Your Star Player was accused of Sexual Assault

Your Star Player was accused of Sexual Assault

!!!!! BREAKING NEWS !!!!!! – Your Star Player was accused of Sexual Assault –   – Note if you do not wish to address this issue you don’t have to –  Instead, you can cover – Star Player suffers career-ending injury –  YOU are responsible for your organization’s official response. This group of PR Nightmare assignments will challenge you to publicly respond to a specific type of case that impacts your sport organization.  Your response should take into consideration the issue at hand, and provide a balanced and measured appropriate response to this breaking news issue.  You can select which organization you want to report for.  Are you a NY Yankees fan, or do you want to represent Liverpool?  You can select any organization, or player for these assignments.   Did Tom Brady do something wrong, or did Popovich mess up again? Select any sport, or personality you want¦ Just be sure to take into consideration their team history with this type of issue, and any historical circumstances that should factor into the correct reply. Select your favorite team, or favorite rival when completing this assignment.  My advice is to pick a team you want to work for. The assignment and your response go beyond just the official reply as these can be quite short, direct, or general in nature.  We want you to consider some other elements when crafting your reply, and then think beyond what should happen next.   What are some corrective actions that your organization can take to remedy this issue?  Are there any ways to turn this into a positive?  Please note the rubric below that will help illustrate how your assignment will be graded.



-What are some key factors for the successful implementation of IT to deliver value in healthcare? -Describe three healthcare settings in which IT has been used to enhance the value of care delivered. -What should a high-quality healthcare delivery system look like? Does the US system meet that standard?  How can health IT be used as a strategy for enhancing the US healthcare system? -What are some of the main causes of low quality in the US healthcare delivery system?

You currently work for a firm that manufactures lawn equipment & are in charge of

You currently work for a firm that manufactures lawn equipment & are in charge of

You currently work for a firm that manufactures lawn equipment, & are in charge of assessing quality of customer service. Your firm serves 5 main markets (North America, South America, Europe, the Pacific Islands, & China). The firm has 2 main lines of business (mowers & tractors) with monthly sales are shown in excel tab ˜Question 1′. You also have data on the of customer complaints (in total & for each region) also noted in the ˜Question 1′ tab. Your task is to assess the situation via the construction of the appropriate control chart(s) to determine what, if anything, the firm needs to address. As a hint, you can use the 2008 data as your baseline for chart construction (for China, you can use the 2010 data). 2. You’re tasked to inspect the production process for any issues with an emphasis on the actual weight of the blade that’s produced for the lawn mower. The blade weight data is provided in the excel tab ˜Question 2′ & shows the recent production output. The firm has used a SPC chart that was developed when the process was stable & was established with the parameters of the process mean (x-2bar) being 5 lbs & the process moving range (mR) being 0.12 lbs. Given this, construct the appropriate control chart & assess the current state of affairs of the production process. 3. Focus on the blade weight from Q2 above, it has been determined that the mower will function as designed if the blade weight stays within a specified range. The noted range is a 10% leeway from the design weight of 5 lbs. Therefore, the specification for the weight is 5 lbs plus/minus 0.5 lbs. Knowing this & having the full process data (see ˜Question 2′ tab), make an assessment of the process capability.QuestionData.xlsQuestionData.xls

You have recently been assigned to the production planning department within your companyYour firm

You have recently been assigned to the production planning department within your companyYour firm

You have recently been assigned to the production planning department within your company.  Your firm makes large blades for power generation windmills. The windmills are mostly used in the western part of the country and take about a week to build. Your boss has provided you with the monthly demand for blades from the last year and asked that you produce a forecast for January so that he can work with the material planning and scheduling department to make sure that the required materials are on hand and schedule the workers hours. By the end of the week, your boss has asked you to produce a professional video presentation with all of the needed data so that he can brief his boss on your findings. Using the data provided, produce forecasting models using the following:   Questions to be addressed While the MAD can be used to determine which forecasting method is the most accurate, normally, the MAPE is a better measure. So, compare the MAPE of the three methods and determine which is the best model (e.g. the most accurate). Base on the chosen model, what should you recommend to your boss as the forecasted demand for January? Produce a line chart that shows all three of the forecast and the actual demand. Review the chart and the data. Do you think that the forecasts have given you an accurate result? Do you notice any trends in the data that could affect the January forecast? If so, what would you recommend to your boss? Forecasting Models Simple Moving Average (on a 4 month moving average) Weighted Moving Average (4 month moving average with weights = 0.4, 0.3, 0.2. 0.1) Exponential Smoothing (α = 0.3) (assume forecast for January is the same as the actual demand)Simple Moving Average (on a 4 month moving average) Weighted Moving Average (4 month moving average with weights = 0.4, 0.3, 0.2. 0.1) Exponential Smoothing (α = 0.3) (assume forecast for January is the same as the actual demand) wk4.pngWk4-1c.png

You were hired by the Widget manufacturing company and since you recently graduated with a

You were hired by the Widget manufacturing company and since you recently graduated with a

You were hired by the Widget manufacturing company, and since you recently graduated with a degree in logistics and supply chain management, your boss is hoping that you can help answer some questions that the president of the company has been asking. The Income Statement and Balance Sheet for 2019 were provided to you, along with shipping and warehouse costs for 2018 and 2019. Create a Professional Video Presentation With the provided information and the list of questions below, produce a 3-5 minute professional video presentation to present to the company president. Use ‘Studio’ with PowerPoint® slides to create your presentation.   Questions to be addressed What is the cost per unit shipped for each of the warehouses and highlight the warehouse with the best performance for 2018 and for 2019? What is the difference in cost per unit for each of the warehouses and make sure to highlight the warehouse with the best and worst performance for each year? Show the percentage difference in cost per unit for each of the warehouses and highlight the warehouse with the best and worst performance for each year. Your boss told you that your company needs to close one warehouse so you need to recommend to the president which warehouse should be closed based on performance and justify. Use the Income Statement and Balance Sheet and complete a Strategic Profit Model for the company to show the president. What would have been the effect on ROA for 2019 if Transportation cost had been reduced by 10%? Produce an updated Strategic Profit Model for the company? Notes To calculate the Total Expenses add total operating cost + Interest + Taxes Net Profit Margin and ROA should be in % Other Current Assets = Cash incomestatement.png2019.pngwarehousepics.png

Write a 45 page paper in which you: Describe the various types of

Write a 45 page paper in which you: Describe the various types of

Write a 45 page paper in which you: Describe the various types of management careers that can be offered within each industry (lodging, and food & beverage). Compare and contrast the differences between the General Management (GM) positions within the two industries. Analyze and describe the growth in overall employment within these two industries and how this overall growth is forecasted within the next 10 years. Recommend at least three human resource practices in which each industry can better recruit and retain management talent for their respective industry.

When we ask questions like ‘What is data visualization’ and ‘how does it help us’

When we ask questions like ‘What is data visualization’ and ‘how does it help us’

When we ask questions like, ‘What is data visualization?’ and ‘how does it help us?’, your audience is seeking specific knowledge. For the discussion forum,  explain how data visualization conveys the information to the audience, such as accountants or executives in terms of budgetary proposals. – should be a minimum of two paragraphs and should be between 200 and 250 words. The font is Times New Roman, font size should be 12, and the paragraphs are single-spaced. There should be a minimum of one reference supporting your observations. Citations are to follow APA 7.0.

What difference in the change effort and outcomes would you expect if an organization implements

What difference in the change effort and outcomes would you expect if an organization implements

What difference in the change effort and outcomes would you expect if an organization implements the recommended actions in Kotter’s steps 1 and 2?  APA format 1-2 paragraphs references listed

watch the film BURT’S BUZZ  Questions to consider while you are watching the movie:

watch the film BURT’S BUZZ  Questions to consider while you are watching the movie:

watch the film BURT’S BUZZ  Questions to consider while you are watching the movie: What motivated Burt to become an entrepreneur? What was Burt’s relationship with Roxanne? How did it change over the years? What made the business successful? How could Burt have better protected himself? In the end, would you say Burt was successful? Why, or why not?

watch the film The Social Network This biopic tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg and the creation

watch the film The Social Network This biopic tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg and the creation

watch the film, The Social Network. This biopic tells the story of Mark Zuckerberg and the creation of Facebook, first as a lark undertaken in a college dorm, then as a serious and cutthroat business moved to Silicon Valley. We will look at the personalities involved, and focus on the impact on raising funding for the business.  Is Mark Zuckerberg a jerk? Does it matter if he is, or is not? Where did the funding for Facebook come from? Did the investors care about Zuckerberg’s behaviors? What about the Winklevoss twins?