Submit an Organizational Transformation Plan for an organizational change. This plan should articulate a comprehensive

Submit an Organizational Transformation Plan for an organizational change. This plan should articulate a comprehensive

Submit an Organizational Transformation Plan for an organizational change. This plan should articulate a comprehensive approach for managing the change desired in the case and it should be 10-15 pagess in length. Include what you would do and your rationale for doing it.  ONLY 10

Social media allows organizations to capture the eyes of their target audience An  organization creates

Social media allows organizations to capture the eyes of their target audience An  organization creates

Social media allows organizations to capture the eyes of their target audience. An  organization creates business profiles on major social networks to promote their brand  and leverage their platform to grow and educate their audience. If a marketer  approaches social media without a content plan, they lose the benefits that social media  offers. Instructions: Provide an example of how an organization uses content marketing in their social media  postings. Remember, social media and content should complement and enhance each  other. Requirements: ¢ Submit a Word document in APA format. ¢ One page in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages. ¢ At least one unique high-quality reference.

SPS Real World REAL WORLD COURSES Work in multidisciplinary student teams in fluid consultation and

SPS Real World REAL WORLD COURSES Work in multidisciplinary student teams in fluid consultation and

SPS Real World REAL WORLD COURSES Work in multidisciplinary student teams, in fluid consultation and communication, with A-list organization executives and SPS faculty on a real world problem the organization faces. Research, prepare, and present your solutions on the final day of class. Selected ideas are implemented, concretely, into their real world business practice. SAMSUNG: The Challenge Students will create business solutions to increase retail performance for Samsung. 2. AXIOS:The Challenge Axios Local is expanding its model for local journalism into cities across the United States. Students will develop a growth strategy to engage communities to build subscriber lists and develop relationships with local advertisers to support a daily newsletter. Why are you a good candidate to be in the Real World course you selected?  Write what you want us to know, not what you think we want to hear. We want to know what your vision for yourself is; why and how this course connects to it. We want to know who you really are. INTERNSHIPEXPERIENCE.docx

Select an infographic conveying complex statistical scientific medical procedural or logistical information in an easily-digestible VISUAL

Select an infographic conveying complex statistical scientific medical procedural or logistical information in an easily-digestible VISUAL

Select an infographic conveying complex statistical, scientific, medical, procedural or logistical information in an easily-digestible VISUAL format. Write 300 words analyzing the application of infographic visual formatting to express complex information simply and vis

Scenario Your CEO wants someone to prepare a presentation on essential concepts and practices in

Scenario Your CEO wants someone to prepare a presentation on essential concepts and practices in

Scenario Your CEO wants someone to prepare a presentation on essential concepts and practices in Strategic Marketing for the executive team. To see if you’re the right person for the job, the CEO presents you with some questions about critical marketing concepts and how they apply in the workplace. Instructions Briefly answer each of the WK1 Strategic Marketing Concepts Worksheet questions in your own words using ideas from the course text and two other credible sources. Make sure to cite the sources. Explain how each concept applies to your organization (or an organization you are familiar with). Provide a standard citation for each answer (author, date, pg.). Apply and reference at least three sources, including the course text. Submit your completed worksheet to the grade book. Tips This is like a scavenger hunt. You will find the answers in the course readings and resources. Consider conducting primary research by asking a marketing executive or manager how these concepts apply to their environment. This exercise helps you gather essential concepts to build a foundation for your course project. This is a worksheet, not an academic paper. Your audience is the CEO, not your professor. So, communicate in short answers that convey complete and impactful information. No narration. DO NOT copy and paste answers. Remember that all assignments automatically get checked for similarity issues through SafeAssign. Ensure the integrity of your work and improve learning by defining terms in your own words and citing the source of the borrowed ideas. Resources Use the Microsoft Word Citations & Bibliography tab to automate citations and references.  WK1_Marketing-Concepts-Worksheet_bdphd.docx

Scenario: You and your partners are looking to open up a new coffee shop in

Scenario: You and your partners are looking to open up a new coffee shop in

Scenario: You and your partners are looking to open up a new coffee shop in Hattiesburg, MS targeting mainly college students. However, you are concerned whether there is a demand for another coffee shop in the area, and what new offerings could you and your partners provide against the local competitors. You have decided that the first step in introducing a new product and service is marketing research.The Challenge: You will need to develop your ideas for marketing research by responding to the following questions:What primary and secondary information would you seek ? Why?Who would be your research subjects? Why? How would you find them?What research methods would you use (e.g., surveys and focus groups)? Why?What are the advantages AND disadvantages of your approach?What are the potential value and limitations of marketing research in general?Does product category affect the marketing research process? If so, how?Tasks to Complete: In a minimum of 250 words:Answer the required questions above using concepts from your textbook with APA within citations and formatting as supporting evidence.

review next week’s assignment to complete this week’s assignment: Create a strategy map for the

review next week’s assignment to complete this week’s assignment: Create a strategy map for the

review next week’s assignment to complete this week’s assignment: Create a strategy map for the Ajo Medical Center as described in the discussion preparation this week.   For the discussion, share an image of your strategy map or a description of what you created and provide rationale for why you arranged the strategy map as you did. Discuss whether you found the process of creating a strategy map helpful. Why or why not? Is this something you will use in your role in health care? Explain why you will or will not use this process.  Reference links: Assignment from last week for reference: You have just taken on a new role as a marketing manager for a new hospital in Ajo, Arizona.  There is one other hospital in town, but it is 67.3 miles from the center of town, making it difficult for many residents to get to. The new hospital, Ajo Medical Center (AMC), will be much more accessible to a number of people who live further in town. As you prepare to take on this role, watch the following video clips on branding and marketing. You will use the content of the videos to consider how the practices of Moving Brands might be applied to the marketing strategy of Ajo Medical Center.  The CEO of AMC has asked you to create a 4-6 page proposal in which you provide a competitive marketing entry strategy and a communication strategy and suggest marketing research tools for the new hospital.Your proposal should include the following items: A market analysis (SWOT or otherwise) to determine the best approach for the market entry. An overview of the marketing entry strategy you are proposing based on the information gathered in your analysis and concluding with how your hospital differentiates itself from the existing hospital in town. An overview of the communication strategy you are proposing, also based on information gathered during your analysis. A list of suggested marketing research tools and why those tools would be a good fit for use at AMC. Keep in mind that this proposal is for the CEO, so the proposal should also: Contain accurate and clearly written information. Be professional in appearance. Use headings. Incorporate colors and/or graphs and charts as appropriate. Use 4-5 sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

Review the article, 4 Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Create Better Patient Relationships. In what ways

Review the article, 4 Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Create Better Patient Relationships. In what ways

Review the article, 4 Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Create Better Patient Relationships. In what ways can creating better patient relationships provide a competitive advantage? Is creating better patient relationships a value-producing activity? Why or why not? link to article:

Reread the      Management Focus Boeing’s Global Production System in Chapter 1 and      address these two

Reread the      Management Focus Boeing’s Global Production System in Chapter 1 and      address these two

Reread the      Management Focus Boeing’s Global Production System in Chapter 1 and      address these two questions:  What are the      benefits to Boeing of outsourcing manufacturing of components of the      Boeing 787 to firms based in other countries? On balance, do      you think that the kind of outsourcing undertaken by Boeing is a good      thing or a bad thing for the American economy? Explain your reasoning. Reread the      Management FOCUS: Starbucks Wins Key Trademark Case in China in Chapter      2 and address these two questions: Discuss the      concept of property rights protection and why it is so important to      companies. What does the court ruling against Xing Ba Ke mean for other      companies that are already doing business in China, or are considering      entering the market? How important      is the Chinese market to Starbucks? Does the presence of look-alike      companies like Xing Ba Ke deter firms from entering the market?  Reread the      Closing Case Economic Development in Bangladesh in Chapter 3 and address      this question: Explain how the      liberalization program in the 1990s enabled Bangladesh to start climbing      the ladder of economic progress. Cases Analyses must follow the following guidelines: You must give a      quality analysis of the cases based on the key terms showing mastery,      using clear logic, and supporting facts. Also, the analysis must directly      address the case using chapter readings and research. Case Analyses      test the understanding of key elements of International Business,      therefore, they must be thoroughly addressed. You must use      citations with references to document information obtained from sources.      The key elements and concepts of International Business are found in the      sources listed in the syllabus (it is your duty to search for them, read,      analyze, evaluate, summarize, paraphrase in your answers, and cite the      authors who wrote the articles, books, term papers, memoirs, studies, etc.      What it means is that you will have not less than 5 references      from the listed sources. Grammatically      correct paper, no typos, and must have obviously been proofread for logic. Avoid direct      quotes, you must paraphrase and cite. If you direct quote (two words or      three words, mission statements, phrases, etc.) you must include in your      citation parenthesis page number or paragraph number. When you direct      quote Brand taglines or Mission Statements, you must include the Brand      name or Company name in the citation parenthesis. Key terms or      Questions must be typed out as headings, with follow up analysis or      answers in paragraph format, and a summary or conclusion to contextualize      your analyses at the end of the paper. The Cases Analyses must be in APA format and it is due no later than the specified time CaseAnalysis1.docx

REPLY Comment discussion of your agreement or disagreement with the selected initial

REPLY Comment discussion of your agreement or disagreement with the selected initial

REPLY Comment discussion of your agreement or disagreement with the selected initial discussion author’s key discussion points information and evidence with citation and reference supporting your agreement/disagreement identification of any key points that have not been addressed by the initial discussion author APA format references and citations ReplyCommentfordiscussionweek.docx