Develop a quasi-proposal for the intended research/quantitative example that is attached While the most important

Develop a quasi-proposal for the intended research/quantitative example that is attached While the most important

Develop a quasi-proposal for the intended research/quantitative example that is attached. While the most important elements in any proposal are the fundamentals of the problem, purpose, and research questions, the bulk of the assignment will be the methodology.  Organize the quasi-proposal for this assignment by subheadings. The actual headings and information that need to be included depend on the method used to collect the data. In studies involving the collection of primary data, please be sure to include the details of the sampling plan, measurement of variables, the actual data collection procedure, plan of analysis, and justification for the decisions.    Include the following information, using these headings, in your quasi-proposal: Introduction Statement of the Problem Purpose Statement Research Questions Hypotheses  Null and Alternative for each research question Methodology Research Design: Specific quantitative method to be used and rationale. Cite works related to your decision. Operationalization of Variable: Specification of the concepts to be measured for each variable/construct. State variable/construct name, Define the variable/construct, Identify the source of the variable/construct, Describe how the variable/construct is scored, Identify the level of measurement of the variable/construct, Identify range and interpretation, or group classification of the variable/construct. Specification of the population, recruitment method, and target sample size with justification. Data collection procedure: Explanation of how the data will be collected. Intended data analysis: Explain how the data will be analyzed to test the hypotheses and provide answers to the research questions. Provide your rationale. Validity: Any plausible threats to internal and external validity.   References Length: Your paper should be between 12 -15 pages, not including title and reference page.BarnettAssignment1Bus73201.docx

Digital StrategyBased on your understanding of aforesaid highlights you are requested to select a

Digital StrategyBased on your understanding of aforesaid highlights you are requested to select a

Digital Strategy  Based on your understanding of aforesaid highlights you are requested to select a reputable organization/institution in your country to conduct your research, study and analysis. You can select an organization in Clothing/Garments industry. By referring to your chosen organization/institution, with the above mentioned, please answer the question below: the company Is GOAT app.    Critically evaluate the chosen institution/organization BusinessLevel strategy components in response to industry/sector digitalizing. Suggest ways by which the chosen institution/organization may improve and sustain its competitive position in its sector.         must haves:  – 400 words

Directions Conduct a literature review and then share your discoveries in the discussion Let the

Directions Conduct a literature review and then share your discoveries in the discussion Let the

Directions Conduct a literature review and then share your discoveries in the discussion. Let the discussion scope guide  your discovery research. You are required to have at least three resources.  2. Initial post 0. Assess the natural resources of Asia. Identify the Asian country which is most endowed in resources and explain how these resources have contributed to their sustainable development. 2. Take on the role of a consultant and give some recommendations to the economic development leaders of your chosen country to continue to better manage their economic development.Unit5DiscoveryResearchGB503.docxUnit5LectureGB503.docx

Directions Response posts0 Select two peers to respond toTake on the role of

Directions Response posts0 Select two peers to respond toTake on the role of

Directions Response posts  0. Select two peers to respond to.  Take on the role of a consultant. Read their recommendations thoroughly then provide some rationale as to why you think their recommendations are persuasive (or not).Unit4DiscoveryResearchPeerResponseGB503.docx

Description of Project:  The students can utilize their personal situation or a family member business

Description of Project:  The students can utilize their personal situation or a family member business

Description of Project:  The students can utilize their personal situation or a family member, business associate, etc.  The primary goal is to develop a plan encompassing the following topics.   First, develop a monthly budget tracking expenses over one to two months.  Compare the monthly expenses to monthly income and forecast out into the future in a general way.   Second, discuss setting up an emergency fund covering six months of expenses.  Describe in detail how you plan on achieving this goal.   Third, describe a plan for repaying student loan debt, credit card debt, auto debt etc.   Fourth, Describe personal income and career goals over the short and long term.   Lastly, describe your retirement planning strategy with specific goals of monthly amounts of savings, general types of investments and estimated rates of return.  Describe how much you estimate you will accumulate over the long term based on your underlying assumptions.  Learning Outcomes:  Explain various concepts and strategies outlined in the text as you prepare the report.  Describe in detail any and all assumptions made in preparing the report.  Apply concepts from the textbook and other sources and how you utilized them in developing the plan.  You are welcome to use outside sources, websites, retirement calculators, etc.  Utilize the information in the book and discussion with the professor, outside sources or industry professionals in developing the overall plan.   Analyze and discuss what you learned from doing the plan and the benefits for your future.  Assessment:  The plan will be assessed by the professor with regard to inclusion of the key parts of the plan and utilization of key concepts covered in the book and by the professor and outside sources.  The key will be covering the major areas budget, emergency fund, debt repayment and retirement strategy.  The report should be a minimum of 5 to 10 pages including graphs, charts, etc.

Description of the Assignment: Refer to what your instructor wants you to do and/or to

Description of the Assignment: Refer to what your instructor wants you to do and/or to

Description of the Assignment: Refer to what your instructor wants you to do and/or to submit, as detailed below in the Deliverables section. Include the real-world (authentic) situation, type of task to be accomplished, and the sorts of higher-order thinking (analysis, reasoning, critical thinking, etc.) that were requested and/or shared throughout your course thus far. Michael Porter wrote a book, Competitive Advantage (New York:  The Free Press, 1980), which became the standard text on corporate strategy during the 1980s and 1990s, and remains so even today.  In it, he claims that there are three sources of competitive advantage (1980, pp. 35-40): (1)   Overall cost leadership (you make something everybody else makes at lower unit cost) (2)   Differentiation (nobody else makes exactly what you make, and consumers are willing to pay a little extra to buy what you make rather than a substitute) (3)   Focus (you make a product or produce a service which is generally available, but focus on serving a narrow customer base and doing it better than anyone else) Approach (3), if you think hard about it, is really just a combination of the other two, focused on a specific, often narrow customer base.  Porter refers to the first two as pure strategies.  See Slides 4-10 of the Lesson 10 Power Point for an analysis of these two pure strategies. The rest of Porter’s book is a framework”the 5 Forces Model and its application”for assessing a business’s competitive situation, and how to direct its energies towards winning.   VIDEO:  Watch the following video: Finally, the two perspectives are compared in the following video:   Deliverables  After viewing these videos, address the following questions: What is the relationship between Porter’s approach and that of Blue Ocean theory? What significant differences are there between them (if there are any)? How are these approaches related to Drucker’s concept of creating a customer? Justify your position. How are each of them related to Drucker’s 5th principle of systematic entrepreneurship (Aim at market leadership)? Justify your position. Do you prefer one of these approaches over the other? Why or why not? 6-9 Pages minimum, see attachment for detailed requirements and guidlinesGuidline.docxDRU502Lesson10Presentation.pptx

Describe the objective of this case study according to your understanding2 What is the

Describe the objective of this case study according to your understanding2 What is the

Describe the objective of this case study according to your understanding  2. What is the importance of material selection in manufacturing companies  3. What is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that can be used in decision making process in manufacturing companies  4. What are the important steps you suggest for the decision-maker in order to make a good decision  5. How this study is helpful for you in understanding the decision making process about material selection in manufacturing companies? MGT425-Assignment2-Copy.docxContentServer-2.pdf

Decision making is the process of identifying and choosing alternative courses of action. While we

Decision making is the process of identifying and choosing alternative courses of action. While we

Decision making is the process of identifying and choosing alternative courses of action. While we want to make rational decisions, sometimes we don’t. Sometimes, we make non-rational decisions. There are four steps in rational decision making: Recognize and define the problem or opportunity. In business, the problem can come in the form of customer complaints, supplier breakdowns, staff turnover, sales decline, and so on. Organizations proactively seek opportunities to exceed goals, surpass the industry expectations, and to expand and grow the business. Identify and analyze alternative courses of action. Leaders should seek input from multiple sources to interpret and analyze the problem/opportunity to come up with as many options as possible to solve the issue. Choose a preferred course of action. The group want to answer the following: Is the action ethical? Is it feasible? (Costs, technology availability.) Is it effective? If your answer to this question is the resolution is ‘good enough,’ you want to rethink this solution it will cause more harm than good. Implement the preferred course of action. You need to the participation from all teams to successfully implement the action. On the other hand, non-rational decisions are generally the result of either satisficing (going with the first available option without much research) or intuition (using your ‘gut’ or just your own feelings to make decisions). For this week’s discussion, think about a time when you made a non-rational decision on the job or in your personal life. Respond to the following: Was it the result of satisficing or intuition? How would your decision have been different using the four steps for rational decision making? How would the steps have helped you to make a better, or more sound, decision?

Delta Corporation has developed a new clothing line that is designed for young people In

Delta Corporation has developed a new clothing line that is designed for young people In

Delta Corporation has developed a new clothing line that is designed for young people. In order to create a suitable image for this new product line they are launching a subsidiary called EchoDelta, with a new image, logo and tag line. Given that the target market for this new product line is primarily young people, they have engaged a Social Media Marketing Consultant to launch the new product line.You are that consultant. Unfortunately, the executives of Delta Corporation are unfamiliar with Social Media and how it can be utilized for marketing purposes. As a result, you need to: Explain what a Digital Dashboard is and how it can be of use to monitor activity in real time. Make recommendations on what should actually be displayed, in terms of type of data, sources for that data and frequency of updates. Explain the benefits of using Data Visualization technology to monitor their online sales and marketing activity. Explain what a mashup is, and why the corporation needs to utilize such technology. Provide reasons as to why they should also consider using geospatial technology.To provide the executives with an example, select an organization that uses data visualization and/or geospatial technology, detail how they use it and outline what benefits you feel they have gained from it. Importance note to follow:  Your well-written report should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. To make it easier to read and therefore grade. 2.  make sure you clearly delineate each section of your answer so it can be matched with the relevant question.  3.  Use APA7 style guidelines, citation reference at least four references as appropriate.  4.  Make sure no plagiarism 5.  In the attachment the related book chapter 11chapter11fromthebook.pdf

Describe a business you deal with as a customer Describe the customer service you receive

Describe a business you deal with as a customer Describe the customer service you receive

Describe a business you deal with as a customer. Describe the customer service you receive there. What makes that business better than their competition? Why are you a customer there instead of their competition?