Due 2/7/24    6Pm You’Re The Owner Of The  General Freight Trucking Company,  Company Nane (Cortez

Due 2/7/24    6Pm You’Re The Owner Of The  General Freight Trucking Company,  Company Nane (Cortez

Due 2/7/24    6pm You're the owner of the  general freight trucking company, 

COMPANY NANE (Cortez Trucking LLC) in Florida

You need to make this look legit and real!!!

Gross from trucking Total for all 12 months 40316 (Type for each month /12)

Advertising 9212 for year

Vehicle Machinery and equipment 1501 for year

Supplies 9654 for year


other expenses 3466for year

Internet 1721

cell phone 1745

Gallons 54312 *0.183


    Data Is One Of The Most Important Tools For Human Resource Professionals. Data Is Used

    Data Is One Of The Most Important Tools For Human Resource Professionals. Data Is Used

    Data is one of the most important tools for human resource professionals. Data is used in many human resource tasks ranging from recruitment and selection data to absenteeism statistics. Workforce data is beneficial for improving decision making, enhancing employee satisfaction, and optimizing compliance practices. Data is gathered through a variety of methods including engagement surveys, human resource information systems, EEOC reports, performance evaluations, exit interviews, and many other valuable sources.

    For this assignment, assume you are a human resource professional at a startup technology company with a remote workforce. The chief executive officer (CEO) asks you to join a virtual strategic planning session and asks you to prepare a data story of current workforce trends for the meeting. The workforce trends include increases in FMLA requests, Employee Assistance Program usage, tardiness, absences, compensation changes for underrepresented groups, and turnover.

    As you are preparing for this virtual meeting, you share a copy of your presentation that includes a confidential data file outlining all the workforce trends with the CEO. Later in the day, you realize the email accidentally sent the file to an entry level employee with the same name as your CEO. This action has created a data breach.


    To complete this assignment, determine the type of data that was shared, create a workflow chart that highlights the steps you would take to address the data breach, and determine who you must communicate with regarding the breach. You must explain your steps in sequential order. Be sure that whatever information you share is appropriate and relevant to the data breach.

    Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

    1. Steps: Create a workflow chart to outline the steps involved in addressing the data breach. Note: The workflow chart will be graded on accuracy of the steps to address the breach.
    2. Confidential Data: Explain how sharing this confidential data impacts privacy and security.
    3. Communication: Describe who to communicate with regarding the data breach with rationale.

    What to Submit

    Your assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, three slides in length (one slide per rubric criterion) with one slide depicting a workflow chart. Before you begin, review the resources provided in the Supporting Materials section. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.

    Supporting Materials

    The following resources support your work on this assignment:

    Video Tutorial: How to Create a Flowchart in PowerPoint (8:15)

    Example: Flowchart – How to Send a Text Message 
    A text-only version is available: Flowchart – How to Send a Text Message – Text-Only Version

    Resources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsfZD4oU7l0


      Concept Map 2 – Social Media, Peer Production, And Leveraging The Crowd The Goal Of

      Concept Map 2 – Social Media, Peer Production, And Leveraging The Crowd The Goal Of

      Concept Map 2 – Social Media, Peer Production, and Leveraging the Crowd

      The goal of a concept map is to simplify complex concepts using circles, boxes, and all sorts of shapes and icons to represent ideas and lines to connect them together. For example, lawyers might use concept maps to outline arguments. By presenting their arguments to their team in a concept map, they could get feedback and uncover faults or gaps in their reasoning.

      Concept maps were developed by Joseph Novak at Cornell University to represent students' science knowledge. They are similar to mind maps, but unlike mind maps, need not branch out from one central idea. 

      See an example of a concept map at https://www.conceptdraw.com/examples/example-of-concept-map

      Concept maps are a graphical tool that is used to visualize meaningful relationships among concepts, processes, or events. It’s used as a knowledge representation tool, meaning they basically represent the knowledge structure that we store in our minds about a certain topic. Both simple and complex concept maps consist of two things: concepts and relationships among them.

      The concept map focuses on a single concept, process, or event of interest found in Social Media, Peer Production, and Leveraging the Crowd. Lines link the related concepts or processes with a word or phrase that describes the nature of the relationship between two components. Concept maps start with broad, general relationships and build on them to create very complex visual models of how many factors interact to produce a given outcome.

      Your task in this assignment is to create a concept map, drawing upon the ideas in Social Media, Peer Production, and Leveraging the Crowd as outlined in Chapter10 of your textbook. Consider:

          1    Recognize the unexpected rise and impact of social media and peer production systems.

          2    Understand how these services differ from prior generation tools.

          3    List the major classifications of social media services.

      Here is a general procedure for making a concept map.

          1    Develop a central question that will serve as the focus for your concept map. The question will help you focus on relationships between the concepts, processes, or events included as nodes in the concept map. Look at the learning objectives in your textbook. Turn one of the learning objectives into a question and then look through the textbook to find topics in the book that are related. Just write all of the topics that you find down (look for 20 to 25).

          ◦    For my example, the question is, "How are Social Networks used by individuals, groups, and corporations?"

          2    List the 5 to 8 factors that you can identify to begin to answer the focal question about Social Media, Peer Production, and Leveraging the Crowd. Look at the Learning Objectives found throughout Chapter 9 of your textbook to help identify the factors. List the major factors that you can identify to begin to answer the central question. Your objective is to articulate the major factors that contribute to finding an answer to this central question. These major factors form the first tier of nodes.

          ◦    For my example, the major factors could be (1) electronic social networks, (2) modern social networks, (3) privacy concerns, (4) network effects and cultural differences, (5) public social networks within private organizations, (6) site mining

          3    Now expand on each of these major factors in a cluster. Add detail in the form of secondary concepts (nodes) that contribute to the major factors or concepts you have already identified.

          ◦    For my example, I will expand on (5) public social networks within private organizations and consider Social Network Listings as a secondary concept. They are easy to update and expand, and employees are encouraged to add their own photos, interests, and expertise to create a living digital identity. Alumni Listings might be another secondary concept because these networks can be useful in maintaining contacts for future business leads, rehiring former employees, or recruiting retired staff to serve as contractors. These secondary concepts interact with each other. Social Network Listings directly impacts Alumni Listings since maintaining these networks will be critical in industries like IT and health care where worker shortages have been predicted.

          4    Continue to build your concept map with at least two more tiers or layers of nodes answering your central question. Your completed concept map should have a first layer that includes the major factors that directly affect concepts, processes, or events. Add at least two more layers, or tiers of nodes, in each of those clusters. You are free to include as many layers or tiers as needed.

          ◦    For my example, the third tier continues to expand on the Social Network Listings where finding Employee Expertise, within the firm, to organize virtual work groups, and for communication across large distances is critical. There will be Organization Flattening and Value-Adding Expertise Sharing to consider using Employee Expertise.

          5    Think of your concept map as a visual explanation. Imagine using your concept map to explain the influence of the identified major concepts to answer your central question. Your map should make the relationships clear. Use lines to indicate the relationship between nodes and include a word or short phrase to describe the relationship.

          6    The Word document accompanying the concept map includes four components:

          1    Include the central question you used as a starting point for the concept map.

          2    Describe how and why you selected the concepts (nodes) included in your concept map.

          3    Explain the overall logic in the organization of your concept map describing in more detail the relationship between concepts (nodes).

          4    Provide a summary of how the concepts (nodes) that you included in the concept map answer the central question.

      The Key Characteristics of a Concept Map

      Concept maps have specific characteristics that distinguish themselves from other diagrams that are used to represent knowledge. They are:


      Nodes are the circles or the boxes that are used to represent a concept or an idea. These may vary in size, according to their hierarchy on the map; for example, more general nodes at the top of the map may be bigger than the more specific nodes that follow them.


      Concept maps consist of concepts in different domains.  And the relationships between these different domains of knowledge are shown with cross-links.

      Linking Words

      Or linking phrases if it contains more than a word. These describe the type of relationship between the two concepts and appear on the line connecting them.

      Hierarchical Structure

      Usually, concept maps are organized hierarchically. This means the most general and inclusive concepts are placed at the top of the map. Those that are more specific are positioned below them. Accordingly, hierarchical concept maps are read from top to bottom.

      Resources available to help you get started include:

          1    Review the Concept Map Rubric to understand how Concept Map 2 will be graded.

          2    Review PowerPoint (Links to an external site.)

       (https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/topics/powerpoint/) (Links to an external site.)

       topics to become familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint. You will also want to know how to Change the size of your slides (Links to an external site.)

       (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/change-the-size-of-your-slides-040a811c-be43-40b9-8d04-0de5ed79987e) to enl

      arge the slide and create your Concept Map 2.



      Create an org chart in PowerPoint using a template Links to an external site.


      to create your Concept Map 2.


        Case Studies Content Ch. 6 Application Exercises: Select Question 6-11 Or 6-12,

        Case Studies Content Ch. 6 Application Exercises: Select Question 6-11 Or 6-12,

        Case Studies Content

        1. Ch. 6 Application Exercises: Select Question #6-11 or #6-12, develop a PP presentation (p. 223).

        Research topic

        1. What have researchers learned about the privacy and security challenges in cloud computing, and ways to mitigate this problem objective summaries 


        Assignment:  Your Initial Discussion Posts Must Be At Least 400 Words And You Must Use

        Assignment:  Your Initial Discussion Posts Must Be At Least 400 Words And You Must Use

        Assignment:  Your Initial Discussion Posts must be at least 400 words and you must use at least one additional source outside of your textbook.

        Compare and contrast the budgeting systems described in Chapter 7 

        Required textbook: Lee, Robert D., Johnson, Ronald W., and Philip G. Joyce.  Public Budgeting Systems. 10th Edition. ISBN: 9781284198980. 

        Required video:  https://youtu.be/8rZsR4lYRR0 


          After Reading Chapter 13, Please Provide An Example Of Effective Research Communication (Can Be Simple,

          After Reading Chapter 13, Please Provide An Example Of Effective Research Communication (Can Be Simple,


          After reading Chapter 13, please provide an example of effective research communication (can be simple, yet relevant). Be clear on the general purpose of the communication and how veracity (truthfulness) is maintained. 

          Minimum Requirements: Your post length should be between 250-400 words

           Firms sometimes use the threat of bankruptcy filing to force creditors to renegotiate terms. Critics argue that in such cases, the firm is using bankruptcy laws “as a sword rather than a shield.” Is this an ethical tactic? 


          Practice Exercise Chap 15: 3, 7,

          8, 15

          Chap 16: 2,


          (under Questions and Problems)


          You work as a communication specialist at Estee Lauder Companies Think about the economic and

          You work as a communication specialist at Estee Lauder Companies Think about the economic and

          You work as a communication specialist at Estee Lauder Companies. Think about the economic and social challenges we have experienced in the last few months. What adjustments should your organization make to be sustainable during these challenging times?   In groups 5-7 students, write a 3-4 page (single-spaced) internal proposal to address these concerns. Decide on your target audience and orient your proposal towards them. Use a memo format. Remember to include headings such as the introduction, background, solution, and recommendation. Use subheadings if applicable. Be creative in your response. If your group prefers, you are welcomed to change the name of the company. You can use the following sample as a guide: Internal Proposal Sample (PDF) Actions InternalProposalSample.pdf

          you are going to To prepare a bank reconciliationTo prepare accounts receivable journal entries and

          you are going to To prepare a bank reconciliationTo prepare accounts receivable journal entries and

          you are going to To prepare a bank reconciliation,To prepare accounts receivable journal entries and To determine the maturity date and calculate interest for a notes receivable ‘ Project3.xls

          write a one-page assessment of the fiscal condition of CGWO, evaluating what each ratio (that

          write a one-page assessment of the fiscal condition of CGWO, evaluating what each ratio (that

          write a one-page assessment of the fiscal condition of CGWO, evaluating what each ratio (that you computed) tells you about the organization’s fiscal health. Ensure your response covers the following details: Typical financial indicators: Liquidity ratio (current ratio – current assets / current liabilities). Burden of debt ratio (total debt / total assets). Adequacy of available resources ratio (net assets without donor restrictions / expenses). Current fiscal performance (operating surplus or deficit / total revenues). Financial indicators specific to not-for-profits: Fund-raising ratio (fund-raising expense + administrative costs) / total contributions and grants revenue). Program ratio (program expenses / (program expenses + fund-raising expenses + administrative costs). Contribution and grants ratio (revenue from contributions and grants / total revenues). Revenues from services ratio (revenue from program fees / total revenues). Ensure that your explanation is supported by at least two appropriate sources.

          Write a minimum 175 words You are a new operations manager for a major financial institution, and

          Write a minimum 175 words You are a new operations manager for a major financial institution, and

          Write a minimum 175 words You are a new operations manager for a major financial institution, and you’ve been invited to speak as a guest lecturer for a freshman finance course at the local university. Explain to the class what you consider to be a top mechanic of a primary market and a top mechanic of a secondary market. How would you explain the way the performance of your company is influenced by the activity of the markets you described?