Read all instruction carefully and Student post Topic carefully Must be 100% Original  

Read all instruction carefully and Student post Topic carefully Must be 100% Original  

Read all instruction carefully and Student post Topic carefully   Must be 100% Original   File name: Week 4 Discussion Respone (Due in 24 hours) urgent File attached as discussed in chat

Read all pages carefully selected topic intro & must be follow format according to Sample

Read all pages carefully selected topic intro & must be follow format according to Sample

Read all pages carefully, selected topic, intro & must be follow format according to Sample Paper (3-3 Para each Article)     Must be 100% Original       I hv already attached Articles, u must be use this 3 articles for Annotated Bibliography

Read attachment  Answer the questions at the end of the case and use attached information

Read attachment  Answer the questions at the end of the case and use attached information

Read attachment.  Answer the questions at the end of the case and use attached information to write your answers for support.    Paper Formatting Write at least 200 words per question. Follow proper APA format guidelines. Include a Cover Page per APA format. Set Margins: 1′ top, bottom, right, and left. Use Font: Times New Roman 12 point. printed_1156991.pdf

Read attachment and answer case study questions at end Write at least

Read attachment and answer case study questions at end Write at least

Read attachment and answer case study questions at end. Write at least 200 words per question. Follow proper APA format guidelines. Include a Cover Page per APA format. Set Margins: 1′ top, bottom, right, and left. Use Font: Times New Roman 12 point printed_1159248.pdf

Question 1 – Evaluating Strategic Plans – Respond to the following in a minimum of

Question 1 – Evaluating Strategic Plans – Respond to the following in a minimum of

Question 1 – Evaluating Strategic Plans – Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  In strategic planning, what components would you consider necessary for creating a strategic plan? Using your chosen company for this course, explain what components they use and whether they do a good job of communicating their plan to their workforce. Let’s start by taking a look at a real-world, real-organization’s strategic plan: STRATEGIC PLAN (linked) for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). On that page, click on ‘Access the Strategic Plan.’ Certainly don’t read the entire document (now); it’s 230 pages. But, notice the contents. It lists key components that mirror (or come close) to many of the ones we have been studying : Core Values Objectives Goals Stakeholder Consultation (Communication) Click on the ‘Strategic Planning Process’ and note those main components in a chart format Below that chart is ‘Environmental Scan’ which is the same as a SWOT. Gap analysis forms the basis for Contingency Planning Note: The historical photograph on page 1 of the plan document (page 6 of the PDF) from 1862 is interesting to look at if you have never seen it before of Abraham Lincoln meeting with soldiers. That page also includes the VA’s mission statement. Question 2 – Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  Keeping in mind the aspects of planning, leading, organizing, and controlling, explain how you would evaluate the effectiveness of a strategic plan. What do you think is the most important piece of information to consider when determining effectiveness? Why?

QUESTION 1: FIRM PERFORMANCE Report financial data eg revenues profitability growth and

QUESTION 1: FIRM PERFORMANCE Report financial data eg revenues profitability growth and

QUESTION 1: FIRM PERFORMANCE Report financial data (e.g., revenues, profitability, growth, and stock market returns) and describe how well the firm is performing. Compare the firm’s performance to that of notable rivals. QUESTION 2: KEY PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Identify and describe at least two major problems the firm is facing. Identify and describe proposed solutions to those problems. Should be written about Amazon, similar to previous discussion

Professionals in the human resources field are often tasked with overseeing the benefits and compensation

Professionals in the human resources field are often tasked with overseeing the benefits and compensation

Professionals in the human resources field are often tasked with overseeing the benefits and compensation functions within any given organization. Human resource professionals often have to examine specific compensation and benefit elements of a total rewards system and compare them with qualitative and quantitative data collected internally, to determine how to fairly and appropriately reward employees for their work.  Begin by analyzing qualitative and quantitative data for the current system (as identified in the case study) that will inform your future recommendations and revisions. Once your analysis has been completed, compare and contrast the provided quantitative data regarding the current benefits and compensation system with external benchmarking data from Medtronic, an organization within the same industry. Then draft Parts AC of your analysis. Thoroughly cover each of the critical elements and include your answers to the guiding questions. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: Benefits and Compensation Analysis: For this part of the assessment, you will analyze given aspects of a benefits and compensation package from the provided case study. You will analyze qualitative and quantitative data regarding the current system and determine gaps in that system that will inform your future recommendations and revisions.  A. Analyze the issues or concerns of employees through a review of the qualitative data presented in the case study, for their validity and importance. Be sure to consider the needs of different demographics of employees within the organization.  B. Determine the key issues or concerns of employees that should be targeted and addressed, based on the provided qualitative data. Justify your response. What issues or concerns should be targeted and why? Why should other concerns be made less of a priority? You could consider the underlying reasons behind the issues voiced by employees.  C. Compare and contrast the provided quantitative data regarding the current benefits and compensation system with external benchmarking data from the provided Medtronic data to complete your response. What does the current system have that other organizations do not? What do other organizations offer that the current system does not? Be sure to justify your response DraftCaseforOL620EmergingPharmaceuticalsandMedtronicdraftedJuly172018.pdfOrganizationalAnalysisDesignPlan_ProjectDescriptionandScoringGuide.pdfMedtronicBenefitsInformation.pdf

Program Portfolio Capstone Project – Course MAN 4301:  Create a human resource management policy to

Program Portfolio Capstone Project – Course MAN 4301:  Create a human resource management policy to

Program Portfolio (Capstone) Project – Course MAN 4301:  Create a human resource management policy to include: recruitment, selection, benefits and compensation, performance evaluation, development of employees and formulation of human resource procedures. Focus on the strategic role of human resources within the organization.  Research examples to support the development of your Program Portfolio Project business organizational overview. ou are required to submit a 3-Page (Title Page and 2 Pages of Content), APA formatted paper with substantial content. Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner. The deliverable length of your posting responses must be at least 3-page (Title Page and 2 Pages of Content), APA format.  Please review your paper for grammar and punctuation errors. Submission must be the students original thoughts based on the topics from the ‘Open Educational Resource’ (OER) Course Textbook and/or other referenced sources.  Direct quotes from references must be less than 20 words.  Please review for sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors. Plagiarized submissions may result in a ‘0’ for the submission of this assignment.PROJPORTFOLIOHELP-MAN4301HR.pdfHuman-Resource-Management-210.pdfPolicy-ProceduresVideowriteup.pdf

Prompt: Answer Critical Thinking Challenge 4 at the end of Chapter 9 Compare the program

Prompt: Answer Critical Thinking Challenge 4 at the end of Chapter 9 Compare the program

Prompt: Answer Critical Thinking Challenge 4 at the end of Chapter 9. Compare the program you create to your current employer or a former employer’s management development program.  If your program is better, tell me why you feel that way.  If not, what ways can you improve yours? Requirements: 500 words minimum 61D5E882-E62F-4D1A-AF5C-990C91C0C434.jpeg

Prompt: Use an example from your own experience or research to provide examples to illustrate

Prompt: Use an example from your own experience or research to provide examples to illustrate

Prompt: Use an example from your own experience or research to provide examples to illustrate your points. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 1)Describe how project leaders ascertain good requirements at the beginning of the project. 2)Explain what challenges a project leader might expect to encounter when identifying good requirements, and what steps can be taken to address those challenges. 3)Assess how a project leader can draw on systems engineering methodology early in the project life cycle to help ensure success. 4)Apply the significance of strong customer advocacy to the project outcome and the project team. Guidelines for Submission: Submit a 2 page as Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins, APA format