While understanding the basics of financial accounting is certainly important for accountants it is also

While understanding the basics of financial accounting is certainly important for accountants it is also

While understanding the basics of financial accounting is certainly important for accountants, it is also an important skill to have in all types of professional fields. In this discussion, you will make connections between your chosen field and what you have learned about financial accounting in this course. Address the following in your initial post: Describe your current or aspiring professional identity, including your career and the field in which you work or hope to work. Think about the types of financial transactions your chosen field is likely to generate and how they will need to be reported and accounted for by the business. Describe at least three examples of such transactions and how they affect the financial statements and the business in general. Reflect on and comment about the importance of financial accounting in your field. In response to at least two of your peers, discuss any similarities with the field you have chosen or the transactions that need accounting. Explain whether you agree with their assessment of the importance of accounting in their field and why.

What is the purpose of the statement of cash flows Why would we want to

What is the purpose of the statement of cash flows Why would we want to

What is the purpose of the statement of cash flows? Why would we want to convert accrual basis net income to cash basis when creating the statement of cash flows? Differentiate between these three activities. Operating Financing Investing Provide at least two unique examples for each category

Week 5 Training Methods and Technology Considerations 22 unread replies22 replies After reading the assigned

Week 5 Training Methods and Technology Considerations 22 unread replies22 replies After reading the assigned

Week 5 Training Methods and Technology Considerations 22 unread replies.22 replies. After reading the assigned chapters, and watching the video on technology-based training, review the following: Consider how to incorporate technology into your final project. Consider computer-based training; web-based training; e-learning; social media, blended learning, simulations, games, adaptive learning. Determine which one(s) are appropriate for your training program final project. Will your training be offered only in a face-to-face setting? Will you use a blended approach, utilizing a learning management system or another online resource in addition to a physical meeting location? Will your training be offered exclusively online? What tools and technology will be used? PowerPoint is an easy go-to, but how effective is it? Can you use other tools? Keep in mind that just because you can, doesn’t mean that it is the most appropriate or best choice. Consider researching some learning tools. There are many game-based apps like Kahoot! or Socrative that can increase engagement. Additionally, there are video resources and other multimedia tools that can enhance your training. For this discussion, your assignment is due by Sunday of Week 5 at 11:59 pm (EST). In Week 6, you are to comment on at least one other student’s post, providing constructive criticism, suggestions, and commendations as necessary. The purpose of this assignment is to develop a learning community to exchange ideas and improve upon your training plans. Review the rubric carefully for grading criteria. I highly recommend suggesting a tool or other piece of technology to your peers based on what you read in their posts. This can serve as a perfect idea exchange! Resources: How to Succeed with Blended Learning – A Complete Guide (Links to an external site.) Technology Based Training Methods (Links to an external site.)

Week 5 Discussion 2424 unread replies2424 replies Artificial Intelligence AI has integrated itself into our

Week 5 Discussion 2424 unread replies2424 replies Artificial Intelligence AI has integrated itself into our

Week 5 Discussion 2424 unread replies.2424 replies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has integrated itself into our everyday lives. Siri, Alexa, Google, and more now assist us in our day-to-day functions.  AI is not only applicable in personal lives, but in the world of Training and Development as well.  What are some implications of AI in the workplace? How do you see it affecting training programs? You can choose to either do a presentation with a screen-recording and voiceover, a webcam video, or a written text reply. Resources: 3 Incredible Ways AI Will Transform Learning and Development (Links to an external site.) CASTELLANO, S. (2019). Artificial Intelligence, Genuine Learning. TD: Talent Development, 73(10), 9295. (Links to an external site.) DILLON, J. D. (2020). The Path to ATD: Talent Development, 74(1), 2429. (Links to an external site.) How AI Will Improve Corporate Learning

Week 5 Discussion Board 11 unread reply11 reply For this discussion review the differences and

Week 5 Discussion Board 11 unread reply11 reply For this discussion review the differences and

Week 5 Discussion Board 11 unread reply.11 reply. For this discussion review the differences and similarities in compensation and pay models for non-union vs. union workers. Provided for you are example statistics of differences that are normally seen between union and nonunion compensation. Please utilize these readings and videos but feel free to do additional research on your own when answering these questions: In general, what do you believe is the main difference between basic pay models for union workplaces and non-union workplaces? After looking at the pay models discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the two compensation models. How does newer legislation (Supreme Court’s union-dues ruling) impact states without right-to-work laws? Discussion assignments consist of two parts: (I) an initial response to the topic, (II) responses/interactions (2+) with your peers. Follow all Discussion Board Requirements and Due Dates. Resources: Sherman (2021)  Union Incomes May Seem Better Than Non-Union, But Are They Really? (Links to an external site.) (2020) Table 4. Median weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by union affiliation, occupation, and industry (Links to an external site.) Nagele-Piazza (2019) What Does the Supreme Court’s Union-Dues Ruling Mean for HR? (Links to an external site.) Union to Non-Union Compensation Comparison: **(please note this is just an example for one industry and does not represent all industries across the board but gives you some insight into possible differences or variations in compensation).

Watch the following video: https://wwwyoutubecom/watchv=0sD0WrnXw-I 2 Attached is a diagram of the Three Lines

Watch the following video: https://wwwyoutubecom/watchv=0sD0WrnXw-I 2 Attached is a diagram of the Three Lines

Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sD0WrnXw-I 2. Attached is a diagram of the Three Lines of Defense. Research this topic before class and be prepared to discuss how technology impacts the three lines of defense. Write up a summary of the main points of this diagram. DiagranoftheThreeLinesofDefence.png

Using the Wall Street Journal , select an article about any publicly traded firm that

Using the Wall Street Journal , select an article about any publicly traded firm that

Using the Wall Street Journal , select an article about any publicly traded firm that enjoys a large shareholder base. How has the company incorporated ethics into the financial management practices? Discuss what challenges the firm has encountered (or is likely to encounter) and how they have sustained ethical practices despite internal or external (market) pressures. Frame your response relative to the financial manager’s fiduciary duty to maximize shareholder’s wealth.

Using all components of Microsoft Office Word Excel Access Power Point and Internet Explorer complete

Using all components of Microsoft Office Word Excel Access Power Point and Internet Explorer complete

Using all components of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, and Internet Explorer) complete the following project:  Use the Internet to find information about a Vacation Destination of your choice. Use the Internet to research the location that you will travel to. Find travel costs, lodging costs and expenses that you will incur to visit amusement parks, historical museums/sites and any entertainment activities you will do on your trip. Word 2-3 page paper in MLA format.      Spelling, grammar and punctuation are key components. (10 points)  Interesting information about      your vacation spot  3 or more sources from the      Internet (can also include other sources)  Internet sites used for      reference must include date accessed in parenthesis  Formatting changes (font      changes, bold, underline, italics, etc.) Minimum of 3 changes (5 points)  Include the chart (pie, bar,      etc., not the spreadsheet) created in Excel. Don’t just place the      chart”include some information about it. (5 points)  A graphic that relates to      your vacation spot (2.5 points)  A works cited page to include      the references used (2.5 points) EXCEL Worksheet title and tab title      (5 points)  Column and row titles (5      points)  Formulas (5 points) (more      than 1 formula. Your formulas must be more than just a SUM function and a      simple addition/multiplication problem.)  Use a style to format your      table. (5 points)  Make a chart (should be the      same one that you place in your Word and PowerPoint documents) and place      it as a new sheet (5 points)  Spreadsheet must include at      least 20 cells (5 points)  ACCESS  Create a database with the      information that you have found  This could include places to      visit, hotels, etc  You must have at least 2      fields and 4 entries (5 points)  Create at least one form (5      points)  Create at least one report (5      points)  Do not use the same      information that is in your Excel spreadsheet POWER POINT  Create a PowerPoint      presentation about the vacation spot that you chose  A minimum of 6 slides using a      template or your own background (5 points)  Include animations and      transitions (5 points)  Include at least 2 graphics      (5 points)  Include the chart from your      spreadsheet (5 points)  Formatting including spelling      and grammar, limit text on slides (5 points) FINALPROJECT111.doc

Using the APPLE company and annual reports: Prepare common-size balance sheets, income statements, and statements

Using the APPLE company and annual reports: Prepare common-size balance sheets, income statements, and statements

Using the APPLE company and annual reports: Prepare common-size balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flows for your chosen company for the latest 2 years. Identify one company that competes with your chosen company, obtain their financial statements for the most recent two years, and prepare common-size balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flows for the APPLE company for the latest 2 years. Explain why common-sized financial statements are a convenient way to compare financial statement items within the same period, between periods, and between competing companies. Perform a vertical analysis of at least one item on the common-size balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows you prepared for the most recent year. Compare each item to the same item on the common-size financial statements for the previous period and to the same item on the common-size financial statements you prepared for the competing company. Discuss what this comparison tells you about your chosen company’s current financial condition, how it compares to the previous year, and how it compares with the financial condition of your chosen company’s competitor. Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one scholarly and/or credible resource, in addition to the text.

Using the company APPLE and their annual reports: Prepare a comparative balance

Using the company APPLE and their annual reports: Prepare a comparative balance

Using the company APPLE and their annual reports: Prepare a comparative balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows, and perform a horizontal analysis of the company’s balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows for the most recent 2 years. Identify at least one significant change (increase or decrease) from one year to the next in a balance sheet account, income statement account, and statement of cash flows account. Identify the causes of the change in each of these accounts. Discuss the implications of each of these account changes, and your assessment of the company based on these changes. Do these changes reflect positively or negatively on the company, and what is your assessment of the outlook for the company? Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one scholarly and/or credible resource, in addition to the text.