You will be taking on the role of marketing manager for the organization UPS Within

You will be taking on the role of marketing manager for the organization UPS Within

You will be taking on the role of marketing manager for the organization UPS. Within that role, using the market plan uploaded and expand to add additional details as requested below to present to the marketing team. Compiling your content into a PowerPoint presentation. The items below should be included in your presentation. Introduction: Include a brief introduction of the company. Competitive Analysis: Provide a comparison of the company against two or three competitors. Marketing Strategies: Include an examination of all four Ps (product, price, place, and promotion). This should include the product and service, pricing, distribution/place, and      both traditional and digital marketing strategies. Competitive Advantage: Address whether the company holds a competitive advantage in each of the      areas of the four Ps. Ethical Stance of Company: Present the company’s ethical stance, which can include topics such as how  they have created an ethical culture, social responsibility or corporate  social responsibility (CSR), or any other topics related to ethical behavior within the organization. Conclusion: Provide recommendations for this company with respect to future marketing      strategies, remembering to include topics involving all four Ps. The PowerPoint must meet the criteria below. Must be at least 13 slides in  length (not counting the title slide). Include speaker notes in order to further explain the information on each slide. If outside sources are used, please follow APA Style when creating citations and references. MarketingPlan-UPS.docx

You are the Social Media Manager for Savannah Technical College Create a list of what

You are the Social Media Manager for Savannah Technical College Create a list of what

You are the Social Media Manager for Savannah Technical College. Create a list of what you should be measuring concerning internal/external engagement with the college. Remember to be realistic in terms of what data can be obtained and would further analysis in terms of reach, frequency, sentiment and engagement.

Write the marketing issues in our markets after researching the article or news item (within

Write the marketing issues in our markets after researching the article or news item (within

Write the marketing issues in our markets after researching the article or news item (within the past year) on marketing.  · Format:  Summary of Subject Discussion Conclusion · At least 500 words and 5 references

Write 100 words to answer this Select a TED Talk video relevant to the

Write 100 words to answer this Select a TED Talk video relevant to the

Write 100 words to answer this   (Select a TED Talk video relevant to the GRAPHIC DESIGNER  Describe what information you agree with and the parts you liked or disliked in the video content. Summarize it for the weekly discussion and include the URL reference. ) 2. reply 1 classmate answer 40 words ( I will post weekend)reply.png

Within your research you may consider trends in agriculture, food technology, global cuisines, cooking and

Within your research you may consider trends in agriculture, food technology, global cuisines, cooking and

Within your research you may consider trends in agriculture, food technology, global cuisines, cooking and dining appropriate to your topic.  You should develop a title that may be in the form of a statement or a question.  Based on your activities in class and your own personal research you should then prepare a 1500-word.  reminded that the body of the work  should be written in paragraphs without headings.  In text citations and the list of references should clearly indicate information sources.  All information sources must be English language only.   Any images, graphs or tables should appear as appendices.

What are the primary responsibilities of a salesperson and what are the competencies needed for

What are the primary responsibilities of a salesperson and what are the competencies needed for

What are the primary responsibilities of a salesperson and what are the competencies needed for each responsibility? You need to be clear in matching skills and competencies to each responsibility. ( To be able to answer this question you need to refer to Chapter 8, pages 245 258)

Week 1 Discussion Board     Part 1 – Chapter 1: Explain the concepts of ‘globalization

Week 1 Discussion Board     Part 1 – Chapter 1: Explain the concepts of ‘globalization

Week 1 Discussion Board       Part 1 – Chapter 1: Explain the concepts of ‘globalization of markets’ and ‘globalization of production.’  Part 2 – Chapter 2: Discuss the philosophy that underlies intellectual property laws.  Part 3 – Chapter 3: Discuss Jeffrey Sachs’s conception of geography, education, and economic development.

We have all worked in a group or team at some point in our careers.

We have all worked in a group or team at some point in our careers.

We have all worked in a group or team at some point in our careers. A team is brought together to achieve a common goal. The team needs to have members who have complementary skills and who are committed to a common purpose to achieve performance goals. However, teams don’t move immediately toward performing, but instead evolve over time. There are five stages of group and team development: Forming: Getting oriented and getting acquainted. High degree of uncertainty as members try to figure out who is in charge. Storming: Personalities start to emerge, along with roles and conflicts within the group. Norming: In the third stage conflicts are resolved, relationships developed, harmony and unity surfaces. Performing: The members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task. Adjourning: Members prepare to disband. Some members may be reassigned, terminated from the group or the group is resolved. Think about a time when you joined a new group it could be at work, in a family setting, or with a social group. Respond to the following: Which of the five stages was the most challenging for the group to work through, and why? How might you have helped the group work through that stage differently based upon what you know now about the five stages of group and team development?

This week’s discussion questions by Apr7 EOD Include: discussion of 3 key new

This week’s discussion questions by Apr7 EOD Include: discussion of 3 key new

This week’s discussion questions by Apr7 EOD. Include: discussion of 3 key new learning points from the assigned text reading discussion of the importance of each of these key points in a typical traditional marketing environment at least 1 supportive citation and reference item for your initial discussion include headings and subheadings and APA references and citations IMG-1144.jpgIMG-1143.jpg

There are 3 questions in the document You have to choose 1 question and write

There are 3 questions in the document You have to choose 1 question and write

There are 3 questions in the document. You have to choose 1 question and write about 1500-200 words with an APA format 4 academic sources An academic source can include an article from a peer-reviewed journal, a chapter from a text published by a university or scholarly press, etc.AdvertisingFinalpaperDoc.docx