Assignment Content Read Case 2: Airbnb in 2018 in your Connect textbook

Assignment Content Read Case 2: Airbnb in 2018 in your Connect textbook

Assignment Content Read Case 2: Airbnb in 2018 in your Connect textbook. In the accommodations market, Airbnb appears to have a significant advantage over its competitors as it relates to regulations affecting the operations of its business. Develop a business strategy that will allow Airbnb to meet local, state, and international regulatory requirements and motivate individuals to benefit from participating in this space of the accommodations market. Address the following questions: How can Airbnb ensure the ethical treatment of consumers? Should there be a separate strategy for the international component of their business model? Submit your assignment. airbnb1.pngairbnb2.pngairbnb3.pngairbnb4.png

Assignment Content Using your analysis of the strategic plan from the Wk

Assignment Content Using your analysis of the strategic plan from the Wk

Assignment Content Using your analysis of the strategic plan from the Wk 2- Strategic Plan Research assignment, complete the following: Analyze in 350 to 525 words the: Purpose of the strategic plan Key objectives: Market development and how your ideas fit Process improvement Development of people Product/service How do you deliver? Is there a way to improve quality over time to differentiate? Key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure performance over time Recommend initiatives to support your objectives to improve the strategic plan. Identify ways to adapt to the changing business environment.   StrategicPlanforWalmart-Copy.docx

Assignment Content: Successful businesses regularly analyze their processes to ensure they’re operating as efficiently

Assignment Content: Successful businesses regularly analyze their processes to ensure they’re operating as efficiently

Assignment Content:   Successful businesses regularly analyze their processes to ensure they’re operating as efficiently as possible and maintaining their competitive advantages. Although you can assess a company in many ways, a common technique is the SWOT analysis. In this assignment, you will practice using a SWOT analysis to better understand the factors involved in making business decisions that promote sustainable competitive advantage.  Select and research a company from the 2019 Fortune 500 list that demonstrates a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Evaluate the selected company’s sustainable competitive advantage using the SWOT analysis technique. Write a 700- to 1,050-word modified SWOT analysis that includes the following: An introduction with a detailed description of the company A SWOT analysis diagram that includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats An evaluation of how specific internal factors (strengths and/or weaknesses) support and/or promote a competitive advantage; examples may include: Financial, physical, or human resources Access to natural resources, trademarks, patents, or copyrights Current processes (employee programs or software systems) An evaluation of how specific external factors (opportunities and/or threats) support and/or promote a competitive advantage; examples may include: Market trends (new products or technology advancements) Economic trends (local and/or global) Demographics Regulations (political, environmental, or economic) Conclusion with an evaluation of how the company has retained its competitive advantage Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page with at least 2 sources. Note: You may include your textbook as 1 of the sources. Note: You can view sample SWOT Analyses by visiting the University Library > Databases > B > Business Source Complete: SWOT Analyses.

Assignment Instructions:Read the description for the two customers below

Assignment Instructions:Read the description for the two customers below

Assignment Instructions:  Read the description for the two customers below.  For each customer, assign credit to each touchpoint in the customer’s conversion path based on the attribution model. Revisit lesson 2 of this module if you need a refresher on how credit is distributed for each model. Open and create a copy of this worksheet. Complete it by filling in the information you identified.  Change the share settings on your Google Doc by following these instructions: Click SHARE in the top right corner of Google Doc. Click ‘Get shareable link’ at the top right of the box that appears. Adjust settings so ‘Anyone with the link can view.’ Copy the link generated. Return to your school’s learning system to submit the worksheet.  Customer :Angie finds your site by clicking on an ad while scrolling through Facebook. She browses a few pages, then exits. A few days later, she searches Google for one of your keywords and clicks on a Google ad for your site. She adds a few items to her cart but leaves before entering her credit card info. A few hours later, she clicks a link in her email to return to her cart. She then completes her purchase. Last Interaction:  Last Non-Direct Click: Last Google Ads Click:  First Interaction:  Linear:  Time Decay:  Position Based:  Customer 2:David has been searching for a new computer, so he searches on Google and lands on your website. After a few minutes, he clicks off and keeps browsing the web. As he continues searching, he sees a banner ad pop up offering a great deal on his favorite computer. He clicks on the link and once again is on your site. However, he’s not ready to make a purchase until he’s sure your site has a good reputation. He Googles your company and finds an article about how awesome and legit your computers are, and he clicks through to make sure it’s the right website. The next day, he returns to the website and makes a purchase. Last Interaction:  Last Non-Direct Click: Last Google Ads Click:  First Interaction:  Linear:  Time Decay:  Position Based:

As part of your Individual Video Assignment you will view the provided video Then you

As part of your Individual Video Assignment you will view the provided video Then you

As part of your Individual Video Assignment, you will view the provided video. Then you will respond to the questions associated with the video   2018 Pepsi Vs Coca Cola Question 1: Please compare how Pepsi and Coca Cola deliver their advertisements, focusing on message appeal. Question 2: Are you a Pepsi or Coca Cola drinker? What do the ads from the video change your attitudes towards to Pepsi and/or Coca Cola? Question 3: Describe what you think about the video.

Answer the following four questions on proper waste disposal and recyclingYour

Answer the following four questions on proper waste disposal and recyclingYour

Answer the following four questions on proper waste disposal and recycling.  Your personal stance on corporate and civil responsibilities for proper waste disposal practices and recycling. Clearly explain, with supporting reasons, why you believe this social concern is important. You also must include a clear and balanced understanding that there are varying perspectives that may be different from your stance. You need to demonstrate that you can successfully communicate on this issue of social concern with other diverse groups/people who may not agree with you.  Your willingness to act in a balanced manner (with due consideration) in situations where proper waste disposal practices are being ignored. In other words, if you see an injustice occurring, how will you act? Include your basis for evaluating the actions of others who are different from youeither culturally, ethnically, racially, economically, or regionally and demonstrate a rational, balanced handling of the injustice. SECTION 2 — Answer two questions that provide a broader view of both corporate and individual social responsibility. Your overall world-view for the future as related to recycling and proper waste disposal. Include how you hope the world community will evolve in this critical area. Specify key areas where you will see changes in the practice of proper waste disposal or in enhanced environmental protection. 4. Finally, your involvement or lack thereof in environmental or other important social causes –going back as far as your freshman year in college. In your answer you are to provide specific examples of involvement or, if you have not been involved, how you hope to be involved in the future after graduation.  How you have changed your personal perspective for the better since you entered college. You are asked to provide at least one strong example to document your change in perspective.

A report about Ribera Del Duero Ribera del Duero wine and food matching. International

A report about Ribera Del Duero Ribera del Duero wine and food matching. International

A report about Ribera Del Duero   Ribera del Duero wine and food matching. International and regional perspectives.   Analyse and summarise the main concepts of the Ribera del Duero  food matching using concrete examples of Ribera del Duero  wines produced there & local dishes (from the area described as well as different wine styles, grape varieties from all over the region), critically discuss the main reason why an understanding of matching and exclusion of the region’s wine with a particular dish is essential. Discover classic wine producing techniques as well as modernist, how those affect the flavour of the wine produced and its pairing with food. Illustrate your answers with specific examples. Main pairing rules and cultural rules, as well as Asian, Indian (any kind of ethnic) food and different wine styles pairings are good to be mentioned. (For more information please consult the Module Handbook or reach me out directly) V.2.WI236HO721-M.H.InternationalFoodandWineMatching.docxIntroAssessemnts.pdf

1-Identify a new international market for a particular brand of your choice Accordingly provide strategy

1-Identify a new international market for a particular brand of your choice Accordingly provide strategy

1-Identify a new international market for a particular brand of your choice. Accordingly, provide strategy  recommendations for entering a foreign market based on the SWOT analysis of the company, as well as the  internal and external factors of the company. A secondary research will be required to help you identify the factors  2- Reflect on the assessment using your own words. This part of the assessment shall help you reflect and gain understanding on  which parts of the assessment you think you did well and why, and which parts you might have needed further understanding  and why. Globalmarketingassignmentstructure-DR.Azza12.pdf

Pricing Strategy about 2 pages Pricing objectives [see Exhibit 64 Status Quo not allowed]

Pricing Strategy about 2 pages Pricing objectives [see Exhibit 64 Status Quo not allowed]

. Pricing Strategy (about 2 pages) Pricing objectives [see Exhibit 6.4 (Status Quo not allowed)] and overall pricing strategy 2. Connection to differentiation and positioning strategy (described in Subsection B) 3. Price comparison to competition 4. Base pricing strategies being used (see p. 170) 5. Price adjustment techniques being used (see p. 171) D. Supply Chain Strategy (about 2 pages) Overall supply chain strategy 2. Connection to differentiation and positioning strategy (described in Subsection B) 3. Channels and intermediaries being used 4. Tactics to ensure channel support (e.g., slotting fees, guarantees, advertising money) 5. Tactics designed to increase time, place, and possession utility (for end-users)

Describe and Explain the Issue.Issue: Drug addcition and Harm Reuction. 2. Explain why

Describe and Explain the Issue.Issue: Drug addcition and Harm Reuction. 2. Explain why

1. Describe and Explain the Issue.  Issue: Drug addcition and Harm Reuction. 2. Explain why the issue is important. Provide a convincing argument as to why this is an issue that is well-suited for your consultancy skills.  a) Utilize the Means of Persuasion (e.g. Ethos: Credibility. Provide an argument that is well-constructed, supported by facts and professionally written. Pathos: Emotion, appealing to values. Explain why  Logos: Logical reasoning. Carefully explain why change is needed to address this issue. Kairos: Urgency. Why is this issue important now? b) Stakeholder Analysis: detailed questions are available in the slides on Stakeholder analysis.  c) Ethical Theory:  Explain three ethical theories that will be used to analyze the issue at hand. Explain each theory used in illustrative detail.