Please provide feedback to the below 350 words – double spaced APA Style Must be a

Please provide feedback to the below 350 words – double spaced APA Style Must be a

Please provide feedback to the below. 350 words – double spaced APA Style. Must be a substantial and meaningful feedback.    Topic One of the things many organizations do to determine training needs is to conduct a needs analysis. Check out this article released by SHRM discussing how to conduct a needs analysis. Link:  As it relates to an international setting, what factors should be considered in the a training needs analysis?  Provide feedback based on topic and the below. ‘The pre-departure training should include an overview of the customs for the region the expats are going to. There should be job specific training and expectations overviews. The expats should have a clear understanding of what they should expect when they arrive. All travel and accommodations should be pre-planned with an overview of the procedures for when they arrive provided to the expats. There should be a common phrase language workshop in place. Many areas of Asia are English language friendly, however the expats should be prepared for those areas that do not. If the ability to provide translation services is available, the company should utilize these services. The expats should be shown the different technology for the area as some have more advanced technology than what is available here. During the assignment, the expats should continue with training on the company’s agenda. There should still be culture training as meetings with the local workers can be where many will falter. Simple gestures and phrases in the U.S. can be considered offensive and vice versa. After the expats return, there should be a review of the assignment. Items that went wrong should be reviewed and ways to prevent them in the future should be explored. The expats should be given an adjustment period as they become accustomed to life back in the U.S. Local technology changes rapidly, but not as rapidly as in Asia, so they will need to be retrained on the procedures at their home site.’

Please read the articles provided in Moodle for this week by Zeff How do you

Please read the articles provided in Moodle for this week by Zeff How do you

Please read the articles provided in Moodle for this week by Zeff. How do you think the profession has responded to its responsibility to uphold the trust ? Does the government have a role in monitoring? Do you believe the profession can be self-regulating? Please respond in a paragraph or so.

PLEASE PROVIDE FEEDBACK What types of activities increase or decrease accountant/auditor risks Use examples

PLEASE PROVIDE FEEDBACK What types of activities increase or decrease accountant/auditor risks Use examples

PLEASE PROVIDE FEEDBACK   What types of activities increase or decrease accountant/auditor risks? Use examples from your own experience, if possible. ‘This is an interesting question and became very apparent with the Covid 19 Pandemic. My work experience during this period and working with auditors who were trying to perform this duty virtually identified the difficulties and shortfalls of conducting an audit remotely. There were technology and Cyber threat risk because of how the information had to be retrieved. There was total reliance on the auditee and no additional support and information that a live or in-person audit would produce. Testing internal controls and their effectiveness was another task that was hindered by virtual access.  During that period, regular business operations were interrupted and in some cases, activities had to be modified, in terms of operations, technology, access, and continuity of various functions. These disjointed occurrences, uncertainties and functions and special concessions and rules and regulations caused further insecurity and increased risk assessment. The unexpected events that followed the Covid 19 Pandemic definitely increased accountant/auditor risks. ‘

Please provide feedback to the below APA Style at minimum 500 word limit ‘Mergers

Please provide feedback to the below APA Style at minimum 500 word limit ‘Mergers

Please provide feedback to the below. APA Style. at minimum 500 word limit.   ‘Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) occur when businesses and assets are acquired or merged through various financial transactions. As explained in my main post, to adapt to a changing environment across borders, the first business consideration is whether the product or service is fit for duty. When Johnson & Johnson bought Actelion, it acquired Actelion’s pulmonary arterial hypertension portfolio. As a consequence, both companies may face challenges. It is difficult to successfully merge two companies because they require a great deal of change management and coordination between once separate teams. As employees may feel threatened or displaced, making them comfortable with a merger can be challenging. Some employee roles may become redundant as a result of the union. Planning is essential to a successful merger. Due to this acquisition, Actelion will become more profitable. Its resources will be made available to Actelion as Johnson & Johnson absorbs Actelion into its operations.     Due to its size, J&J can now access more markets, produce more products, and sell them at lower prices since its size has enhanced economies of scale. In addition, post-merger integration is a primary challenge for any M&A transaction. A thorough assessment can be performed by identifying key employees, sensitive projects, and sensitive processes. Consulting, automation, and even outsourcing can be used to help you design efficient processes for clear integration. How an M&A growth strategy can go wrong: (Frederiksen, 2022)  Cultural clash – Firms have different cultures which can be problematic. 2. Loss of differentiation – If one brand’s features and benefits are not relevant to the other brand, don’t merge. The acquired or merged firms dilute the brand by acquiring or merging firms. 3. A major distraction – Integrations after mergers are resource-intensive activities involving senior personnel. If they are not prepared, they may be distracted by other much more urgent, but less critical tasks. 4. Marketplace confusion – don’t try to merge with a company unlike your own. A cell phone company shouldn’t try to buy a clothing company.  5. Loss of brand strength- The strength of your brand will suffer if the consumer is confused.  References  Frederiksen, L. (2022, March 28). Mergers and acquisitions as part of your growth strategy. Hinge Marketing. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from’

Please follow the template attached to complete the assignment below Selected Country for research: Switzerland 

Please follow the template attached to complete the assignment below Selected Country for research: Switzerland 

Please follow the template attached to complete the assignment below. Selected Country for research: Switzerland  There are many regulations and legal considerations impacting business decisions; let’s work to narrow down that list. In this discussion, you will work on the following critical elements of the final project: Trade Regulations and Legal Considerations. Consider the following options to find four measures of government influence on trade and employment: Use Wage Indicator to identify various employment laws in the country. These might include minimum wage, medical leave, holidays, discrimination laws, and so on. You may need to use the translation service through Google Chrome when accessing various sites. Additional resources can be found in the Reading and Resources section of this module. Search VAT and/or GST rates for your country. Use the Sanctions Programs List to identify various sanctions influencing business in the country. Use various government websites to learn more about tariffs, labeling, restricted items, and other barriers to trade. Consider using the International Trade Representative to identify trade regulations. Taking this one step further, discuss the significance of these four regulations. What do they mean for daily business and why do governments employ these methods? Links:  Wage indicator: Sanctions program list: International Trade Representative:

Please follow the template attached to complete the assignment Country Selected: SwtzerlandEconomic integration has

Please follow the template attached to complete the assignment Country Selected: SwtzerlandEconomic integration has

Please follow the template attached to complete the assignment. Country Selected: Sw*tzerland  Economic integration has changed trade in the global market. In an effort to decrease barriers to trade, countries have worked together to establish relationships that award preferential treatment to member countries. In this discussion, you will work on the following critical element of the final project: Trade. Using the World Trade Organization Regional Trade Agreements website, identify the following elements of trade related to your project country: Major trading partners – Major imports/exports – Regional trade agreements and member countries- Discuss how regional economic integration has influenced the way your country does business with other nations. Does it create more opportunities for trade or just increase the competition? Make some observations about the impact this might have on an organization’s decision to invest in the country.INT113ModuleFourDiscussionSample-2copy.jpg

Please make sure that it is your own work Please watch out for spelling errors

Please make sure that it is your own work Please watch out for spelling errors

Please make sure that it is your own work. Please watch out for spelling errors and grammar errors. Please read the study guide. Please use the APA 7th edition 4pages length including the tables, figures format Book reference:Fox, J. (2017). Using the R Commander: A point-and-click interface for R. CRC Press. Report Descriptive Statistics and Normality A unique data set for this course has been provided to each student by the instructor. Refer to the data set for these tests: Report descriptive statistics for the data set. Test the distribution of the leadership variable (ldrship) using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Test the distribution of the aptitude variable using the Anderson-Darling test. Results to be included are the descriptive statistics for the data set, results of the distribution of the leadership variable (ldrship) using the Shapiro-Wilk test, and results of the distribution of the aptitude variable using the Anderson-Darling test bar chart. A brief narrative explaining results should be included. I have attach the data anaylsis that need to be used.RCHCHP3.docxRCHCHP4.docxTiffanysDatasheet.xlsx

Please answer the following questions. Each response must have a minum of 150 words and

Please answer the following questions. Each response must have a minum of 150 words and

Please answer the following questions. Each response must have a minum of 150 words and up to 350 words. You may compose your answers in a word document and copy and paste them in the corresponding fields below.  1- Why are you interested in becoming a CPA, and how will it impact your career? 2- How do you hope to achieve your goals, and what is your timeline?  Please share your plans for finishing your accounting degree, meeting requirements, and sitting for the CPA  3- Who or what influenced you to pursue a career in accounting?  4-Mention three attributes or skills you have that might make you successful in the accounting profession. Explain why. 5-Explain special circumstances you feel are relevant to your application or additional information you wish to provide.

Perform calculations and answer questions related to capital budgeting In this assessment you will explore capital budgeting which

Perform calculations and answer questions related to capital budgeting In this assessment you will explore capital budgeting which

Perform calculations and answer questions related to capital budgeting. In this assessment, you will explore capital budgeting, which is the process of evaluating the feasibility and selection of investment projects. You will examine basic capital budgeting techniques, such as payback, discounted payback, net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), profitability index (PI), and modified internal rate of return (MIRR). Introduction This assessment focuses on capital budgeting calculations. Instructions Complete and submit the Assessment 5 Template [XLSX]. Competencies Measured By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Analyze financial environments and concepts.  Explain which capital budgeting method is superior”NPV, IRR, or MIRR. Competency 2: Apply financial computations and processes.  Calculate five capital budgeting problems correctly. Competency 3: Communicate effectively and professionally.  Convey clear meaning through appropriate word choice and usage. cf_assessment_5_template2.xlsx

Part I: Complete the following homework problems from the end of the chapters: E1-4, E1-5,

Part I: Complete the following homework problems from the end of the chapters: E1-4, E1-5,

Part I: Complete the following homework problems from the end of the chapters: E1-4, E1-5, E1-6, E1-9 Part II: Complete the following homework problems from the end of the chapters: E2-1, E2-2, E2-4, E2-7, E2-17, and P2-3A Part III:  Choose a major publicly traded corporation, then go to the corporation’s site and retrieve the information needed for this assignment.  Provide information about the history of the corporation and its current product offerings.  Provide a screenshot of the corporate’s latest reported income statement.  Organize the income statement in an Excel file to enable you to verify the arithmetic in the income statement, and explain your verifications.  Also, explain the nature of each item in the income statement.  All submissions should be in one Word file. Read your textbook and other peer-reviewed publications, write a minimum of three (3) pages of high quality well-written APA formatted standard about the following scenario. Please keep in mind that this assignment is quantitative, therefore do not forget to use the figures and charts. Information for the Hi-Test company’s production process for September follows. Assume that all materials are added at the beginning of this production process, and that conversion costs are added uniformly throughout the process. Compute each of the following.  The number of equivalent units for materials for the month.  The number of equivalent units for conversion for the month.  The variable cost per equivalent unit of materials for the month.  The variable cost per equivalent unit for conversion for the month.  The total variable cost of goods transferred out.  The total variable cost of ending work in process inventory. ddd.PNG