What A Wonderful Global Community It Could Be With Stockholders Achieving More Wealth With Efficient

What A Wonderful Global Community It Could Be With Stockholders Achieving More Wealth With Efficient


What a wonderful global community it could be with stockholders achieving more wealth with efficient markets and great global products, full employments the world around, governments running surplus budgets and business-friendly cultures,

With the stakeholders, everyone wins.  So, societies, citizens, the shareholders, and the governments all received their rewards.  Really is quite fascinating how this dynamic works. 


1. Explain how each of the four stakeholders(with examples) benefit the organizations, such as government, employees, stockholders, and societies. Would this be any different for the global markets than what we have here in our country? Isn’t it really a win-win for all?

2. Should corporations be allowed free access to all societies of our global economy, or would it be best if corporations stayed in their own countries? Should we eliminate tariffs as only consumers pay it and the tariff only enriches the governments? California mandates that the minimum wage be $20/hour; so, no problem the price of our food at Chipotle just went up by 100%. Eliminate the corporate tax, as we, as consumers, pay it.

3. Does one concern themselves with the multinational coming into your country?  Wouldn't we all agree that Honda and Toyota, even Nestle's chocolate, have moved us forward and provided us a lot with going forward with quality of life? Where would we be, much less where would the world be, without  Starbucks coffee and their coffee bistros?

N/B: Taxes and tariffs:

So, the USA enacted a tariff, and then China retaliates, and the only accomplishment is higher-priced products. So, eliminate or minimize these taxes?  Some imports, such as washing machines, are so heavily taxed that we, as consumers, are taxed too much in the interests of protecting the US products and the domestic made washing machine.

No reference needed.


    What Evidence Should The Trademark Trial And Appeal Board (Ttab) Take Into Account When It

    What Evidence Should The Trademark Trial And Appeal Board (Ttab) Take Into Account When It

     What evidence should the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) take into account when it determines whether marks such as the "Washington Redskins" and "The Redskins," at the time they were registered, disparaged Native Americans?  How is disparagement measured — by the American public, by all Native Americans, or by some other variable?  What about marks such as the "Atlanta Braves" or "Florida State Seminoles"?  Does it matter whether a Native American tribe gave its permission to use the name?  How should companies and the law balance cultural sensibilities and rights of free speech?


      Using The Readings By Alderson And Nielsen (2002) And Mahutga And Jorgenson (2016), Answer The

      Using The Readings By Alderson And Nielsen (2002) And Mahutga And Jorgenson (2016), Answer The

      Using the readings by Alderson and Nielsen (2002) and Mahutga and Jorgenson (2016), answer the following questions in two sentences or less.

      • How are imports from the global South thought to increase inequality in developed countries?
      • How are exports to the global North thought to increase inequality in less-developed countries?

      Synthesizing information from the two readings and the lecture, answer ONE of the following two questions:

      • How should institutions alter the relationship between imports from the global South and income inequality in developed countries? Cite any relevant evidence to support this idea.
      • How should EU integration alter the relationship between exports to the global North and income inequality in less-developed countries? Cite any relevant evidence to support this idea.


        Using Case Studies 20.1, 20.2, And 20.3, Why Does Organized Sport In A Country Like

        Using Case Studies 20.1, 20.2, And 20.3, Why Does Organized Sport In A Country Like

         Using Case Studies 20.1, 20.2, and 20.3, why does organized sport in a country like the USA lobby for a continuation of the prohibition of sports betting? 

        While betting interest stimulates an interest in sport, indirectly promoting additional revenue, and as Case Study 20.1 illustrated, providing the prospect of a direct revenue stream as well, it also carries dangers. Where betting markets are liquid enough to absorb large bets, criminals have the potential to win large sums of money by persuading sports insiders to manipulate events on the field in their favour.


        Using Chapters 2-4, Appraise/Analyze The Theories Discussed And The Data Presented To Explain Civic And

        Using Chapters 2-4, Appraise/Analyze The Theories Discussed And The Data Presented To Explain Civic And

        Using Chapters 2-4, appraise/analyze the theories discussed and the data presented to explain civic and political participation in various European countries. In particular, analyze the factors that increase participation for women, minorities and migrants.

        Next, analyzing the articles and sites enclosed on the US (Module 2…also see links below, all are not necessary, just probably 3-4), compare and contrast the US data/findings with those that you witnessed in Europe. Overall, what are some of the similarities and differences between the two? Also, what do you think of these conclusions? Are there any other reasons/data that the authors may be leaving out that may explain high or low levels of civic participation?













        http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1139&context=tfr (Asians)





        List all web resources and referenced materials that were used. You must use the APA citation style format in listing references used and in parenthetical citations.


          This Assignment Is Intended To Help You Build A Supply Chain Plan/Diagram For A New

          This Assignment Is Intended To Help You Build A Supply Chain Plan/Diagram For A New


          This assignment is intended to help you build a supply chain plan/diagram for a new business by analyzing factors that affect sourcing, logistics, metrics, suppliers, and risk.

          Create a diagram of the supply chain plan using one of the following tools:

          • Excel
          • PowerPoint
          • Visio
          • PictoGram
          • PDF
          • Other faculty-approved platform

          Write an 875-word analysis of the supply chain. Include the following:

          • Value chain and flow of structure 
          • Inputs
          • Outputs, including customer service structure 
          • Inventory points and forecasting
          • Sourcing activities
          • Risks
          • Locations
          • Logistics

          Cite references to support your assignment.

          Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

          Submit your diagram and paper.


            The First Half (2-3 Pages) Requires You To Reflect On Your Experience With Toxic Leadership.

            The First Half (2-3 Pages) Requires You To Reflect On Your Experience With Toxic Leadership.

            The first half (2-3 pages) requires you to reflect on your experience with toxic leadership. Which of the six typologies of toxic leadership did this leader represent? What were the behaviors this toxic leader use? What were the environments the toxic leader created? How did you cope with the toxic leader? What was the end outcome?

            The second half (2-3 pages) requires you to reflect on a time when you were a toxic leader. 

            What were you doing? What were the typologies you exhibited? 

            Were you aware of your toxic leadership at the time?

            How did you find out you were toxic? What did you do when you became aware of your toxicity? 

            How did it effect your team?

            Did anyone support your toxic style?

            References to course material using APA REQUIRED


              See Attachment For Scenario… Step 1: Conduct An Abc Analysis Use Excel Om And

              See Attachment For Scenario… Step 1: Conduct An Abc Analysis Use Excel Om And

              See attachment for Scenario…

              Step 1: Conduct an ABC Analysis

              Use Excel OM and the chart to conduct an ABC analysis to determine which category each of the parts falls into. Provide analysis and interpretation of the results.

              In the Excel OM software, the default Percent of dollar volume for A items is 75%, however, it has been determined by your boss that he would like to see the data for the A items set at 80%.

              Step 2: Calculate EOQ and Reorder Paint

              Use Excel OM to calculate the EOQ and the reorder point for part number 1359 (check reorder point and graph when setting up the software).

              The lead time to reorder parts is 30 days. The set up/ordering cost is $1,000 per order, and the holding cost is fixed at $125 per month (hint: be careful here). The factory runs 365 days per year, and the company wants to maintain a safety stock of 50.

              Provide analysis and interpretation of the results.

              Step 3: Calculate Safety Stock

              In Step 2, you were given the safety stock of 50; however, this can be calculated for a more accurate number. Assume that the average daily demand for part number 1359 is 30 with a standard deviation of 2 parts per day. If the company wants to make sure that they do not stockout more than 5% of the time, then what level of safety stock should they hold?

              As part of your analysis of these results, how does the safety stock calculated here compare to the safety stock requirement in step 2?

              To calculate the safety stock, use Excel OM and the Safety Stock (Normal Distribution) spreadsheet. Input your data into column H of the model titled Model: Daily Demand and its standard deviation given.

              Step 4: Submit Assignment

              Be sure to create only one spreadsheet – each activity should be on a separate tab.

              Submit your spreadsheet. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

              Do not forget to add a detailed analysis for each of your problems. Your analysis should be inserted on each spreadsheet.


              Select & Analyze The Tools Of Total Quality Management Are Important To Not Only This

              Select & Analyze The Tools Of Total Quality Management Are Important To Not Only This

              Select & Analyze

              The tools of Total Quality Management are important to not only this class but to your future career. These tools can be used to uncover quality problems at your company.

              For this discussion, you will be assigned to one of the seven TQM tools. Analyze your assigned tool and provide a detailed statement of the history, steps to use the tool, and best application of the tool. Include the benefits and drawbacks of your assigned tool.

              Use the Assignment Chart to determine the tool to analyze. CHECK SHEET


                Scenario You Are A Nursing Home Administrator Who Has Recently Been Assigned To Oversee A

                Scenario You Are A Nursing Home Administrator Who Has Recently Been Assigned To Oversee A


                You are a nursing home administrator who has recently been assigned to oversee a skilled nursing facility built in the 1970s. You must prepare and deliver a PowerPoint presentation outlining how you intend to provide person-centered care, organization, and services. To be a good presentation, it must cover important aspects of social services, admission, and discharge, such as medical care, nursing, and rehabilitation, to name a few.


                Create a PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides), with speaker notes, in which you respond to the following:

                1. What are the three principles upon which resident-centered care, in a modern nursing home, is guided and relates the challenges to a full integration? 
                2. What are the various skills and competencies associated with social services, admission, and discharge functions?
                3. What are the six main activity programs that are valuable in LTC and how can you determine their effectiveness and implementation?
                4. There are several considerations to ensure the effective purchasing of food and supplies; however, three considerations are fundamental to menu planning. What are they and why are they essential?
                5. Summarize your key findings on one slide.
                6. Use five sources to support your writing. Sources should be recent and published within the last five years. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.

                 Assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

                • Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide with relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.) to ensure the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. 
                • Include a title slide containing the assignment title, your name, the professor's full name, the course title, and the date. The title and reference slides are not included in the required number of slides.
                • Make use of your speaker notes to clarify and elaborate on the information contained in your slides.