Per The Text, When Patients Cannot Receive Needed Medical Care, Nursing Services, Or Rehabilitation Therapies

Per The Text, When Patients Cannot Receive Needed Medical Care, Nursing Services, Or Rehabilitation Therapies

Per the text, when patients cannot receive needed medical care, nursing services, or rehabilitation therapies in a community-based setting, they are typically admitted to a long-term care facility, where medical care is traditionally delivered by physicians and/or practitioners with advanced qualifications. All nursing services in long-term care facilities are delivered by a nursing staff which is headed by a Director of Nursing (DON).

  • Compare and contrast the roles of the medical director and the DON.
  • Select the role that has the overall greater impact on patient care.
    • Provide a rationale for your response.


    In This Activity, You Will Describe How Using Critical Analysis Influences Your Life And Your

    In This Activity, You Will Describe How Using Critical Analysis Influences Your Life And Your

    In this activity, you will describe how using critical analysis influences your life and your perspectives. First, you will describe how critical analysis skills have affected your personal experience. Next, you will describe how examining your bias has influenced how you perceive the world. Finally, you will explain how critical analysis skills can positively impact your academic or professional lives.

    Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

    1. Describe how critically analyzing your topic has positively informed your personal experience.
    2. Describe how examining your bias has altered the way you perceive the world.
    3. Explain how critically analyzing diversity can positively influence your field of study or profession.

    Submit your short paper as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 


    Hello All, This Is A Page Summarizing The Assignment In Simpler Terms. It Helped Me

    Hello All, This Is A Page Summarizing The Assignment In Simpler Terms. It Helped Me

    Hello all, this is a page summarizing the assignment in simpler terms. It helped me to break it down.

    Create a Handbook: You and your group are tasked with making a handbook. This handbook will have strategies (or methods) to help people in an organization think better, make decisions wisely, and solve problems effectively.

    The Structure:
    Chapters/Modules: Each student in your group will write a separate chapter or section (module) for the handbook. The number of chapters corresponds to the number of students in your group.

    Your Part: In your chapter, you'll focus on the industry you work in or are most familiar with. You'll explain how critical thinking (thinking deeply about problems) and decision-making (choosing what to do) are important in your industry, with examples and evidence to back up your points.

    Working in a Group:
    Although working in groups can be challenging, it's a key part of this project. You'll need to:
    Pick a Handbook Title: Agree on a title for your handbook with your group.
    Connect Your Chapters: Make sure there's a theme or connection between all your chapters so the handbook feels cohesive.

    Write Together: As a group, write an introduction and conclusion for the handbook. These parts should tie everything together and are graded as team efforts.

    What to Include:
    Your handbook should be informed by recent research (from the last 5 to 7 years) and cover various topics that are vital for leaders and decision-makers in organizations. Topics might include different types of reasoning (like deductive or inductive reasoning), the role of logic in decision-making, systems thinking, team building, handling uncertainty, fostering innovation, and ensuring customer satisfaction, among others.

    The Final Product:
    Team Effort: Even though each person writes their own chapter, you must submit the complete handbook as a team for grading.
    Research: Dive deep into current research to understand what makes an organization, especially a learning organization, successful. Use both scholarly and non-scholarly resources to support your strategies.
    Think Tank Approach: Immerse yourselves in the task. Don't stop until you've created a comprehensive guide that could lead an organization to success.
    Submission Details:
    Same Document Submission: Every student must submit the same finalized version of the handbook in their own assignment submission area. This is crucial for grading and auditing purposes.
    References: If you use sources in your introduction and conclusion, include a separate references page after the conclusion. This is apart from the individual references each student might have in their chapters.

    Your ultimate aim is to develop a handbook that will be seen as an invaluable resource for promoting success within an organization by enhancing critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving among its members.
    Think of this project as an opportunity to combine your knowledge with your real-world industry experience to create something that could genuinely help organizations improve. Each chapter should offer unique insights into how these skills apply in different sectors, making the handbook a versatile tool for various industries.

    List of topics to choose for individual chapter to tie into Mindfulness and inclusion ( we decided to all pick 2 of these):

    Team Building:
    Handling uncertainty:

    No more than 5 pages long


      For This Activity, You Will Consider Influences On Constructive Engagement With Your Topic. You Will

      For This Activity, You Will Consider Influences On Constructive Engagement With Your Topic. You Will

      For this activity, you will consider influences on constructive engagement with your topic. You will also propose how your ideas to transform conversations about your topic might influence how we as a larger society perceive it. This activity contributes to your draft of the critical analysis section of your project. It also provides an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor that you can incorporate into your project submission. 


      In this activity, you will work on the second part of the critical analysis of your topic in diversity. You should consider the feedback from your instructor on the previous activity and use your responses to inform this assignment. Throughout the process, you will support your analysis with reliable evidence from varied sources, which include at least two resources from course materials and two resources from the library. For this activity, you will assess factors that may influence engagement with your topic and then explain one potential obstacle that could interfere with constructive conversation about your topic. Finally, you will describe a possible outcome of your proposed engagement that might influence societal conversations about your topic.

      You are not required to answer each question below the rubric criteria but may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking.

      Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

      1. Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis.
        1. It is important to draw from a more diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.
        2. Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
        3. You will be evaluated on both criteria.
      2. Assess at least two significant factors that could affect your topic, such as biases, beliefs, assumptions, and/or values.
        1. In the previous activity, you identified positive elements in conversations about your topic and elements that might benefit from change. Now, determine factors that might influence how insiders and outsiders engage with your topic. What might change their perceptions of the topic or how they talk about it?
      3. Explain how at least one potential obstacle could interfere with the population’s engagement with your topic.
        1. In the previous activity, you identified conversational elements that present opportunities for change. Now, determine a possible obstacle that could interfere with this constructive engagement.
      4. Describe a possible outcome of your proposed engagement that might influence the societal conversations that add to critical awareness of diversity.
        1. You have critically examined how insiders and outsiders of your chosen population engage with your topic. How might your ideas for more constructive, transformative engagement impact how we, as a greater society, talk about your topic?

      What to Submit

      Submit your short paper as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


      Choose 2 Quantitative Elements That You Would Like To Research In Relation To The Organization That

      Choose 2 Quantitative Elements That You Would Like To Research In Relation To The Organization That


      Choose 2 quantitative elements that you would like to research in relation to the organization that you selected for your business plan. These elements may be related to products, services, target market, consumer preferences, competition, personnel, resources, supply chain, financing, advertising, or other areas of interest. However, at least one of these elements should be related to a product or service that your organization is planning to offer.

      Develop forecasts by implementing the following approach:

      • Collect data, including old demand forecast (subjective data) and the actual demand outcomes.
      • Establish the forecasting method (from readings). Decide on the balance between subjective and objective data and look for trends and seasonality.
      • Forecast future demand using a forecasting method.
      • Make decisions based on step 3.
      • Measure the forecast error where applicable. Look for biases and improve the process.

      Write a 350- to 525-word paper evaluating the findings from the supported data points above, and explain the impact of these findings on operational decision making. Insert charts and supporting data from Excel and other tools in your paper.


        Case Study Mcdonalds Assignment Instructions Please Follow The Instructions Provided In The Attached Pdf

        Case Study Mcdonalds Assignment Instructions Please Follow The Instructions Provided In The Attached Pdf

        Case Study McDonalds Assignment


        Please follow the instructions provided in the attached PDF document.

        AI (ChatGPT) must not be used to create your report, or parts of it!

        1)  Introduce the company of your choice.

        2) What similariJes does this company have with McDonald’s, what is unique or sets them
        apart from McDonald’s?

        3)  What is the unique selling proposiJon or compeJJve advantage of your selected
        company? How is it presented and maintained?

        4)  Field invesJgaJon: Visit at least one restaurant of McDonald’s and one of your selected
        company. InvesJgate their operaJons and report your observaJons in regards of:
        a. Layout of the restaurant and how it serves the purpose of the operaJonal goals; b. Customer wait Jmes, number/type of staff, variaJons throughout the day;
        c. Service performance and observed customer saJsfacJon;
        d. Stocked items & cleanliness;
        e. ProducJvity, JIT, and how it is achieved;
        f. Quality tools, such as Lean or TQM; how are they uJlized?
        g. Summarize the overall operaJonal processes observed.

        5)  Analyze if and to what extend the value proposiJon and compeJJve prioriJes were met in reality. Assess the operaJons strategy of McDonald’s and the company of your choice in the compeJJve environment. What challenges do they face, what opportuniJes do you see for their future development of operaJon strategies?


        Structure your report according to the the reader can easily follow your logic with about 2,500-3,000 words of text, you apply the APA formaUng.

        1. Attached is the McDonalds Case Study. pdf

        2. Screenshots of rubrics for score acceptance
        3. PPT study material for reference (Be thorough and relatable to work in class)


        Can You Help Me Understand This? For This Assignment, Write A 1 2 Page

        Can You Help Me Understand This? For This Assignment, Write A 1 2 Page

        Can you help me understand this?

        For this assignment, write a 1–2 page double-spaced paper in which you will:

        • Describe the organization you selected based on the following criteria.
          • Identify the organization you have selected.
          • The organization should be one you are familiar with.
          • You have access to internal processes.
          • It has an organizational issue that needs to be resolved.
          • You can think of a realistic and enforceable solution to the issue.
        • Discuss the issue you will be analyzing.
        • Explain why the issue hinders the organization's efficiency.
        • Use the description and feedback from the instructor in the Week 2 Activity.

        Confidentiality: Since you will be addressing real issues in real organizations in your assignments, it is important to respect confidentiality. Feel free to use an alias for any company or individuals you might mention in your assignments. Remember that all discussions about these organizations should only occur within this course and not be shared with people outside the course.


          Apply Project Management Tools And A Pm Outline Type Of Your Choice To Structure And

          Apply Project Management Tools And A Pm Outline Type Of Your Choice To Structure And


          Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling. The project will be a continuation of how to improve the process you chose in Weeks 1 and 2.

          Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation (supported by Excel and Word as needed), with detailed speaker notes, that includes the following:

          • Project description
          • Project Management Charts (Critical Path, Gant Chart, etc.)
          • Improved Process Flowchart from Week 1
          • Meeting cadence/rhythm and timing
          • Metrics to measure the project’s success
          • Financial and budgetary considerations
          • Description of the project reporting structure

          Cite references to support your assignment.


            Assignment1: Leadership Skills Analysis Individual Please Find The Question In Assignment Doc. Please Refer

            Assignment1: Leadership Skills Analysis Individual Please Find The Question In Assignment Doc. Please Refer

            Assignment#1: Leadership Skills Analysis INDIVIDUAL

            please find the question in assignment doc.

            Please refer to the rubrics in Assignment doc attached and follow the class material shared. 


            200 Words Nothing Less Apa Format Please Cite All Sources.  Do Not Accept Or Bid

            200 Words Nothing Less Apa Format Please Cite All Sources.  Do Not Accept Or Bid

            200 words nothing less APA Format please cite all sources. 

            Do not accept or bid if you cannot help.

            • Read: Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 4 in the textbook will provide if needed 
            • Watch: The External Environment and Management
              In an initial discussion forum post, describe the key elements of a customer value proposition. Next, explain how a compelling value proposition might include points of parity as well as points of difference. Ensure the following points are addressed.
            • Definition of Customer Value Proposition (CVP)
            • Know the benefits and value that CVP provides for businesses
            • Explain how a marketing manager uses CVP with today’s business standards