A national insurance company dealing in life products is working on launching a new product

A national insurance company dealing in life products is working on launching a new product

A national insurance company dealing in life products is working on launching a new product. This product will be available to the clients who have a current policy coverage of five million and above in ˜Term Life Policy’ or ˜Whole Life Policy’. The new policy being launched by the company is termed Disability Relief Policy The terms of this policy are: The client will have to create an online profile (New profile different from the current) iThe profile of the client will include  a) Full Name.  b) Date of Birth c) Current and Permanent Address. d) Federal ID ( should be current and valid ). e) Income range (Self and with spouse). f) Current coverage on Term Life Insurance and Whole Life Insurance. g) The client will provide the answers to three security questions from the six questions. h) On completion of creating the profile, the client will be provided a code which he will have to use every time he/she logs into the account. i) If the client forgets the code, the system will validate the account by the security questions. j) The client will be able to log into the account only if he/she answers at least two security questions correctly. k) After three unsuccessful attempts the system will direct the client to contact customer service. Product and It’s Benefits The client can choose coverage of any amount for the new product from the range  one million to two million. One time premium of 20% (Twenty Percent) will be paid by the client at the time of enrolling for the new product. The policy will be locked for five years (The client will not be able to cancel or cash out the policy for five years). After five years the client will have two options a) Cash out the policy and get 50% (Fifty Percent) of the amount of the policy. b) Continue the policy for next ten years, after this term of the policy the benefits available will be (Choice of One). Cash out, the client gets the face value amount of the policy plus 25% (Twenty five percent). This amount will be credited to the client’s bank account. The client will have to provide bank account details. iEnroll for disability benefits- In this benefit, if the person insured or his/her spouse get disabled and not able to work, they will get disability benefits as below   One time payment of $20,000.00 on receipt of the notice of disability. A payment of $2500.00 every month after the receipt of the liability notice and will be credited to the client account (Bank Details Required) in advance on the 1st day of every month.

9-10 pages content Create career article that reflects past present and futureExplain various decision

9-10 pages content Create career article that reflects past present and futureExplain various decision

9-10 pages content. Create career article that reflects past present and future.  Explain various decision in life. Discuss motives, personality and goal setting underlying organization behavior principles.  Include past events that shaped current future. Career issue we are currently facing.  Focus on the future and project (Related to any Automation) where you hope your career will take you and how you will define success in your future role. Solid APA formatting

3-1 Discussion Andrew Abbondanza posted Apr 7 2022 9:41 PM Examine the report Illinois Local

3-1 Discussion Andrew Abbondanza posted Apr 7 2022 9:41 PM Examine the report Illinois Local

3-1 Discussion Andrew Abbondanza posted Apr 7, 2022 9:41 PM Examine the report Illinois Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Task Force and evaluate opportunities for efficiencies. Discuss the process of the evaluation of the white paper. What examples exist of these types of efficiency efforts in your area government? The article The Task Force on Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Makes its Recommendations to the Governor summarizes that Task Force’s recommendations to the Governor of Illinois. It is written by The Civic Foundation, which has long supported legislation aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations in Illinois by consolidating or abolishing redundant and/or anachronistic local governments (The Civic Federation, 2016). This relates to the concept of inter-local shared government. As Holzer and Schwester write, public demands for doing more with less, promoting public organizations that are efficient, and bolstering citizen trust through improved governmental responsiveness have engendered interest in inter-local shared service agreements (2019, p. 93). Both abolishing and consolidating through inter-local shared government are ways to increase government efficiency.  An example of the consolidation of state agencies as suggested by the Task Force in my area government is the recent merger of the Utah Department of Health and the Utah Department of Human Services (Utah Department of Health, 2021). The merger was approved by the state legislature in 2021 and is set to go into effect in July of 2022. The two departments are currently working through their Transition Plan. One of the key aspects of the Transition Plan is alignment of overlapping and complementary programs and services (Utah Department of Health, 2021). By doing this, the new Utah Department of Health and Human Services should be able to deliver services more effectively and efficiently.  References Holzer, M., & Schwester, R. W. (2019). Public Administration (3rd Edition). Taylor & Francis.  The Civic Federation. (2016). The Task Force on Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Makes its Recommendations to the Governor. https://www.civicfed.org/civic-federation/blog/task-force-local-government-consolidation-and-unfunded-mandates-makes-its-reco. Utah Department of Health. (2021). State Releases Transition Plan for the merger of Utah Departments of Health & Human Services by July 1, 2022. https://health.utah.gov/featured-news/state-releases-transition-plan-for-the-merger-of-utah-departments-of-health-human-services-by-july-1-2022. In responses to classmates, examine their justifications in support of their answer. For your response posts, do the following:  Reply to at least two classmates outside of your own initial post thread. Demonstrate more depth and thought than saying things like I agree or You are wrong. Guidance is provided for you in the discussion prompt. Consider content from other parts of the course where appropriate. Use proper citation methods for your discipline when referencing scholarly or popular sources. Link to the article: https://www.civicfed.org/civic-federation/blog/tas… (if needed)

3-page response to the following questions Include at least one biblical example in your answers

3-page response to the following questions Include at least one biblical example in your answers

3-page response to the following questions. Include at least one biblical example in your answers. How does being a Christian help or hurt the ability of a manager to help drive change in his/her organization? Requirements: Minimum 750 words. APA format.

5 Integrated Communication Strategies: a Detail what specific media strategy you are using to

5 Integrated Communication Strategies: a Detail what specific media strategy you are using to

5. Integrated Communication Strategies: a. Detail what specific media strategy you are using to reach your audience: i.e. Rifle strategy, shotgun etc. b. Rationalize in a couple point why  (The topic is Fresh Burrito restaurant. I add some information about restaurant to answer this 2 questions Need to be done tomorow 10 am. PleaseFreshBurrito.docx

1Start Excel Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch02_Cap_Appliancesxlsx Grader has automatically added your last

1Start Excel Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch02_Cap_Appliancesxlsx Grader has automatically added your last

1Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch02_Cap_Appliances.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.02Insert a function in cell B2 to display the current date and format as a Long Date.83Autofit the width of column B.04Insert a function in cell C5 to display the item named based on the provided inventory lookup information. Copy the function from cell C5 down through C13 to complete column C.75AutoFit the width of column C.06Insert a function in cell E5 to display the item price based on the provided inventory lookup information. Copy the function from cell E5 down through E13 to complete column E.77Apply Currency Number Format with two decimal places to column E.48Insert an IF function in cell F5 to calculate the total due. If the customer has chosen home delivery, there is an additional delivery charge located in cell B25. Be sure to use appropriate relative and absolute cell references.109Copy the function from cell F5 down through F13 to complete column F and apply Currency Number Format with two decimal places to column F.810Insert the function in cell H5 to calculate the first customer’s monthly payment, using appropriate relative and absolute cell references. Ensure the result is a positive number. Copy the formula down to complete column H.1011Insert a function in cell H14 to calculate the total of all monthly payments in column H and apply Currency Number Format with two decimal places to column H.812Insert a function in cell H18 to calculate the total number of orders based on entries in column A.613Insert a function in cell H19 to calculate the lowest monthly payment in column H. 614Insert a function in cell H20 to calculate the average monthly payment in column H. 615Insert a function in cell H21 to calculate the highest monthly payment in column H. 616Insert a function in cell H22 to calculate the median monthly payment in column H. 617Apply Currency Number Format with two decimal places to the range H19:H22.218Insert a footer with your name on the left side, the sheet name in the center, and the file name on the right side.619Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch02_Cap_Appliances.xlsx. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed 0 CloseReina_Exp19_Excel_Ch02_Cap_Appliances.xlsxExp19_Excel_Ch02_Cap_Appliances_Instructions.docxExp19_Excel_Ch02_Cap_Appliances_final_result.jpg

1Start PowerPoint Download and open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch01_Cap_WantToWafflepptx Grader has automatically added your last

1Start PowerPoint Download and open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch01_Cap_WantToWafflepptx Grader has automatically added your last

1Start PowerPoint. Download and open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch01_Cap_WantToWaffle.pptx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename. 02Change the theme variant to the last one (orange variant).53Change the theme color to Red Orange and the theme font to Candara.64Create a new slide after Slide 1 using the Panoramic Picture with Caption layout. Type Interested in Bringing Waffle Love to Your Town? in the middle placeholder. Type The opportunity can be yours! in the bottom placeholder.95Select the text Waffle Love in the middle placeholder, change the font size to 32 pt, apply Shadow, and change the font color to Gold, Accent 2. Note, Mac users, to apply the shadow, on the Shape Format tab, click WordArt Styles, and then click Shadow.66Click Slide 2. Use the Reuse Slides option to insert all of the slides from Waffles.pptx into the open presentation. Ensure the Use source formatting or Keep source formatting check box is not selected so that the inserted slides take on the design and formatting of the open presentation.67Type the following speaker note on Slide 1: We have a great opportunity for you to join our waffle family. (Include the period). 38Delete Slide 3. Move Slide 5 (92% increase in sales) so that it becomes Slide 4. 49Create a Notes and Handouts footer with the following:Franchise Information. Apply to all. 410Click Slide Insert the WaffleTexture.jpg image file. Crop the image by dragging the middle bottom sizing handle up until it is at 0′ on the vertical ruler. (HINT: Shape Height will be 3.75′ at this point). Change the width of the cropped image to 13.33′. 811Apply the Drop Shadow Rectangle Picture Style. Set the horizontal position of the image to 0′ and the vertical position to 0′. 1012Click Slide 2 and insert the DessertWaffle.jpg image file. Apply the Simple Frame, White Picture Style.713On Slide 8, insert the Waffle.jpg image file. Change the width of the image to 7.3′.714Apply the Simple Frame, White Picture Style. Set the horizontal position of the image to 5.4′  and the vertical position to 1.6′. 615On Slide 7 convert the list to the Step Up Process SmartArt graphic. Note, Mac users, convert the list to the Basic Process SmartArt graphic.816On Slide 3, select the text Why We’re HOT in the title placeholder and apply the Fill: Red, Accent color 1; Shadow WordArt Style to the text. Increase the font size of the WordArt to 60 pt.717Check the presentation for spelling errors. Make corrections as needed on the slides.418Save and close Exp19_PPT_Ch01_Cap_WantToWaffle.pptx. Submit the file as directed.0Exp19_PowerPoint_Ch01_Cap_Want_to_Waffle_Instructions.docxWaffles.pptxExp19_PPT__Ch01_Cap_WantToWaffle_final_result.jpgDessertWaffle.jpgWaffleTexture.jpgReina_Exp19_PPT_Ch01_Cap_WantToWaffle.pptxWaffle.jpg

10: Discussion ForumFor this week’s discussion identify a company founded in the KSA that has

10: Discussion ForumFor this week’s discussion identify a company founded in the KSA that has

10: Discussion ForumFor this week’s discussion identify a company founded in the KSA that has expanded internationally.  How did the company extend its competitive advantage from its home market to an international market? Were all of them transferable and replicable, why or why not? What mode of foreign market entry did the firm adopt, why?  How did the resources and capabilities related to the local market knowledge, distribution, and political and business connections in the international market. Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (which require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post’s answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required  Required Chapter 11 in Contemporary Strategy Analysis Chapter 11 PowerPoint slides Chapter 11 PowerPoint slides – Alternative Formats in Contemporary Strategy Analysis Belderbos, R., Tong, T. W., & Wu, S. (2020). Portfolio configuration and foreign entry decisions: A juxtaposition of real options and risk diversification theories. Strategic Management Journal, 41(7), 11911209. Cuervo, C. A., Doz, Y., & Gaur, A. (2020). Skepticism of globalization and global strategy: Increasing regulations and countervailing strategies. Global Strategy Journal, 10(1), 331. https://doi.org/10.1002/gsj.1374 Khan, Z., Lew, Y. K., & Rao-Nicholson, R. (2020). The role of dynamic capabilities in global strategy of emerging economies’ multinationals. International Studies of Management & Organization, 50(1), 14. https://doi.org/10.1080/00208825.2019.1703375 SEU_MGT510_Module10_PPT_Ch11.ppt

150 words What steps might you take if you were Andy Cutler

150 words What steps might you take if you were Andy Cutler

150 words What steps might you take if you were Andy Cutler, the consultation and education director? Howe might a more effective evaluation program have helped the consultation and education program? What methods might prove helpful in demonstrating the effectiveness of Cutler’s preventive program? L10.png

150 words The type of information needed for a case file depends on the

150 words The type of information needed for a case file depends on the

150 words   The type of information needed for a case file depends on the individual’s case and the agency’s goals.  Many cases involve medical, psychological, social, educational, and vocational information.  Pretend you own a Human Services agency. Interview a family member or friend (aka: your client) and create a mini case file right here on our discussion board. Include a short paragraph addressing each category: medical, psychological, social, educational, and vocational information.