In this week’s assignment we review the story of an organization that has become large

In this week’s assignment we review the story of an organization that has become large

In this week’s assignment, we review the story of an organization that has become large enough to build a dedicated team of internal change management consultants. This assignment provides an opportunity to examine the role of vision in supporting the organization’s effectiveness and practice describing a vision that could work for such a team. The examples of their success can help you identify the key skills this team used and build these skills yourself.Read the following scenario from Ch. 12, The Effective Change Manager: What Does It Take? of Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach:Kaiser Permanente’s Innovations Consultancy ScenarioWrite a 525- to 700-word paper in which you:Discuss what you see as the vision for the Innovation Consultancy. What key elements of the vision for this unit support the successes illustrated in the case study? What components of this vision align with the components and purposes of a vision during change, as outlined in Ch. 6 of Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach and your research?Identify the change management skills demonstrated by members of Innovation Consultancy. How are these skills reflected in the principles and examples of success? How do these skills align with the change management skills discussed in Ch. 12 of Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach and your research?Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Review facilitator’s two guideline handouts – Sample APA paper and FYS Writing guide. Review your SafeAssign report – correct and submit paper. Use the above BOLD words in writing your level one headings. Because each of the two major topics have several sub-topics, it would be best to try to use level two headings (see sample APA paper for a guide) under each main topic. Level one headings are critical – but also need to address the other key requirements too. However – they way you address the required content is always the most important element in your papers. Content is always 80-90% of your points earned. scenario: uploadedScreenshot_20220407-230631_SamsungNotes.jpg

In this week’s Webtext, you learned about the 5 types of people you should include

In this week’s Webtext, you learned about the 5 types of people you should include

In this week’s Webtext, you learned about the 5 types of people you should include in your own professional network (mentor, industry insider, connector, idealist, and realist). Review these 5 types, then pick 2 types you’d like to add to your own confidence crew. Using strategies you’ve learned from page 9.5 in the Webtext, explain how you will go about adding these professionals to your crew.Note: Think about people you need to add, not people who are already in your life.

In Topics 1 and 2 you were introduced to conscious capitalism through the video Everybody

In Topics 1 and 2 you were introduced to conscious capitalism through the video Everybody

In Topics 1 and 2, you were introduced to conscious capitalism through the video Everybody Matters and Conscious Capitalism: Unpacked. Consider the following scenario: One of your managers heard you are currently completing your master’s degree. He heard about your program’s emphasis on conscious capitalism and servant leadership. He called you into his office to discuss your how school is going. While sharing your excitement about what you are learning, he looked at you, smirked, and said, All this emphasis on relationships is overrated. I have always made it clear to my subordinates what they need to do if they want to remain employed. All I have to say to them is, ˜Get it done and you will get rewarded, and if not, there will be consequences.’ It truly is that simple!  Developing relationships with employees and suppliers or contractors, all that stuff is only good in the textbooks. It never delivers results. Prepare a response that explains the value of conscious capitalism and servant leadership and how it can be used to identify potential deficiencies. Include supporting citations to strengthen your claims.

In you own words answer each questions. do not use any cites and references. use

In you own words answer each questions. do not use any cites and references. use

In you own words answer each questions. do not use any cites and references. use KSA (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) in each questions.  KSA for USPS SUPV DISTRIBUTION OPERATIONS as a mail handler. 1. Knowledge of mail processing operations, policies and procedures, including mail flow guidelines, staging, dispatching, scanning requirements, mail class prioritization, sort plans, and machine performance reports, sufficient to explain to others and answer questions about the operation.   2. Knowledge of the provisions of local and national bargaining unit agreements related to processing operations, including job bidding, overtime, and grievance arbitration, sufficient to recognize and reinforce actions that facilitate compliance.   3. Ability to investigate, troubleshoot and address processing issues to ensure effective mail flow and adhere to productivity goals and service standards.   4. Ability to communicate orally and in writing to facilitate individual and group discussions, set work expectations, coordinate work, and document events such as grievances and accident investigations.   5. Knowledge of Postal policies and procedures related to scheduling, leave usage and time and attendance sufficient to recognize and reinforce actions that facilitate compliance.   6. Skill using computers sufficient to access data and generate reports.   7. Ability to read and interpret data reports and perform basic math computations sufficient to understand and explain how the reports relate to day-to-day operations.   8. Ability to maintain composure, de-escalate potentially contentious situations and foster positive work relationships in the midst of stressful conditions, disagreements and interpersonal conflicts.   9. Ability to adhere to applicable safety and health policies and practices and recognize potential safety issues sufficient to identify and reinforce actions to mitigate risks.

In your own words answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post recommended minimum

In your own words answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post recommended minimum

In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 300 words)   Assignment Details Failure to employ strategies focused on attracting diverse candidate limits diversity in the workplace and could lead to possible legal problems. Reflect on the Equal Employment Opportunity Act and the protected classes it covers in the workplace. Discuss the following: Select 2 protected classes, and explain the need for them to be protected. How can employers prevent cultural barriers, discrimination, and biases in the workplace?

In this assignment section you will upload a 2 or more page paper that is

In this assignment section you will upload a 2 or more page paper that is

In this assignment section you will upload a 2 or more page paper that is APA formatted based on your case from the Logistics Clusters book or an individual current event presentation.  Screenshot3.pngScreenshot8.pngScreenshot6.pngScreenshot7.pngScreenshot1.pngScreenshot5.pngScreenshot4.pngScreenshot10.pngScreenshot9.pngScreenshot2.pngScreenshot11.png

In this assignment you will calculate confidence intervals for the quantitative variables in the Heart

In this assignment you will calculate confidence intervals for the quantitative variables in the Heart

In this assignment, you will calculate confidence intervals for the quantitative variables in the Heart Rate Dataset. Steps Open the Heart Rate Excel Dataset In Read Me First and identify the quantitative variables Make sure the data is sorted by category (e.g.male-at-rest, female at-rest, etc.) Use the Data Analysis tools of Excel to construct 95% and 99% confidence intervals for all 8 categories of the sorted quantitative variables.  Excel will calculate the margin of error given as the confidence interval in the output. Use this margin of error to create your 8 confidence intervals by both adding and subtracting it from the sample mean (calculated in unit 3).  This creates a range of values that is the confidence interval. Create a Word document, and use your calculated results to explain what the confidence intervals tell us. What do these confidence intervals tell us about our heart rate data?  How would you interpret the 95% and 99% intervals for resting heart rate? Compare the 99% and 95% intervals and explain why one is larger than the other even though we use the same sample mean value. Additional Instructions: Your assignment should be typed into a Word or other word processing document, formatted in APA style. The assignments must include Running head A title page with Assignment name Your name Professor’s name Course HeartRateDataSetE1.xlsx

In this discussion posting you are asked to first reflect on and then discuss the

In this discussion posting you are asked to first reflect on and then discuss the

In this discussion posting, you are asked to first reflect on and then discuss the last interview in which you participated, either as an interviewer or as an interviewee.  Discuss what you remember doing well, not so well, and what you may have totally messed up. It is not required to mention the company or any personnel you interviewed or interviewed with.  However, it is appropriate to mention the position you were interviewing for or for which you were the interviewer. The purpose of this posting is a retrospective on your personal performance with respect to what you have learned in your previous discussion posting.  If you have not interviewed for a position in recent history or have not been an interviewer, discuss interviewing with someone in your organization who has had significant experience with interviewing and ask them to describe the do’s and don’t’s of interviewing from their perspective.  300 words, single space

In this presentation, you will serve as a consultant by applying concepts that you learned

In this presentation, you will serve as a consultant by applying concepts that you learned

In this presentation, you will serve as a consultant by applying concepts that you learned in class and applying them to organizational problems at a company that you have either personally worked with in the past or are currently working at now. Observe the organization and identify two problems with the way that they are conducting business. Review the concepts that we have learned over the course of this class and think about how two of the concepts can be applied to address the two problems that you identified.  The presentation must describe the company you are currently worked at or have worked at in the past, the two problems that you identified, and the two concepts that you learned from the class to address the two problems. It should also include a conclusion that summarizes how the concepts you learned from class can specifically help to improve the organization’s effectiveness. Your presentation should also be used to convey your information most effectively. For example, there should not be too much text on any one slide and it should be free of any grammar/typo issues. Your presentation should be a maximum of 5 minutes long and should include your voice recorded over your slides. The slides of your presentation will only be accepted using PowerPoint. Google Slides will not be accepted and you will receive a zero if they are submitted instead of a PowerPoint file. The rubric below will be used to grade the presentation. Please read the rubric carefully for further instructions. M8_FinalPresentationrubric.pdfMGMT300M1.pdfMGMT300M2.pdfMGMT300M3.pdfMGMT300M4.pdfMGMT300M5.pdfMGMT300M6.pdfMGMT300M7.pdfMGMT300M8.pdf

In the textbook reading from Business Communication Today you learned about the importance of audience

In the textbook reading from Business Communication Today you learned about the importance of audience

In the textbook reading from Business Communication Today, you learned about the importance of audience analysis when making a presentation. In the study material, ‘Selling Yourself and Your Ideas to Senior Management,’ there are tips about making effective presentations geared to your audience. Think about your skills as a presenter and identify two key areas that you need to improve on in order to be more effective when making presentations. Identify specific steps you will take to improve on these areas. In response to peers, provide feedback on ways to improve their skills, share specific tips, tricks, and strategies that have been successful for you when making presentations.