Participation consists of submitting and commenting on current articles related to real estate  Links to

Participation consists of submitting and commenting on current articles related to real estate  Links to

Participation consists of submitting and commenting on current articles related to real estate.  Links to these articles are to be posted to Article Participation under the Discussion Board.  Do  not post the article itself, just it’s link.   You are to read these articles and then post your comments/thoughts about that article. When submitting an article, YOU MUST begin your comment with ‘What I found interesting about this article is …’. If this is not the first sentence in your comment, no credit will be given.   DO NOT write a summary of the article. Summaries will not receive any credit. I am looking for your own comments/thoughts about the article.   Your article and comment is now available for the class to read. The class is then invited to post their own comment about the article or your comment.   These articles must be current and pertain to any aspect of real estate, or anything that impacts real estate. These articles can be found online, in publications or any other source you uncover.   Comments MUST BE substantive, not just a quick line or two. I am looking for at least four lines of meaningful, thoughtful commentary.   The link to the article need to be submitted with the answers. It can not be the ones already taken. Please it need to start as ‘What I found interesting about this article is …’

Overview Working capital management is critical to an organization’s ability to meet its short-term obligations

Overview Working capital management is critical to an organization’s ability to meet its short-term obligations

Overview Working capital management is critical to an organization’s ability to meet its short-term obligations. When proposing new projects or investment ideas for corporations, it is critical to consider working capital red flags such as excess credit use by the business or a low cash balance. Managing such issues early on can help corporations acquire a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Prompt Using the business you selected for Project Two (Business Selected: TESLA), complete the calculations for determining working capital, and describe their relevance in assessing financial health. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Financial Statement(s): Explain the various financial statement(s) needed to calculate a business’s working capital and how each financial statement is used. Provide examples to support your claims. Working Capital’s Role: Discuss how effective working capital management supports a healthy business. Working Capital Interpretation: Use the appropriate formula to calculate working capital, then discuss the business’s current financial liquidity position. For example, does the business have sufficient working capital on hand to address bills to suppliers? Will there be potential cash inflow at the end of the year? Working Capital Management Direction: Discuss the current direction of the business regarding working capital management. Keep in mind that financial statements reflect a specific moment or period of time and the value of the business’s working capital during that period. To get a better understanding of the direction in which a business is going, use the business’s balance sheets from Mergent Online to compare the business’s value today against its value from one year ago. Guidelines for Submission Your submission should be a 2 to 3-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.

Overview: In your final project you will assume the role of an accountant and complete

Overview: In your final project you will assume the role of an accountant and complete

Overview: In your final project, you will assume the role of an accountant and complete the year-end adjustment process for your company using a provided workbook. This workbook is the first deliverable (Part I) of your final project. In Part II, you will analyze the provided financials of the same company and create a report documenting your findings. For your third milestone, you will complete a draft of your ratio analysis report so that you can gain feedback and improve your work prior to the final submission in Module Eight. Note that you do not need feedback from Milestone Two to successfully complete this assignment. You should use the provided Final Project Part II template to structure your submission. Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Abstract: Summarize the story of profitability and liquidity for your company. In other words, highlight the most important aspects of your report, including your major conclusions. IComputations: Identify and describe your computations from the Financial Analysis tab of your workbook. Be sure to format your key results in a table or graphical format, as appropriate. Explain why each cited figure was included in your report in terms of its importance for the organization. IIComparison: Evaluate the financials of the company by comparing current ratios to both historical and industry-average ratios. Clearly identify all unexpected or aberrant figures. IV. Conclusion: Draw informed conclusions based on your computations and comparisons in the previous paragraphs. Be sure to justify your claims with specific evidence and examples. Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your ratio analysis report must be 23 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. All references must be cited in APA format.  ACC307FinalProjectPartIITemplate12-8-211.docxFINALPROJECTWORKBOOK.xlsx

Our assignment for the week is a minimum 300-word initial discussion board post and a

Our assignment for the week is a minimum 300-word initial discussion board post and a

Our assignment for the week is a minimum 300-word initial discussion board post and a minimum of 2 100-word minimum responses. This week we focus on composition.  Discuss the key components of composition in data visualization.  Note why the components are valuable when creating visualizations by highlighting an example from the internet. Be sure to include the sample visualization. In response to peers, discuss a visualization you find on the internet that could use some of the components they mention in their initial post. Your work must be entirely original, checked with Grammarly, and make use of proper grammatical conventions.AnalyzingandVisualizingDataCh10.pptx

Our main topic for this week is corporate culture Every organization adheres to certain cultural

Our main topic for this week is corporate culture Every organization adheres to certain cultural

Our main topic for this week is corporate culture. Every organization adheres to certain cultural values. Sometimes they are obvious, sometimes not. Frankly, some values are good and some are not. Can you identify and comment on organizational values you have seen? How do you know the organization really believes in these values? Have any values changed? Can you be sure the entire organization has moved in the new direction?

Open the Teachers table and add three (3) more professors’ names to the Teachers table.

Open the Teachers table and add three (3) more professors’ names to the Teachers table.

Open the Teachers table and add three (3) more professors’ names to the Teachers table.  Open the Students_Classes table and add more ClassID for each student to take at least three classes.  Open the Course table.  The course fee (Fee) in the table Course happened to be typed as Short Text.  Convert the Short Text type data for Fee field to real numbers with two digits below the decimal point (For example: 400.50 text should be displayed to 400.50 in real number).  And display the average course fee at the bottom row.   Open the table Teachers_Classes and set up a lookup table for TeacherID that displays a teacher’s last name (LastName of Teachers table) in the table Teachers that corresponds to the TeacherID number.  Open a relationship diagram by clicking Database Tools / Relationships from the top menu.  On this diagram, establish 1-to-many relationships between the Teachers table and Teachers_Classes table via TeacherID attribute.   Create a query, TeachersPayByClass, that displays LastName, ClassID, and PaymentAmount. (Hint 1: Find the needed tables from the Relationships Diagram.)  (Hint 2: If you don’t see TeacherPayments table or other tables of the left pane in the Relationships Diagram, just drag the missing table of the left pane to the right pane.  Push Control-S buttons to save the new Relationships Diagram.)  Create a query, TeachersPayTotal, that displays TeacherID, LastName, and TotalPay as the sum of the fees for the classes that each teacher teaches.  The TotalPay of the query should display in the Currency format.  (Hint: You need ˆ‘ Totals / Group By function to set up the query.)  Open the table Classes.  Provide a validation rule to the field EndingDate that the class should end after 5/1/2017.  Also enter a warning message in the Validation Text in the case the previous validation rule is not kept.  Create a query, TuitionBalance that displays student’s FirstName, LastName, TotalCharge as the sum of Fee in the Course table, AmountPaid, and Balance as [TotalCharge] – [AmountPaid].  All amounts should display in the Currency format.  (Hint 1: You need ˆ‘ Totals / Group By function to set up the query.)  LabExamCacophoneMusic7.mdb

Open your web browser and search for

Open your web browser and search for

Home>Homework Answsers>Business & Finance homework help>Accounting homework help   Open your web browser and search for Management Quiz. Select a quiz or quizzes to answer Write a 350- to 700-word essay on your management style. It may help to reflect on the following: What do you define as management? What are good qualities of a manager? What are poor qualities of a manager? Do the qualities change based on different situations (social environment, work environment, or home environment)? Do you agree with the results of your management quiz? Discuss. Format your essay consistent with APA guidelines.

Mergers and acquisitions in foreign markets has increased over the past decades These business investment

Mergers and acquisitions in foreign markets has increased over the past decades These business investment

Mergers and acquisitions in foreign markets has increased over the past decades. These business investment opportunities are driven to increase market share and profits, create value and a global platform, and instill new management practices and trends across borders. Research and post two (2) important mergers or acquisitions from U.S. companies in foreign markets that have taken place lately. Identify the business pros and cons of these mergers or acquisitions and its impact to the IHRM function when developing strategic business practices. What business considerations are needed in order to adapt to such a changing environment across borders? Support your answers with demonstrated practical examples and facts. APA.

Let’s start with a discussion on current financial disclosures Should financial statement disclosures be

Let’s start with a discussion on current financial disclosures Should financial statement disclosures be

1)  Let’s start with a discussion on current financial disclosures. Should financial statement disclosures be greater? What are the pros and cons for the increased financial information being disclosed by public companies on their company’s internet websites?

Library Assignment: all students must use the FNU Library as a graded activity, cite at

Library Assignment: all students must use the FNU Library as a graded activity, cite at

Library Assignment: all students must use the FNU Library as a graded activity, cite at least 3 peer review articles about the art and science of economic analysis (see the power point lecture), and write 3 paragraphs about what you learned in each article, in total 6paragraphs, using APA format. only power point 1 and 2