1Download and open the file named EXP19_Ch04_Cap_TechSupportxlsx Grader has automatically added your last name to

1Download and open the file named EXP19_Ch04_Cap_TechSupportxlsx Grader has automatically added your last name to

1Download and open the file named EXP19_Ch04_Cap_TechSupport.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.02Freeze Panes so the first row containing column headings (Row 5) on the SupportCalls worksheet will remain static when scrolling. Ensure that Rows 1-4 are visible.53Convert the data to a table, name the table SupportCalls, and apply the Gold, Table Style Medium 12.134Remove duplicate records.65Add a new column to the table named Duration.46Create a formula using unqualified structured references to calculate the days required to resolve the incident (Date Resolved Date Created).87Add a total row to display the Average days required to resolve an issue.68Sort the table by Agent Name in alphabetical order, add a second level to sort by Description, and create a custom sort order as follows: Will not power on, Virus, Printing Issues, Software Update, Forgotten Password. Add a third level to sort by Duration smallest to largest.  Mac users, to create the custom list, from the Excel menu, click Preferences. In the dialog box, click Custom Lists.149Filter the table to only display closed incidents as indicated in the status column.1010Use Quick Analysis to apply the default Data Bars conditional formatting (Solid Blue Fill) to the Duration column (range I6:I85). Mac users, on the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting, point to Data Bars, and under Solid Fill, click Blue Data Bar.1211Create a new conditional format that applies Red fill and bold font to incident (range A6:A85) that required 30 or more days to resolve. Be sure to use relative cell references in the conditional format formula.1212Change page breaks so page 2 begins with the Computer ID column (column E).213Set the print scale to 85%.414Add a custom footer with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right side.415Save and close the workbook. Submit the workbook as directed. 0 CloseExp19_Excel_Ch04_Cap_Tech_Support_Instructions.docxExp19_Excel_Ch04_Cap_TechSupport_final_result.jpgReina_EXP19_Excel_Ch04_Cap_TechSupport.xlsx

Employee Discipline: Analyze punitive and nonpunitive disciplinary approaches, and explain their impacts on employee

Employee Discipline: Analyze punitive and nonpunitive disciplinary approaches, and explain their impacts on employee

Employee Discipline: Analyze punitive and nonpunitive disciplinary approaches, and explain their impacts on employee relations. Performance Management: Determine the elements of an effective performance management system, and explain how well the employer’s system meets organizational needs. Employee and Labor Relations: Determine the differences between union grievance procedures and nonunion complaint processes, and describe improvements that could be made to a nonunion complaint process.OL600MilestoneTwoGuidelinesandRubric.pdf

After reviewing this week’s readings identify at least psychological impacts from workplace bullying Be

After reviewing this week’s readings identify at least psychological impacts from workplace bullying Be

1- After reviewing this week’s readings, identify at least psychological impacts from workplace bullying. Be sure to address how employee performance may be impacted. Lastly, describe how internal bullying may negatively impact the organization.  https://workplacebullying.org/ 2- Given this week’s readings on violations of ethics in the organizational setting, identify at least 3 critical components that must be included in an organization’s Code of Ethics. Also, detail how would you administer the Code of Ethics with an organization’s employees. For example, would you require annual training for the Code of Ethics? Would you not require a training session? Justify your approach.  https://www.stopbullying.gov/ 3- Identify 2 companies that have had ethical challenges as a result of a toxic leader. You may choose companies that you have been a part of or have some level of familiarity with. Detail the challenges that the company endured as a result of a toxic or corrupt leader or leaders. Based upon this week’s readings, discuss how the companies should have dealt with the toxic leaders.  https://www.stopbullying.gov/