Please See Attachment Below Be Creative Use Your Brain! Make This Into A Powerpoint Presntation

Please See Attachment Below Be Creative Use Your Brain! Make This Into A Powerpoint Presntation



Part I: Decisions For Quarter Three. Prior To Beginning Work On The Decisions For Quarter

Part I: Decisions For Quarter Three. Prior To Beginning Work On The Decisions For Quarter


Part I: Decisions for Quarter Three. Prior to beginning work on the Decisions for Quarter Three, carefully review the content found in the “Suggestions for Quarter 3” pop-up screen and read any Quarter Three Internal Emails and/or Memos available through your Growing Your Business simulation. The pop-up will be available at the lower left (Blue Guidelines) of the Executive Summary Decisions Tab and the video, emails, and memos can be re-accessed through the Help section.

In your Growing Your Business simulation,

  • Evaluate quantitative and qualitative techniques for business analysis and decision-making.
  • Utilize tools from finance, marketing, information technology and human resources management to manage the profitability of overall business operations specific to Quarter 3.
  • Create specific business tactics to achieve organizational survival and growth.]

The Decisions for Quarter Three Assignment

  • Must be completed through the Growing Your Business simulation.
  • Consider the following questions as you prepare your annual budget/plan (if the answer is “No” to any of the questions you may be at a Competitive Disadvantage and lack critical information to draw inference from):
    • Did you
      • Request/purchase the Marketing Report and Business Intelligence Dashboard (BID)?
      • Utilize the 3 available role plays for Qtr.3?
      • Consider in the R&D Projects?
  • Must use the Role Play
    • It is critical you read the details of the role play very carefully and any questions should immediately be referred to the Help Desk.
    • You can gain differentiated competitive advantage through effective use of the role play.
    • Some role players only provide qualitative information, while others provide the ability to negotiate with quantitatively.
    • The role play is a scarce resource because of the limited number of calls per quarter.
  • Must submit your Quarter Three Budget Plan.
    • Must not have a short-range outlook over the credit limit.
    • Periodically, as you modify inputs, use the “Model My Plan” at the lower right to see the impact of your decisions on the Financial Metrics.
    • Input your financial decision and then click on the blue Submit My SRO button on the bottom right of the Quarterly Decisions screen.
  • You must submit your Quarter Three Decisions prior to moving on this week’s Quarterly Business Review assignment.

Part II: Third Quarter Quarterly Business Review (QBR). Due by Day 7. You must submit your Quarter Three Decisions prior to moving on this week’s Quarterly Business Review assignment. Prior to beginning work on the Third Quarter Quarterly Business Review, review the following content from the Growing Your Business Simulation, the Suggestions for Quarter Three Decisions pop-up and your Business Intelligence Dashboard. The graphics in the dashboard should provide you with the trends (that is the time series data is growing) in data to critically analyze your competitors for the first two quarters their positions for the longer term.

With the completion of Quarter Three, you are responsible for completing your third Quarterly Business Review (QBR).  This is a qualitative and quantitative summary of your competitive performance for Quarter Three. Business reviews (or Operational Reviews) are a routine part of annual corporate activities and are very cross-functional in nature.  A major component of a QBR is around meeting commitments that are embedded in your budgetary planning process. Meeting commitments are seen explicitly in your Variances. These learnings are designed to enhance your performance in future Quarters.

In your Growing Your Business simulation,

  • Evaluate quantitative and qualitative techniques for business analysis and decision-making.
  • Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the corporate strategy & policy process.
  • Utilize tools from finance, marketing, information technology and human resources management to manage the profitability of overall business operations.
  • Create specific business tactics to achieve organizational survival and growth.

The Third Quarter Quarterly Business Review Assignment

  • Must be completed through the Growing Your Business simulation.
    • After logging in, go to the Quarterly Decisions tab on the top right of the simulation site and then click on the Executive Summary tab to access the Quarterly Business Review section.
  • Must be completed and submitted using all of the data provided including
  • Must show that Hisco is on track to Meet/Exceed its Annual Net Income Commitment through an evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative techniques for business analysis and decision making.
  • Must create specific business tactics to achieve organizational survival and growth.
  • After completing, check the box and submit in the lower right.
  • After completing the simulation, students must save the provided pdf from the pdf found within the Executive Summary tab of the Quarterly Decisions page and submit it through Waypoint. Verify your submission was successful.   
    • To access the PDF for submission, click on the QTRLY Decisions tab from the simulation home page and then go to the Executive Summary tab. Within the Executive Summary page, you will find a Download link associated with each quarterly decision you completed.
  • Remember, you will be receiving feedback on your QBR each quarter. You should review the feedback prior to submitting next quarter's decisions, as there may be some critical learning that can help your performance in the next quarter.
  • Must use scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. guide,
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Please note that if you are experiencing technical issues with the Growing Your Business Simulation, you will need to contact the help desk within the simulation at [email protected].


    Include A Cover Page And 1-2 Pages Of Reflection Regarding Ideas, Concepts, Or Strategies That

    Include A Cover Page And 1-2 Pages Of Reflection Regarding Ideas, Concepts, Or Strategies That

     Include a cover page and 1-2 pages of reflection regarding ideas, concepts, or strategies that you have learned so far in this simulation that you would be able to transfer to a current or a future role. Be specific about how these items can help you as you progress in your career. In the Week 4 Journal, consider how the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats from Week 1 are now impacting the performance of the company. Also, consider how keeping track of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the company that you work for can help you to improve your performance on an ongoing basis. 


      Just Write A Reply To These Two Posts. Write In Your Own Words.  Please Differentiate

      Just Write A Reply To These Two Posts. Write In Your Own Words.  Please Differentiate

         Just write a reply to these two posts. Write in your own words.  Please differentiate which reply is which.  100 words minimum per reply. This is like a conversation. 


      In Last Week’S Discussion, You Examined The Impact Of Cybersecurity Risk On An Organization. This

      In Last Week’S Discussion, You Examined The Impact Of Cybersecurity Risk On An Organization. This

       In last week’s Discussion, you examined the impact of cybersecurity risk on an organization. This week, you will put yourself in the position of a senior-level executive in that organization and will discuss with your colleagues your ideas for how you might change the IS/IT approach of that organization to better manage—or even eliminate—cybersecurity risks and threats going forward. 

      To prepare for this Discussion:

      • Return to last week’s Discussion and consider any ideas your colleagues brought forward in that Discussion that you want to incorporate into this week’s post.
      • Review the article you included in your post last week and, if needed, do some additional research to locate examples of organizations that have implemented particular strategies for managing cybersecurity risk.
      • As you draft your initial post, write it from the perspective of the senior leader in your selected organization. You can use your creativity to either craft a memo to your board of directors or a statement of intent for the changes you’d like to make to your IT organization/department. The format of your post is up to you, as long as you provide the required content.

      BY DAY 3

      Post a synthesis of your recommendations for how your selected organization can mitigate cybersecurity risks in the future, to include the following:

      • Propose two or three strategies you will employ within your IT organization/department to more effectively manage cybersecurity threats and risks. (You have license to form new teams, hire additional staff, or any number of other approaches. Assume you have the budget required to make whatever changes you feel are needed.)
      • For each strategy be sure to include a rationale for why you selected it, being sure to incorporate appropriate references to support your points.

      Refer to the Week 5 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.

      Read some of your colleagues’ postings.


        In An Apa Formatted Word Document Complete The Following: Use The Attached Data Set For

        In An Apa Formatted Word Document Complete The Following: Use The Attached Data Set For


        In an APA formatted Word document complete the following:

        Use the attached data set for our company to address the following.

        Task assignments to employees are supposed to be done at random. On a certain day, all the best jobs, in order of desirability, were given to the men. Is there evidence of sex discrimination? Discuss this also in the context of a continuing, daily operation. What would happen if you tested the randomness hypothesis everyday?


        dataset.xlsx(13.31 KB) 


        I Feel That Both Missions Emphasize A Love For Pets And Their Positive Impact On

        I Feel That Both Missions Emphasize A Love For Pets And Their Positive Impact On

        I feel that both missions emphasize a love for pets and their positive impact on homes and communities. Both express a passionate, friendly team dedicated to providing quality products and customer-first services.

        Our last revised statement explicitly aims to enhance pets' lives, showcasing a holistic commitment. My updated mission statement focuses on individualized information for tailored pet purchases, adding a personalized touch.

        Similarities underline a consistent culture, while differences reflect adaptability and collaborative efforts to evolve the mission based on shared values. Collaboration is evident in maintaining a unified identity and adapting to changing priorities for continuous improvement.

        The explicit commitment to enhancing pets' lives and providing personalized information in our updated statement stands out, reflecting a more holistic and customer-centric approach.

        For your response post, review the final collaborative mission statements in Threads A and B. These should be the posts at the very bottom of each thread. After reviewing each, discuss the following in Thread C with your peers.

        • What similarities did you notice between the two mission statements, and why do you think they were similar?
        • What differences did you notice between the two mission statements, and why do you think they were different?
        • What do the similarities and differences you noticed help you understand about the importance and impact of collaboration?
        • Were there certain parts of either mission statement that you really liked? If so, what were they, and why did you like them?


          I Think This Assessment Was Valuable To Me Because It Made Me Realize How Difficult

          I Think This Assessment Was Valuable To Me Because It Made Me Realize How Difficult

          I think this assessment was valuable to me because it made me realize how difficult it is for me to be motivated and have some sort of empathy. I think I struggle with caring about anyone other than myself sometimes because mentally I have trained myself to come first. I probably won't apply these anywhere due to the fact I don't work a taxing job and I do basic activities but I would in the future. I would like to improve on all of them because my score was pretty low.

          In your response to at least two peers, address the following:

          • Identify their strengths from their self-assessment and how these strengths will help them in the workplace.
          • Make a suggestion to help them improve their skills in one area of emotional intelligence that they would like to focus on.


            I Went By The Most Recent Posts In Threads A & B (Gavin Lee &

            I Went By The Most Recent Posts In Threads A & B (Gavin Lee &

            I went by the most recent posts in Threads A & B (Gavin Lee & Shelby O'Brien)

            • What similarities did you notice between the two mission statements, and why do you think they were similar?

            It seems both mission statements champion the inclusion of pets and their enrichment as a big part of our customers' lives. I think they are similar in this way because utilizing sincere human emotion (not fake and pandering) tends to drive consumerism as well as company culture. 

            • What differences did you notice between the two mission statements, and why do you think they were different?

            The end statement of 'Thread A' elaborated on the diversity of the company as well as emphasized the importance of both human and pet customers' enrichment. The end statement of 'Thread B' focused more on the products for the pets, proving the organization's focus on the quality of the product. I think the two statements are different from one another due to the revision's authors along the way, their personal leadership style, and how they feel they can differentiate themselves from competitive companies. 

            • What do the similarities and differences you noticed help you understand about the importance and impact of collaboration?

            Collaboration by way of clarification, questions, brainstorming, and even a sprinkling of positive/productive challenges with one another could have been beneficial. I feel like both statements were efficient in the stating of standing out from competitors but there was room to elaborate on the specifics of "how" the organization intended to execute that. 

            • Were there certain parts of either mission statement that you really liked? If so, what were they, and why did you like them?

            I felt 'Thread B' was decently effective in the "how" the organization was going to stand out from competitors by elaborating on a higher quality product for the enrichment of customers' pets' lives. 

            For your response post, review the final collaborative mission statements in Threads A and B. These should be the posts at the very bottom of each thread. After reviewing each, discuss the following in Thread C with your peers.

            • What similarities did you notice between the two mission statements, and why do you think they were similar?
            • What differences did you notice between the two mission statements, and why do you think they were different?
            • What do the similarities and differences you noticed help you understand about the importance and impact of collaboration?
            • Were there certain parts of either mission statement that you really liked? If so, what were they, and why did you like them?

            For your response post, review the final collaborative mission statements in Threads A and B. These should be the posts at the very bottom of each thread. After reviewing each, discuss the following in Thread C with your peers.

            • What similarities did you notice between the two mission statements, and why do you think they were similar?
            • What differences did you notice between the two mission statements, and why do you think they were different?
            • What do the similarities and differences you noticed help you understand about the importance and impact of collaboration?
            • Were there certain parts of either mission statement that you really liked? If so, what were they, and why did you like them?


              Help Develop An Accurate And Relevant Summary Of The Key Strategic Factors Facing The Firm,

              Help Develop An Accurate And Relevant Summary Of The Key Strategic Factors Facing The Firm,

              Help develop an accurate and relevant summary of the key strategic factors facing the firm, using the format of a SFAS. To do so, you will draw from the information you developed for both the EFAS and IFAS.