Chapter 11 Questions Define stockholders and stakeholders What is the difference between

Chapter 11 Questions Define stockholders and stakeholders What is the difference between

Chapter 11 Questions Define stockholders and stakeholders. What is the difference between the two? How companies distinguish stakeholder.  What process does a company adopt to go through to and respond to stakeholders’ concerns? What are the steps in this process? What is the agency problem? What are the governance mechanisms that can be put in place to guard against this problem? Describe internal controls and strategies that can be implemented to ensure ethical behavior within a company. Why internal controls to maintain ethical concerns are important?  Chapter 12 Questions How can organizational design contribute to competitive advantage? What elements in organizational design are important?  Describe how a strong organizational culture leads to transparency, ethics, and competitive advantage within a company. How do corporations develop strategic plans for single or multidivisional structures?  What are some advantages and problems in implementing a multidivisional structure? How do companies implement strategies at a global level? What organizational structures help them develop a competitive advantage? PreviousNext ScreenShot2022-04-18at9.41.50PM.pdf

Chapter 16 Management of Employee Conduct: Agency Law Chapter 17 Governance and Structure: Forms of

Chapter 16 Management of Employee Conduct: Agency Law Chapter 17 Governance and Structure: Forms of

Chapter 16. Management of Employee Conduct: Agency Law. Chapter 17. Governance and Structure: Forms of Doing Business. Chapter 18. Governance and Regulation: Securities Law. give overview on the above topics.   Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions: Discuss potential liability a principle may have to third parties based on the actions of an agent.  What factors may limit this liability? What general rights do shareholders hold in a corporation?  How do these rights vary, if at all, based on different classes of stock? APA format , 500 words

Chapter 5 case application 3 Using Tech to Sell Pizza discussion questions 5-23 5-24 5-25

Chapter 5 case application 3 Using Tech to Sell Pizza discussion questions 5-23 5-24 5-25

Chapter 5 case application 3 Using Tech to Sell Pizza discussion questions 5-23, 5-24, 5-25, 5-26  Instructions: Using APA format, reply within 2 pages, double spaced. Use 1 outside reference and in-text citations, with a reference pageScreenShot2022-04-08at9.44.45AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-08at9.45.09AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-08at9.45.53AM.png

Chapter 7 Case Application 2; The X Factor Questions 7-197-207-21 7-22 7-23Instructions: Using APA

Chapter 7 Case Application 2; The X Factor Questions 7-197-207-21 7-22 7-23Instructions: Using APA

Chapter 7 Case Application 2; The X Factor Questions 7-19,7-20,7-21, 7-22, 7-23  Instructions: Using APA format, reply within 2 pages, double spaced. Use 1 outside reference and in-text citations, with a reference page.ScreenShot2022-04-08at10.07.06AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-08at10.07.39AM.png

Chapter 8 Case application 3 A New Kind of Structure; 8-238-24 8-25 8-26Instructions: Using

Chapter 8 Case application 3 A New Kind of Structure; 8-238-24 8-25 8-26Instructions: Using

Chapter 8 Case application 3 A New Kind of Structure; 8-23,8-24, 8-25, 8-26  Instructions: Using APA format, reply within 2 pages, double spaced. Use 1 outside reference and in-text citations, with a reference page.ScreenShot2022-04-08at10.20.10AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-08at10.20.39AM.png

Chapter 9 Case Application 3 Spotting Talent discussion questions 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28Instructions:

Chapter 9 Case Application 3 Spotting Talent discussion questions 9-24 9-25 9-26 9-27 9-28Instructions:

Chapter 9 Case Application 3 Spotting Talent discussion questions 9-24, 9-25, 9-26, 9-27, 9-28  Instructions: Using APA format, reply within 2 pages, double spaced. Use 1 outside reference and in-text citations, with a reference page.ScreenShot2022-04-08at11.24.52AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-08at11.25.47AM.pngScreenShot2022-04-08at11.25.24AM.png

Business & Finance homework help>Management homework helpIdentify a specific  employer and union by

Business & Finance homework help>Management homework helpIdentify a specific  employer and union by

Business & Finance homework help>Management homework help  Identify a specific  employer and union by name; describe the effect of unionization on  wages, hours, and working conditions for those specific workers and that  employer.  Your paper must be 500-600 words with at least three references  (scholarly/peer-reviewed articles within the last five years). The paper  must comply with APA 7th edition and include a title page, in-text  citations, and a references page.

Business & Finance homework help>Management homework helpWhat is your  opinion about unions, and

Business & Finance homework help>Management homework helpWhat is your  opinion about unions, and

Business & Finance homework help>Management homework help  What is your  opinion about unions, and what is their place in the new normal? There are two options: (1a) pick a specific union and employer or industry or  (1b) write generally. Your paper must be 500-600 words with at least three references  (scholarly/peer-reviewed articles within the last five years). The paper  must comply with APA 7th edition and include a title page, in-text citations, and a references page.

Business Proposals can be used in a multitude of ways from problem-solving minor issues to

Business Proposals can be used in a multitude of ways from problem-solving minor issues to

Business Proposals can be used in a multitude of ways from problem-solving minor issues to even starting new, more effective programming.  Your ability to detect potential problems before they turn into serious risks is a valuable asset by most managers/CEOs and CFOs.  Before you write a letter, read through these steps and begin brainstorming.  Below describes how to get started and what content is needed prior to your submission. 1.  Contemplate a current or past work/organizational experience that causes strife for workers/volunteers/costly mistakes perhaps. 2. Identify a solution for this problem that could be solved with a small to moderate financial investment. This doesn’t have to be monumental, but could potentially bring about a positive change to the work culture or productivity.  Examples from your text:  lack of lunch or break rooms for staff; badly needed health initiatives such as gyms or sport club memberships; or a lack of recycling efforts. 3.  Think of how you can write about this workplace problem you have identified succinctly yet specifically within one to two sentences for your letter. (Make sure you choose a relatively weighty problem that can be lessened or eliminated with a minor expenditure.) 4.  Brainstorm creative and practical ways how the benefits of your solution merit the cost (in at least one paragraph or list up to 5 ways; you may number your sentences if you’d like). 5.  Now, create a letter (unsolicited letter) or memo proposal to your current or former supervisor and cc/copy your instructor. The letter needs to include the following: A.  To whom the letter needs to be addressed with his/her title. B.  Identify your need or problem including provide the details of the solution.   C. Mention 2 – 3 ways this solution will benefit the employees: i.  Support your claims with evidence. (This can be fabricated if you are not able to find actual data.) ii.  Provide a ‘potential’ budget. i.e.,  supplies needed, additional staffing cost, food and beverage needs, and other miscellaneous expenses?? D.  Once you have written what your budget includes, close with a profound statement and your signature line. In sum, write a Letter for your Proposal. Please use Word.doc to create this document and save it because you may use it for your final assignment.

By Wednesday for your initial post complete the readings in Unit 3 and then answer

By Wednesday for your initial post complete the readings in Unit 3 and then answer

By Wednesday, for your initial post, complete the readings in Unit 3, and then answer the following question: Which do you think is more important: Formal or informal institutions? Why? Your choice does not matter for your grade: all that counts is how well you argue for your point of view.  Responses In response to two of your peers, by Sunday, choose from the following prompts: Expand on or clarify a point made in the answer. Offer an additional argument to support a position taken in an answer. Suggest ways in which an idea could be more clearly expressed. Identify passages where you think the writer misunderstood a concept or applied it incorrectly. Disagree with a point or position made in an answer. If you are disagreeing with the views of another student, please be constructive and respectful. You may criticize a position but not the author. Just writing ‘Your position on abortion stinks’ will not do! State precisely the point you disagree with. (Make sure you have not misinterpreted the writer’s position.) Offer reasons why you think their view is incorrect and support your position by citing the text or other sources.