Review the scenario and complete the activity below.In an interview published by The New

Review the scenario and complete the activity below.In an interview published by The New

Review the scenario and complete the activity below.  In an interview published by The New York Times in February 1976, former Lockheed President A. Carl Kotchian defended the payment of bribes by the company as follows: Some call it gratuities. Some call them questionable payments. Some call it extortion. Some call it grease. Some call it bribery. I look at these payments as necessary to sell a product. I never felt I was doing anything wrong. More than 30 years later, Reinhard Siekaczek, an accountant employed by Siemens who oversaw an annual budget for questionable payments in excess of $50 million, stated: I never thought I would go to jail for my company. ¦We thought we had to do it. Otherwise, we would ruin the company. ¦People will only say about Siemens that they were unlucky and that they broke the Eleventh Commandment. The Eleventh Commandment is, ˜Don’t get caught.’ You have been hired to assist ABC Multinational Company to help educate employees on ethical practices and corporate culture. More specifically, related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, your role is to prevent situations described in the above scenario. Create either a handout, job-aid, poster, or flier to educate employees on the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act. Complete the following for your educational tool: Explain what the employees should know regarding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Provide examples of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations. Identify company actions or red flags that might indicate violations of the Act. List any consequences of the violations. Recommend actions to report possible violations. Describe protections for whistleblowers. Why are they important? How do the protections impact the Act? Cite references to support your assignment.

Review the Valenti Vandenberg and Lehman articles in this week’s Readings and Resources and answer

Review the Valenti Vandenberg and Lehman articles in this week’s Readings and Resources and answer

Review the Valenti, Vandenberg, and Lehman articles in this week’s Readings and Resources and answer the following prompts: Compare and contrast plant-based and animal-based protein sources.  What are the similarities? What are the differences? Describe two meals, one should include a combination of plant-based proteins and the second should include an animal-based protein.

-Review Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium: Read the Textbook -Chapter 4 -Review the Indiana Jones

-Review Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium: Read the Textbook -Chapter 4 -Review the Indiana Jones

-Review Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium: Read the Textbook -Chapter 4 -Review the Indiana Jones Econmovie Analyze and write a 3 paragraphs summary of what you learned from this video.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: A computer

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: A computer

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:   A computer database system or program can be very complicated; however, the central elements of a database are composed of tables, records, and fields. Tables are also called datasheets and each table in a database holds data about a different, but associated, subject. The impact of high-performance interconnects on relational database systems is an important process. Discuss details of database records and fields. Discuss the role of remote direct memory access (RDMA) and remote memory access (RMA) in transaction processing.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:A component

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:A component

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  A      component of an accounting system is one part that helps the entire system      accumulate financial data, translate the data into worthwhile information,      and then communicate the information to the necessary users. Briefly      explain the five main components of an accounting system.

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ or instructor posts in a substantive

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ or instructor posts in a substantive

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ or instructor posts in a substantive manner. Each response should have a minimum of 100 words and be respectful of others’ opinions and beliefs that differ from your own.  Total of 400 words Discussion6FistPost.pdfDiscussion6SecondPost.pdf

Read the articles on journaling and review the template provided.Identify what approach,

Read the articles on journaling and review the template provided.Identify what approach,

Read the articles on journaling and review the template provided. Identify what approach, to journaling, in the articles you found useful and why. Post to the discussion forum that you have reviewed the journaling materials and what you learned, based on the articles.   Journal writing tips are provided in the Internship Course Resources under Supplementary Material in this GAP course. Here is also a web article with templates to review as well: Guide to Keeping a Work Journal (with downloadable template) ( You may also post if you have experience journaling, your thoughts about journaling, and further questions you may have about journaling. journaling.docx

Read the Chapter 1 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Complete Parts 1 and

Read the Chapter 1 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Complete Parts 1 and

Read the Chapter 1 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Complete Parts 1 and 2. Part 1: Using complete sentences and academic vocabulary, please answer questions a through d. Part 2:  Using the mini case information, write a 250-word letter of intent discussing specific strategies for how you will conduct your start-up business with personal and professional integrity.MiniCaseChapter1.pdf

Read the Chapter 13 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Complete Parts 1 and

Read the Chapter 13 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Complete Parts 1 and

Read the Chapter 13 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Complete Parts 1 and 2. Part 1: Using complete sentences and academic vocabulary, please answer questions a through d. Part 2: Using the mini case information, write a 250-word letter of intent discussing specific strategies for how you will conduct your start-up business with personal and professional integrity.MiniCase.pdf

Question: Prepare a paper of 2-3 pages discussing your observations from the Learning Activities Especially

Question: Prepare a paper of 2-3 pages discussing your observations from the Learning Activities Especially

Question: Prepare a paper of 2-3 pages discussing your observations from the Learning Activities. Especially correlate the poverty rates based on education attainment. What does that imply about the importance of education in breaking the cycle of poverty?  Module 6 Learning Activities: Read the excerpts from The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness  Download The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander, 2010, The New Press, 2012 Read Prison and the Poverty Trap Download Prison and the Poverty Trap by John Tierney, The New York Times, February 18, 2013 Go to Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020. (Links to an external site.)  Please review the charts and read the entire report. It is full of interesting data. Go to State Profiles (Links to an external site.) and click on Alabama on the map. Review the data for Alabama and consider how it compares to the national data you reviewed. Go to States of Incarceration: The Global Context 2021 (Links to an external site.) and see where Alabama ranks in the listing. Compare Alabama’s incarceration rate to that of the U.S. and other countries. Read First Step Act Passes Download First Step Act Passes by Steve Horn, Prison Legal News, January 2019 Read Beyond the First Step Act Download Beyond the First Step Act by Bernard Kerik, Newsmax, January 2, 2019. Research the amount of funding by Alabama for the Department of Corrections (or the equivalent in Alabama) and also the amount of funding for other departments or activities. Note where the funding for corrections ranks in the total budget. That is, is it the largest budget item, or where does it fall? Go to Alabama Possible data sheet (Links to an external site.) and review the data, comparing the information for Dallas County to the Alabama average and other counties around Dallas County. In terms of the percentage of Alabama population living below the federal poverty levels and note what the federal poverty levels are for various family sizes.