do they make money?  Who are their competitors? What is their market share? Look at their Investor information on their website or through the library databases – what was their revenue for last year? Is the company growing from the previous year?
  3. Customer Base– Who are their customers? Why do their customers choose them? Are there changes in their customers over time?
  4. Culture– What is their work culture? How does the world view this company as a place to work? How does their culture influence its operations and/or programs?
  5. Career Pathways– What is the functional unit you are interested in? What are the job types and pathways within that unit?  Who is a person or people working in this unit you could contact to learn more?
  6. Summary paragraph– Why do you want to work at this organization? What is your fit/match?

Resources available to find this information:


Company ResearchCompany ResearchCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper CitationsIn-text citations and reference list1 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompany BackgroundCompany history, date founded, mission, headquarter location, CEO1.5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMarket ResearchProducts, competitors, market share, revenue, growth1.5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCustomer BaseCustomers, competitive advantage, value to customers1.5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompany CultureTenets of culture, impact on employees, reputation as employer1.5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCareer PathwaysUnit of interest, jobs and career pathways, people working in positions1.5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummaryRationale for interest in company, your fit as a candidate1.5 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks1.5 pts
Total Points: 10PreviousNext
 2 pages


    Watch The Video Above And Then Complete The Discussion Questions Below. Please Write One Paragraph

    Watch The Video Above And Then Complete The Discussion Questions Below. Please Write One Paragraph

    Watch the video above and then complete the discussion questions below. Please write one paragraph for each question. 

    You should use other sources to help answer the questions. Not all questions are answered in the video alone. When using other sources, you must cite your source. To do this, you can simply copy and paste the URL link to the source at the end of your assignment. The best thing to do is copy/paste the questions in a Word document, answer the questions, and use in-text citations for your sources. However, listing the sources at the bottom of your work works too. 

    ChatGPT and AI: These tools are great for finding information on a topic and can be used as a research tool. Students cannot copy and paste information from these tools and submit it as their own work. That is plagirism. 

    1. What does it mean that the United States is a "country of laws and not of men"?
    2. What is the responsibility of judges when their personal opinions are in conflict with the rule of law in the case before them?
    3. Give three examples of ways that the rule of law has an impact on your life?
    4. What are the three branches of government in the United States?
    5. What is common law?


      Title: Accounting And The Time Value Of Money & Features Of Cash And Receivables  Assignment

      Title: Accounting And The Time Value Of Money & Features Of Cash And Receivables  Assignment


      Title: Accounting and the Time Value of Money & Features of Cash and Receivables 

      Assignment Instructions: 

      In this assignment, you will explore the critical concepts of accounting related to the Time 

      Value of Money (TVM) and the features of Cash and Receivables. You are required to write a 2-3 page paper (excluding the cover sheet and references) that addresses the following two specific learning outcomes: 

      SLO6: Explain the relation of Accounting and the Time Value of Money 

      SLO7: Describe the features of Cash and Receivables 

      You should utilize proper academic writing style, citation format, and references. Please follow the instructions and structure outlined below: 

      Assignment Structure: 

      1. Introduction (approximately 1/2 page): 

      – Briefly introduce the concepts of Time Value of Money (TVM) and Cash and Receivables. 

      – State the importance of understanding these concepts in accounting. 

      – Provide an overview of what the paper will cover. 

      2. The Relation of Accounting and the Time Value of Money (SLO6) (approximately 1 page):  - Define the Time Value of Money (TVM) and its significance in financial decision-making. 

      – Explain how TVM principles are relevant to accounting practices. 

      – Provide practical examples or scenarios illustrating how accounting incorporates TVM, such as present value, future value, and discounting techniques. 

      3. Features of Cash and Receivables (SLO7) (approximately 1/2 page): 

      – Define Cash and Receivables in accounting terms. 

      – Describe the key features of Cash and Receivables, including types, recognition, measurement, and valuation. 

      – Highlight the importance of proper management and reporting of Cash and Receivables for businesses. 

      4. Application of TVM Principles in Accounting (approximately 1/2 page): 

      – Discuss how accounting transactions involving cash flows are influenced by TVM. 

      – Provide examples of accounting scenarios where TVM considerations play a significant role. 

      5. Conclusion (approximately 1/2 page): 

      – Summarize the main points discussed in the paper. 

      – Emphasize the importance of understanding the relationship between accounting and the Time Value of Money. 

      – Reflect on the significance of properly handling Cash and Receivables in accounting practices. 

      6. References: 

      – Include a list of at least three scholarly sources (academic journals, textbooks, or reputable websites) used in your paper. Ensure proper citation throughout the paper. 

      Additional Guidelines: 

      – Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 

      – Use APA or MLA citation style for referencing sources. 

      – Your paper should be between 2-3 pages in length, not including the cover sheet and references. 

      – Font: Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spaced. 

      – Margins: 1-inch on all sides. 

      – Include a cover sheet with your name, student ID, course name, and date. 

      – Use subheadings to organize your paper logically. 

      Evaluation Criteria: 

      Your paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

      1. Clarity and depth of explanation regarding the relation of Accounting and the Time Value of Money (SLO6). 

      2. Clarity and depth of description of the features of Cash and Receivables (SLO7). 

      3. Application of TVM principles in accounting scenarios. 

      4. Proper use of references and citation style. 

      5. Overall quality of writing and organization of the paper. 

      Important Note: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Ensure that your paper is entirely your own work and properly cited if you use any external sources. 


      Scenario Human Resource Professionals Are Responsible For Responding To And Resolving Issues That Involve Employees

      Scenario Human Resource Professionals Are Responsible For Responding To And Resolving Issues That Involve Employees


      Human resource professionals are responsible for responding to and resolving issues that involve employees and management. A key element in resolving issues is identifying the source of the issue and trends that may impact the issue. In this scenario you are an HR analyst in an 800-employee telecom service company. Your company has a varied workforce and runs three shifts each day. The company is approximately eight years old and has a management team with mixed experience.

      Your manager, who is the director of Human Resources, recently received a Department of Labor complaint. The complaint claims that employees are not paid properly for overtime in any area of the company and states that employees have brought their concerns to management repeatedly with no resolution. Your manager has asked you to investigate the root cause of the complaint. You know that you will begin your investigation with the payroll department.


      In the first half of this project, you will investigate the complaint that was received by the company. The complaint states that employees have complained about unfair wages. Begin your analysis by reviewing the Employee Job Description located in the Supporting Materials section. Your next step is to determine if the employees should be classified as exempt or nonexempt. Use section two of the FLSA Designation Worksheet to support your classification. Note that the minimum salary was recently changed to $35,568. To access the worksheet, open the link located in the What to Submit section.

      You will continue your investigation by analyzing the Timesheet Records document located in the Supporting Materials section to see if the employees were fairly compensated based on your determination of their classification. When you have gathered all necessary information, you will present your findings and recommendations in a risk memo. You will need to summarize your findings and the potential risks for noncompliance with management.

      Lastly, you will examine the section of the Project One Employee Handbook Sample found in the Supporting Materials section that addresses overtime compensation for employees. You will analyze the section for gaps related to the employee complaint that you are investigating. You will draft a memo to your manager to document the errors that you found, explain why these errors conflict with laws and regulations, and recommend corrections or revisions to that section of the handbook.

      Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

      1. Complaint Investigation: Determine if the employees are exempt or nonexempt utilizing the required worksheet.
      2. Risk Memo:
        1. Present Findings: Explain if employees should be considered exempt or nonexempt.
        2. Employee Pay: Discuss conclusions as to whether the employees are being paid correctly or not. Use examples to support your conclusions.
        3. Investigating Risk: Describe the potential risks to the company if the complaint is not addressed or if there is insufficient data to support the answers.
      3. Handbook Analysis:
        1. Gaps: Analyze the employee handbook to identify gaps related to the employee complaint. In your memo, document the specific handbook error.
        2. Policy Violations: Explain why the current handbook policy conflicts with laws and regulations by providing examples to support your ideas.
      4. Handbook Recommendations: Recommend corrections or revisions to the handbook for addressing the identified error.
      5. Risk Mitigation: Describe the action that the organization can take to mitigate future risk in addition to revising the handbook. Consider existing policies and training approaches and how HR can contribute to this.

      What to Submit

      To complete this project, you must submit the following:

      Payroll Investigation Worksheet: Complete your Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Designation Worksheet. Fill out the worksheet PDF then use the download icon to save your work. Be sure to select the “with your changes” option. Alternatively, you may download the PDF first, fill out the needed information, and then save the PDF. Upload your completed PDF to Brightspace.

      Risk Memo
      Your risk memo should contain the preliminary conclusions of your investigation and should be 3 to 4 paragraphs in length using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.

      Manager Memo
      The manager memo should contain the results of your handbook analysis, recommendations, and risk mitigation strategies. It should be 1 to 2 pages in length using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.

      Supporting Materials

      The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

      Resource: Employee Job Description – ABC Company
      Use this sample job description to begin your research into the employee complaint.

      Spreadsheet: Timesheets Record
      Use the sample employee data in this Excel sheet to help determine the validity of the employee complaint.

      Resource: Project One Employee Handbook Sample
      Use this employee handbook sample as a resource for the company’s rules and regulations.


        Problem Set A Pa

        Problem Set A Pa

        • Problem Set A
          • PA 1
          • PA 5
          • PA 7
          • PA 12
        • Show your calculations for full credit. 60% of available points
        • Please note journal entries may include calculated responses – indicate what account is debit versus credit – create a mini–General Journal to input using the correct format. You may create T-Accts to help calculate account balances as needed.
        • to an external site.
        • Job Order Cost
        • to an external site.
        • or
        • to an external site.
        • or
        • to an external site.
        • Students must create an Excel file to answer these problems – use the textbook as a guide. Use the correct heading and format for the problem assigned. Create one workbook with a worksheet for each problem. SAVE as a XLS


        Please Submit A Research Topic For Approval From The List Below For The Literature Review

        Please Submit A Research Topic For Approval From The List Below For The Literature Review


        Please submit a research topic for approval from the list below for the literature review assignment in a Word Document by 11pm CST on Saturday, 12/9.


        Business Intelligence

        Halo Effect

Action Research

        Ethical Treatment of Participants

Decision Theory

        Emotional Intelligence

        Evidenced-Based Research

        This assignment will be due in week 9 and will be a research based written project (approximately 10-12 pages total to include a title page, abstract, and reference section) that will focus on an a topic relevant to your degree major and include proper selection, summarization, and synthesis of scholarly sources. The project will require a thorough review of the best literature available on EBSCO. The Literature Review can be a historical look at the topic, a detailed examination of an emerging aspect of the topic, or a combination of history and developments in the topic.

        The following Rubric will be used to grade the assignment:




        Points Earned

        Instructor’s Comments

        Structure and Length:

        •             Introduction, body, and conclusions/recommendations

        •             At least 8 pages of content

        •             Utilizes at least 12 scholarly references



        •             Topic selected is relevant to course

        •             Clearly discusses subject area with well organized patterns

        •             Combines both summary and synthesis

        •             Graduate level writing


        APA Congruent including:

        •             Title page and abstract

        •             Citations

        •             References page

        •             Use of 3 current APA headings





          Overview Family And Medical Leave Is A Valuable Benefit That Allows Time Off For Employees

          Overview Family And Medical Leave Is A Valuable Benefit That Allows Time Off For Employees


          Family and medical leave is a valuable benefit that allows time off for employees who need to support their own or a family member's serious health condition or for employees to take time off after the birth or adoption of a child. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that guarantees job-protected unpaid leave to certain eligible workers to care for themselves or an immediate family member during illness, birth, and/or adoption. Employees must meet the following criteria to be eligible for FMLA:

          • Work for a public sector agency, public or private school, or private employer
          • Work for employer for at least 12 months 
          • Complete 1,250 total hours of service for employer during the 12-month period immediately preceding the leave
          • Work in a facility with a minimum of 50 employees within a 75-mile radius

          Employees who meet this requirement may use up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave within a one-year period. Note that the leave can be used intermittently and is not required to be used consecutively.

          For this assignment, assume you are an HR professional at a small facility that houses 250 employees onsite. The company is a small start-up organization in Texas. The chief financial officer (CFO) is working with her team to forecast and budget for the next fiscal year. To forecast the appropriate budget allocations, she has asked you to review the company’s FMLA data to identify trends and risks.


          For this assignment, you will first determine whether the employer qualifies for FMLA. You will then analyze the FMLA data provided in Supporting Materials for trends and risks.

          Use the following questions to guide your analysis of trends in the FMLA Report:

          • What is the data trying to tell you (e.g., consistencies, increases, or decreases in FMLA data outcomes)?
          • Is this information coming from one or more data sources?
          • When was the data collected?
          • What dates are included in your data collection?
          • What type of information is your stakeholder requesting, and do you have the right data to respond to the request?
          • Are there any ethical considerations (e.g., is the data protected by federal or state laws)?

          Use the following questions to guide your analysis of risks in the FMLA data:

          • Do all employees who qualify for FMLA have equal access to this benefit?
          • Are there any risks for discriminatory practices or legal action?
          • Are FMLA hours being tracked and updated consistently?
          • Are forms being collected and updated in the tracking documentation?
          • Are the appropriate certifications being collected?

          Specifically, create a memo for the CFO that addresses the following rubric criteria:

          1. FMLA Requirements: Determine whether the company is obligated to provide FMLA support to employees. Support your decision with references to FMLA and company specific information.
          2. Data Analysis Trends: Describe the trends you identified in the FMLA data.
          3. Risk Assessment:
            1. Risks: Describe the risks you identified in the FMLA data.
            2. Decreasing the Risk: Create a plan for decreasing the risk to the company.

          What to Submit

          Submit your memo as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Before you begin, review the memo tutorial in the Supporting Materials section.

          Supporting Materials

          The following resources support your work on this assignment:

          Resource: FMLA Report
          Use the data contained in this Excel sheet to assist you in your investigation.

          Tutorial: How to Create a Memo (With Template and Examples)
          Use this tutorial to help you create a professional memo for stakeholder communication


            Overview The Financial Accounting Standards Board (Fasb) And Accounting Standards Update (Asu) Sites Provide Important

            Overview The Financial Accounting Standards Board (Fasb) And Accounting Standards Update (Asu) Sites Provide Important



            The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and Accounting Standards Update (ASU) sites provide important information for the accounting field. In this activity you will practice locating information in the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and Accounting Standards Update (ASU) sites. This activity will also ask that you cite your sources (which have been provided) in order to help prepare you for the Week 8 assignment in which you will develop a research paper and cite references using Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).


            For this activity you will write a 1-2 page paper in which you discuss both the Accounting Standards Update and a Concepts Statement found on the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) website. Follow the steps below to complete the activity:

            Accounting Standards Update

            1. Discuss the information presented in the standard and how accessing this information supports accountants working in the profession. Be sure to provide specific examples.

            Concepts Statement

            • Click on Standards in the banner again and select Concepts Statement.
            • Download Concepts Statement Number 8 as amended 9/10.
            • Read the Concepts Statement Number 8 document.
            1. Discuss how the ASU reflects the purpose of financial accounting as presented in Concepts Statement Number 8.
            2. Specific and direct connections are made between Concepts Statement Number 8 and the purpose of financial accounting.

            Use two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the Strayer Library or review library guides.

            This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all supports. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


              Now It Is Time To Construct Some Of The Final Components Of Your Business Plan;

              Now It Is Time To Construct Some Of The Final Components Of Your Business Plan;


              Now it is time to construct some of the final components of your business plan; operations, production, and supply. This portion of the business plan is mission critical because it deals with the management of many business functions to include production and manufacturing and suppliers and is key to achieving operating profit. 

              Key elements in developing this part of your business plan are strategic in nature and include suppliers, production, logistics (fulfillment), and customer service. You will also have to decipher what will be your business’s organizational structure, and how it will help develop and build a high-performance culture. Do not just give your opinion but support your positions with research-based analysis (remember to properly identify, cite, and reference this throughout your submission).

              It is important that you reconcile some base-level assumptions in your financial projections with this portion of your business plan. The length of this part of your plan will vary depending on the amount of research and effort you put into it and will generally fall between 3-4-pages in length.


                In Recent Years, It Has Been Common For Companies To Experience Significant Stock Price Changes

                In Recent Years, It Has Been Common For Companies To Experience Significant Stock Price Changes

                 In recent years, it has been common for companies to experience significant stock price changes in reaction to announcements of massive layoffs. Critics charge that such events encourage to fire longtime employees and that Wall Street is cheering them on. Do you agree or disagree? 


                *Practice Exercise

                Chap 13: 2; 5, 7

                Chap 14: 3; 4,

                5 (under Questions and Problems)