Instructions Identify a task that you would need to perform in your current or future

Instructions Identify a task that you would need to perform in your current or future

Instructions Identify a task that you would need to perform in your current or future career, and explain how you would apply the knowledge you have learned in this course to succeed at performing the task in a real-world scenario. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Individuals who manage hedging of foreign exchange risk have many hedging tools they can use

Individuals who manage hedging of foreign exchange risk have many hedging tools they can use

Individuals who manage hedging of foreign exchange risk have many hedging tools they can use.  Research hedging tools and discuss how managers can manipulate the financial statements based on the hedging tool they select. The body of this paper should be 2-3 pages (not including cover page, abstract or references) but not more than 4 pages. This research paper requires a minimum of two scholarly references: academic journals, professional journals, and/or appropriate authoritative references such as FASB Codification System, COSO, COBIT, Audit Standards, etc. Be sure to provide specific examples throughout your paper to back up your statements

Instructions As you have learned throughout this course so far financial statements play a significant

Instructions As you have learned throughout this course so far financial statements play a significant

Instructions As you have learned throughout this course so far, financial statements play a significant role in all aspects of accounting. For this assignment, you are to retrieve a journal entry-flow of production from your current employer. If your employer will not provide an entry, you may use this  Sample Financial Analysis Statement. After selecting the financial statement(s) to use, you will need to read the following article: Fisher, J. G., & Krumwiede, K. (2015). Product costing systems: Finding the right approach. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, 26(4), 132 you have read the article, address the following questions based on both the article and your chart(s): analyze your current system using the three dimensions of convenience, correctness, and costs of implementation; correlate your current company’s product cost design abilities by answering the four key product design questions; and employ strategies for how businesses can better present financial statements for other businesses or financial institutions. Your assignment must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and references pages. You must have at least two outside sources, which can include the textbook and the Fisher and Krumwiede article. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

How do you distinguish between Financial Reporting for GAAP and full Disclosure What is Management

How do you distinguish between Financial Reporting for GAAP and full Disclosure What is Management

How do you distinguish between Financial Reporting for GAAP, and full Disclosure. What is Management Discussion and Analysis. Access a public company annual report and analyze its MD&A section and how it helps the investors in their decision making process.

Hello everyone, We begin with a Case Study: Names are fictional:*no direct quotes analyze

Hello everyone, We begin with a Case Study: Names are fictional:*no direct quotes analyze

Hello everyone, We begin with a Case Study: Names are fictional:  *no direct quotes analyze the information and support your position with cited work* James Learner is writing a research proposal for MSL 683-Research for Leaders in Education and Human Resources. Within the text, he copies entire sentences and paragraphs from books, journals, and  web pages. The sections he has copied are not put in quotations within his proposal. James does, however, list each of the books, journals, and sites on the references page of his research proposal.  You know he is taking a short cut or engaged in sloppy work. Dr. Elert notices that many passages in the proposal are copied from other sources and reports the fact-issue to the Dean of Academic Affairs.  As a result of an investigation, the Dean expels James for plagiarism but says he may reapply the following year. Give your opinions, with reasons-justification for your answers, on the following questions: 1. Was the way in which the student used the information from the other publications normal and acceptable?  did the student acknowledge and take responsibility for their actions? 2. Could there be any circumstance(s) in which the student might be forgiven? 3. Either state why the action of the Dean of Academic Affairs was right, or state what other action the head of the school should take.  How does your decision impact the current and future expectations of the university?  Aside from our modules, your textbook is a great source and provides you with many different examples Research and it is a good idea to take the time to read, digest and apply the information. For this assignment please post your assignment here.  It should be academic and scholarly (APA format-style) at least 3-5 full pages excluding title and reference pages. *VERY IMPORTANT-Any plagiarized (including copying and pasting others work) will result in a failing grade for this assignment and any other work in our class*

Hello I need a 10 PAGE research paper done within 24 hours from now It

Hello I need a 10 PAGE research paper done within 24 hours from now It

Hello I need a 10 PAGE research paper done within 24 hours from now. It is a lot but I am willing to pay respectively to whomever can get the assignment done.ACCT754ResearchPaper.docxWrittenCommunicationRubric.docxWritingAPaper.pdfSampleAPAReport.pdf

Go to the FASB/GASB website  Review Proposed Accounting Standards Update 2019-790”Derivatives and Hedging Topic 815:

Go to the FASB/GASB website  Review Proposed Accounting Standards Update 2019-790”Derivatives and Hedging Topic 815:

Go to the FASB/GASB website.  Review Proposed Accounting Standards Update 2019-790”Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815): Codification Improvements to Hedge Accounting (  Explain the proposed improvements to hedge accounting.  How do these changes improve hedge accounting. Please a one page more references!

For this week’s assignment, you have the task of writing both good and bad news.

For this week’s assignment, you have the task of writing both good and bad news.

For this week’s assignment, you have the task of writing both good and bad news. When writing good news, remember to use the direct approach; however, when writing the bad news, use indirect approach. A single upload is fine, as long as each memo starts on a new page. You are welcomed to use the attached template, or you may use a different template. After your assignment is uploaded, please click on View Feedback to verify that the formatting was not altered. If necessary, please correct and resubmit. Remember to adhere to formatting guidelines, including margins and spacing (please refer to memo layout sample Actions). Guidelines: Use Times Roman Numeral, Courier New, or Arial. Left justify memo and use 1-inch margin. Use correct headings (You may use caps, bold font, and double-space): Date:               Write out month completely To:                   Reader’s names and job titles From:               Your name and job title Subject:           Be specific and concise Do not use salutation. Memo must be single-spaced (except for headings); leave a space between each paragraph. Do not indent paragraphs. No need to use complimentary close or signature block. Reference your sourcesLinks to an external site. Bullets and Headings (PDF)Actions Scenario (Good News) As the Sales Manager for ABZ Corporation, it is your pleasure to announce that your department has been awarded a grant for outstanding sales. Determine the amount of the grant and the specific criteria for selection. Write a memo explaining this scenario to these employees. Use the direct approach. See ‘memo layout sample’ for additional content & formatting expectations. Scenario (Bad News) Due to Covid-19, ABZ Corporation will have to lay-off or furlough some employees. Write a memo to the employees explaining this scenario. Use the indirect approach. See ‘memo layout sample’ for additional content & formatting expectations.SampleMemoRevised.docx

For this week’s collaborative activity you will review Amazon’s most recent financial statements

For this week’s collaborative activity you will review Amazon’s most recent financial statements

For this week’s collaborative activity, you will review Amazon’s most recent financial statements. Based on your analysis of Amazon’s most recent financial statements, predict whether Amazon’s financial health will likely improve or deteriorate over the next five years. Provide a rationale for your response.

For this week’s Minor Project 3 – Pay for Performance assignment please note that other

For this week’s Minor Project 3 – Pay for Performance assignment please note that other

For this week’s Minor Project 3 – Pay for Performance assignment, please note that other major references in regards to searching the requested information, please review annual CEO Compensation information in both Fortune and Forbes magazine.  You will find detailed information in both of these magazines.  Don’t forget to properly cite any information in your paper that you may utilize from these magazines. For this Minor Project, you will select a company that interests you and evaluate their use of CEO goal-setting and performance measurement to help you assess their Pay for Performance structure. This information will be found in the company’s annual proxy statements and other publicly-filed documents (use this link (Links to an external site.) if you need help). In a 2-3 page research paper discuss the following: What compensation package and pay for performance structure was given to the CEO? (.5 page) Does the company’s use of goal setting and performance measurement make strategic sense for that company? (.5 page) Select and research 2 peer companies and discuss any differences or similarities you found in compensation or performance structure. Do the peer companies use different practices that should be adopted? (.5 to 1 page) Based on your readings from this week what do you observe to be the major differences between this CEO’s compensation package and the rest of the company’s non-executive employees? (.5 to 1 page) Remember: Don’t forget that all major and minor research papers require APA formatting (which is not included in the page count). In addition, each paper should include Times New Roman and double-spaced formatting. For this paper utilize multiple sources in your research. Resources: Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach  (Links to an external site.)- Pynes, Joan E. – Chapter 7, 229-231 Mahajan (2020). Managing Executive Pay and Incentives in Uncertain Times Download Managing Executive Pay and Incentives in Uncertain Times Morrison and Barone (2020) 5 Executives Pay Issues for 2021 Download 5 Executives Pay Issues for 2021 Rubric5ExecutivePayIssuesfor2021.pdfsg-covid-19-managing-executive-pay-1.pdf