Read the article by Simoneaux and Stroud 2011 https://wwwproquestcom/docview/860007592accountid=32521Also want to review the recommended

Read the article by Simoneaux and Stroud 2011 https://wwwproquestcom/docview/860007592accountid=32521Also want to review the recommended

Read the article by Simoneaux and Stroud (2011)  Also want to review the recommended article by Valentin (2001) . During the analysis stage, you consider external factors that pose possible threats to or provide opportunities for your organization and compare these factors against Trinity Health’s internal operation to diagnose its strengths and weaknesses. Many HCOs have found it useful to conduct a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses refer to elements that are internal to the organization; opportunities and threats are external to the organization. An effective SWOT analysis helps the marketing team determine the healthcare organization’s position in a particular marketplace as well as the positions of its competitors. By analyzing the current market and the deficiencies of the HCO’s competitors, and by assessing Trinity Health’s internal strengths and weaknesses, the marketing team can reposition the organization to meet and exceed the needs of its customers.  In four to five double-spaced pages conduct a detailed SWOT analysis of Trinity Health. Discuss Trinity Health’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and possible threats. The SWOT analysis should include the following five components: Strengths An organization’s resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage. Weaknesses Limitations of an organization to meet the needs of its determining customer base. Opportunities External conditions that may reveal certain new opportunities regarding profit and growth. Threats Factors or changes in the external environment that may present threats to the organization. Summary/Recommendations – After conducting your SWOT analysis, write a paragraph in which you provide your recommendations to the CEO of your chosen healthcare organization. Also, state how segmented strategy marketing would be applied through relationship marketing to ensure the following: The organization’s resources are not wasted Time is well spent Marketing efficiently is improved Must use at least three scholarly sources. Must document all sources in APA style.

Question 3 Compose an advertising copy that you propose to use in

Question 3 Compose an advertising copy that you propose to use in

Question 3 Compose an advertising copy that you propose to use in your advertising campaign. The copy should be based on the unique selling proposition of your selected condominium project. (20 marks)  MKT368_GBA01.docx

Prompt: Read the Marketing Insight at the end of Chapter 12 on Celebrity Endorsements Using

Prompt: Read the Marketing Insight at the end of Chapter 12 on Celebrity Endorsements Using

Prompt: Read the Marketing Insight at the end of Chapter 12 on Celebrity Endorsements. Using examples, discuss the following: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using celebrities in marketing campaigns? What are the potential risks? Discuss an example of a negative celebrity endorsement and how the company responded. Do you agree with the company’s response? What else could the company have done? Requirements: After completing the lecture and reading assignments, write a 500-word response. Do not use the question in your response. 4525_001.pdf

prepare a 3-page assignment excluding cover page abstract and references-this needs to be included on

prepare a 3-page assignment excluding cover page abstract and references-this needs to be included on

prepare a 3-page assignment (excluding cover page, abstract, and references-this needs to be included) on the relationships and interdependencies between marketing and other functional areas.  APA methodology applies to this assignment

Post your response to one other student’s post which has not received a response by

Post your response to one other student’s post which has not received a response by

Post your response to one other student’s post which has not received a response by Apr 9 EOD. Include: discussion of your agreement or disagreement with the selected initial discussion author’s key discussion points information and evidence with citation and reference supporting your agreement/disagreement identification of any key points that have not been addressed by the initial discussion author APA format references and citations Studentinitialpostfordiscussion.docx

Please use the Sales Career Exploration Project Template Actions to guide you in gathering the information

Please use the Sales Career Exploration Project Template Actions to guide you in gathering the information

Please use the Sales Career Exploration Project Template Actions to guide you in gathering the information you need and drafting your responses.  The learning objective of this individual project is for you to explore the role of sales within an organization. You will distinguish between the types of sales jobs in B2C and B2B, explore the most common selling activities which salespeople perform within each type, and recognize differences by industry. You will also explore job requirements, salaries, benefits, and advancement opportunities within the field of sales. This project will: Introduce you to the professional and business world in various industries Increase your knowledge of sales career options Improve your ability to make better career decisions Start connecting in LinkedIn with companies you are interested in exploring further. Encourage you to plan future courses based on future goals Your exploration will consist of researching the sales profession at least ten (10) of the companies that sponsor the Global Sales Program – $6 points each -.  Here is a list of Current Global Sales Program Sponsors.  ActionsThe research will consist of: Visiting the company website and gathering information about the company’s customers, products/services, and overall value propositions. Connect with LinkedIn to at least one person working for each company. If a Global Sales Lab Training Room sponsor, you might want to try visiting the room in the Sales Lab. Identifying a sales position within the company and analyzing the job description, which includes job requirements, salary, benefits, and overall responsibilities; and Synthesizing your findings into the key lessons learned in the research ($20 points) and how this assignment and the process you went through connect to the course ($20 points) You will use the Microsoft Word Part 1 Template to guide you in formulating your submission. Be sure to review the template before you begin your research, so you know what you are looking for in your exploration process. SalesCareerExplorationProjectTemplate-On-lineClass2022.docFIUSalesProgramSponsors2022ONLINE.pdf

Personal Reflection Question- Total Marks -20 (max word limit- 400) A. Briefly explain about marketing

Personal Reflection Question- Total Marks -20 (max word limit- 400) A. Briefly explain about marketing

Personal Reflection Question- Total Marks -20 (max word limit- 400) A. Briefly explain about marketing campaigns/advertisements (TV Commercials or print ads) which influenced you as a child. (5 Marks,100 Words)   B. Explain reasons (minimum 2) why this campaign/advertisement influenced you. (10 Marks,150 Words)  C. Do you think this ad will have an impact on the current generation, explain why. (5 Marks, 100 Words)

or Assignment 2 you will create a new product and provide how you would market

or Assignment 2 you will create a new product and provide how you would market

or Assignment 2 you will create a new product and provide how you would market your product. You will need to provide information on how your product is superior to your competitions product. 1) Define and explain each of the following tools/concepts below. The strategic planning process S.W.O.T Market Segmenting Target Marketing Product Positioning Offerings: ”product, price, and service. 2) Use two or more of the concepts from part 1 in your product assessment. 3) Analyze security, privacy, ethical, and legal issues related to the digital information world and marketing The assignment needs to be in a Word document and in APA format. You must cite at least 3 academic references. The page requirement is a minimum of 4 body pages in length. This does not include the cover and reference pages.

nstructions To complete this assignment you will need to observe the work processes at an

nstructions To complete this assignment you will need to observe the work processes at an

nstructions To complete this assignment, you will need to observe the work processes at an operating food service facility. Examples of possible facilities include  a restaurant, a catered event, food truck, a DFAC, or military field unit.  For the task, you will need to either be able to observe the area or ask questions of managers or supervisors. You will need to observe how well the design reflects the principles of flexibility/modularity, simplicity, flow, ease of sanitation, ease of supervision, and efficiency. NOTE: CALL AHEAD AND ASK PERMISSION AT LOCATION BEFORE STARTING ASSIGNMENT.  **You may use your current employer if employed within food service or lodging with access to food service facilities. If unable to obtain permission, use the library and following link to Food service Equipment and Supplies magazine website to complete the writing. Reflecting on your site-visit or research, provide a written evaluation and critique that addresses the following elements: Why is human engineering important in food service facilities design? 2. What is likely to happen if the design has poor human engineering? 3. What is the design principle of flow and what would be included when considering the financial cost of violating the design principle of flow? 4.  What would you identify as strengths and weaknesses in relation to human engineering and flow? If making a site visit, it is suggested that you organize your observation by ‘following the food’ through the operation: starting with receiving, through storage, pre-preparation, final preparation, service, and ware washing (skip dining). Look for instances where the design principles are fulfilled and instances where they are violated. If permissible on site, you may find it helpful to talk to employees about their work. Ask them to show you what they do in a step-by-step process. Look for points where they have to bend over, walk off to find a needed utensil, or reach on their tip-toes. Also, observe the immediate work area – are things where they need to be? NOTE: You do not need to be on site for hours at a time, the manager or a representative should be able to provide you with a ‘walk-through’. Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.

ning Outcomes:Develop critical and analytical thinking necessary to overcome challenges and

ning Outcomes:Develop critical and analytical thinking necessary to overcome challenges and

ning Outcomes:  Develop critical and analytical thinking necessary to overcome challenges and issues of marketing in the changing global environment. (LO-3)  Use effective and collaborative interpersonal skills to carry out scientific analysis of consumers’ needs and wants to formulate a marketing Plan. (LO-3)  Critical Thinking  Choose a firm that currently manufactures and sells its products or services only in the KSA. Choose and defend a global entry strategy for the firm based on the discussion made in Chapter-8. (3 Marks) (Minimum 250 words)  Put yourself in the position of an entrepreneur who is developing a new product to introduce into the market (a new backpack). Briefly describe the product and each component of its value proposition.  (3 Marks) (Minimum 250 words)  Suppose Domino’s wants to open a new restaurant. What are some secondary sources of information that might be used to conduct research on potential new locations? Describe how these sources might be used. Describe a method Domino’s could use to gather primary research on prospective locations. Do you think Domino’s should conduct the primary or secondary source research first? Why? (4 Marks) (Minimum 300 words)