Allocating Resources: A company’s strategic priorities must drive how capital allocations are made and the

Allocating Resources: A company’s strategic priorities must drive how capital allocations are made and the

Allocating Resources: A company’s strategic priorities must drive how capital allocations are made and the size of each unit’s operating budget.  Search for recent (most recent five years) articles that discuss how a company has revised its pattern of resource allocation and divisional budgets to support new strategic initiatives. How do the revisions fit within the context of the material we have covered in our coursework (Thompson text and other material) from this week? Week source: Allocating Resources:  Submission Details: Your analysis must be driven by facts, research, and data. Your analysis should be between 1000 words. Incorporate      a minimum of at least our course text and one non-course scholarly/peer-reviewed source in your paper. All written assignments must include a cover page, introductory and concluding paragraphs, a reference page, and proper in-text citations using APA guidelines. Crafting_and_Executing_Strategy3.pdf



Address the following: What is the basic strategy needed to move the company in a new direction based on environmental analysis and company values? Which KPIs effectively measure success of the strategy? Explain how/why these KPIs align with the identified strategy. Discuss any other relevant metrics that would effectively measure the success of the strategy. Which department(s) will have the main responsibility for implementing the strategy? Submission 2-3 paragraphs, APA format long-termorientation.pdf

A jet engine has 11 components in series The average reliability of each component is

A jet engine has 11 components in series The average reliability of each component is

A jet engine has 11 components in series. The average reliability of each component is 0.988. What is the reliability of the engine? (Round your answer to 5 decimal places, e.g. 5.25132.) 2. An engine system consists of 3 main components in a series, all having the same reliability. Determine the level of reliability required for each of the components if the engine is to have a reliability of 0.988. (Round answer to 4 decimal places, e.g. 15.2512.) 3. A University Web server has 7 main components, each with the same reliability. All 7 components must work for the server to function as intended. If the University wants to have a 87 percent reliability, what must be the reliability of each of the components? (Round answer to 4 decimal places, e.g. 15.2512.)

400-600 words APA 6 format, in-text citation, Use at least  (2) scholarly references to substantiate

400-600 words APA 6 format, in-text citation, Use at least  (2) scholarly references to substantiate

400-600 words APA 6 format, in-text citation, Use at least  (2) scholarly references to substantiate your work. Please provide a copy of all references used. Assignment Details: As a new member of the global work team, establishing team communication guidelines is a must. You decide that this is a good time to discuss the team’s charter with your colleagues. Discuss the following questions with your team: What are the specific considerations of working on a multicultural team? Identify at least 2. How should the team address the differences between in-person and virtual communication vehicles? What issues could arise in relation to cultural differences in time, personal space, and cultural symbolism? How will the team resolve any individual or group conflicts?

500 words based on attached paper Do you plan to use

500 words based on attached paper Do you plan to use

500 words based on attached paper   Do you plan to use quantitative, methods, qualitative methods, or both?  On what did you base this choice? What methods will you use to evaluate each of your objectives? What process measures will you use? What outcome measures will you use? Accesstomedicines5.docx

 Develop forecasts using regressions of sales on each of the series of rain forecasts,

 Develop forecasts using regressions of sales on each of the series of rain forecasts,

1.  Develop forecasts using regressions of sales on each of the series of rain forecasts, respectively. Calculate the MFE (bias), MAD, and MAPE for the two forecasting models. Which rain forecast seems to be better at predicting Rachel’s daily sales, the five-day forecast or the two-day forecast? 2.  How can Rachel make use of the rain forecasts to improve her forecasts of total sales each day? What other changes to her business would she need to make in order to capitalize on this information? 3.  How are order lead time and forecasting accuracy related to each other in this case? 4.  Plot and visually inspect the sales data. What other suggestions would you give Rachel for improving her sales forecasts? What type of time series model would be appropriate? Why?Screenshot40.pngScreenshot41.pngScreenshot42.png

Give one specific example of something you felt was beneficial in working in this

Give one specific example of something you felt was beneficial in working in this

1. Give one specific example of something you felt was beneficial in working in this team.  2. Give one specific example of something you felt negatively impacted the overall team experience. 3. Suggest one specific, practical change the team could make that would help improve everyone’s learning.