The purpose of this assignment is for students to write an outline that presents their

The purpose of this assignment is for students to write an outline that presents their

The purpose of this assignment is for students to write an outline that presents their research for the final paper (the Signature Assignment) for this class. Students are not writing the final paper (yet). For this assignment, and thus for the final paper students are to identify a business that corresponds to the assigned business sectors (each student is to identify a separate business). In this outline, students will bring options and opportunities, creative problem solving to either solve a problem or create an opportunity. Remember we do not tell companies what they must or should do. We present options and opportunities. Students will apply creative innovative thought to the analysis. You can use bullet points for this outline. Students should apply any feedback received from this assignment to the final assignment.OLCU632IndividualAssignment2_ResearchAnalysisforFinalPaper.docx

The purpose of the midterm is to step back from the specific personal finance products

The purpose of the midterm is to step back from the specific personal finance products

The purpose of the midterm is to step back from the specific personal finance products and services and consider the question of how to develop a winning personal financial plan. The midterm requires you to write approximately four pages(double-spaced) and answer the following questions: Assuming the average American consumer does not actively develop a personal financial plan, who is most likely to influence personal financial decision. Provide three examples of so called ‘financial advisors’ one would meet along as consumers become adults and consume financial products. From mortgages, to the credit card offers in student unions, to the cashier offering an extended warranty – use these and other examples and explain if these individuals are likely to have your best interest in mind at the point of purchase. 2. Explore the resources American consumers have to develop a financial plan and educate themselves regarding the purchase of financial products. Using examples of both small and large financial product decisions, provide a description of what an informed consumer would look like. What resources would they consult prior to purchase and how do those resource help that consumer make informed and wise choices consistent with their financial goals? 3. Consider why some people are not deliberate in making a personal financial plan. What forces work against making informed financial decisions?

The Discussion for this week will once again give you the opportunity to analyze a

The Discussion for this week will once again give you the opportunity to analyze a

The Discussion for this week will once again give you the opportunity to analyze a public company’s financial statements. Discuss with your colleagues the cost flow assumptions presented in these statements. Why did the company choose these assumptions? What types of inventories did they report? Locate the annual financial report you selected in Week 1. Look at the balance sheet and the notes to the financial statements (particularly Note 1). With these thoughts in mind:   Post at least 200 words addressing the following points: What cost flow assumption did the report use? Why do you think the company selected this cost flow assumption? How many different types of inventories did the company report on its balance sheet? Identify those inventory categories. Would the company be required to account for its inventories differently if it were reporting under IFRS? Why or why not? WeekOne.docx

The final report is essentially a detailed submission about your proposed digital innovation applied to

The final report is essentially a detailed submission about your proposed digital innovation applied to

The final report is essentially a detailed submission about your proposed digital innovation applied to the Business Model Canvas of your chosen organization (Presented in Assessment 2). It demonstrates a true understanding of the business model components. An outline of the report components is provided above in the Style and Format section. In writing your report, pay close attention to the Marking Criteria which is also set out above. It is crucial that your business model canvas shows true understanding of the business model components. It is expected that a significant variety of resources (e.g., company website, newspapers, magazines and scholarly literature discussed in the lecture) will be used in order to write the report on business model canvas and appropriate referencing in the body is a necessary component of your report.Screenshot2022-04-03at2.58.35PM.pngScreenshot2022-04-03at2.58.05PM.pngAssessment3SampleIKEAReport.pdf

The assignment for this week is to submit samples from your Portfolio or Final Project

The assignment for this week is to submit samples from your Portfolio or Final Project

The assignment for this week is to submit samples from your Portfolio or Final Project Report. For the Portfolio option you will submit four (4) of your Caption pages for review. This should be two (2) academic artifacts and two (2) professional artifacts. Just the Caption pages (do not include actual artifacts). Submit these as a single document. For the Project option, you will submit your Detailed Time Journal (to date).

The case – IKEAAccount Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management for B2C environments is one

The case – IKEAAccount Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management for B2C environments is one

The case – IKEA  Account Relationship Management (Customer Relationship Management for B2C environments) is one of the concepts that have changed how the salesmanagement policies and plans are conceived within business organizations. Despite the fact that many companies still struggle with its application, yet we can find companies that have developed an excellent Customer Relationship Management strategy to retain and increase the loyalty of their customers. Among those companies that have succeeded with the proper development and application of the Customer Relationship Management, we can find the very well-known company of IKEA.  For the case:  Could you please explain the main stages to set up a proper Customer/ Account Relationship approach?  2. What are the tools at your disposal to set up and implement a Customer / Account Relationship approach?  3. Based on the previous inputs and your knowledge of the case, could you please identify the main elements that has been used by the Swedish company to set up an outstanding customer relationship?

Task 1: Write a minimum 2-page paper (single-spaced and 12 point type) that answers the

Task 1: Write a minimum 2-page paper (single-spaced and 12 point type) that answers the

Task 1: Write a minimum 2-page paper (single-spaced and 12 point type) that answers the questions posed below. Tie in explicit reference to our course materials as relevant to your analysis(see below attachments/reading video’s/reading articles). When doing so, italicize specific concepts or terms used and cite the readings/videos (at least 2 or more cites) or the relevant authors of the theories used. Given that I am familiar with all references(use references from videos and materials given below) from this course, you can simply put the authors’ names in parentheses to cite. 1. Describe either (a) an organizational change that was implemented (or attempted to be implemented) in the past, or (b) an organizational change that you are either currently implementing or plan to implement. That is, in this assignment, you have the opportunity to analyze either a past change effort or a current or planned change effort.  (You only need do one analysis). If you described a past change effort, address the following questions.  2.  What were the driving forces for change? 3. What were the restraining forces, i.e., those that help maintain the status quo? 4. Using Kotter’s model below, what strategies were taken (or should have been taken) to help make sure the organizational change was effective? Address each of the eight stages below with your assessment: (a) Establishing a sense of urgency (b) Forming a powerful guiding coalition (c) Creating a vision (d) Communicating the vision (e) Empowering others to act on the vision (f) Planning for and creating short-term wins (g) Consolidating improvements and producing more change (h) Institutionalizing new approaches 5. What was your assessment of the success of the organizational change effort? If you described a current or planned change effort, address the following questions.  2.  What are the driving forces for change? 3. What are the restraining forces, i.e., those that help maintain the status quo? 4. Using Kotter’s model below, what strategies are being taken (or should be taken) to help make sure the organizational change is effective? Address each of the eight stages below with your assessment: (a) Establishing a sense of urgency (b) Forming a powerful guiding coalition (c) Creating a vision (d) Communicating the vision (e) Empowering others to act on the vision (f) Planning for and creating short-term wins (g) Consolidating improvements and producing more change (h) Institutionalizing new approaches 5. What is your assessment of the likelihood of success of the organizational change effort?  Reading Videos:  Why Change Is So Hard Reading Articles/video: Reading Materials: Please see attached files ‘Kotter’ ‘MBA 621 Organizational change’ files. Task 2: share at least THREE takeaways from the readings/videos-2 to 3 paragraphs(Please see above video/reading links/Attached  files) on organizational change MBA621OrganizationalChangePowerPointforMBA621-1B.pptKotterLeadingChange1.pdf

TCS Case Study: Enbala helps the world energize efficiently: https://wwwinternationalgcca/world-monde/stories-histoires/2019/CPTPP-enbalaaspxlang=eng2 Company Name and

TCS Case Study: Enbala helps the world energize efficiently: https://wwwinternationalgcca/world-monde/stories-histoires/2019/CPTPP-enbalaaspxlang=eng2 Company Name and

1) TCS Case Study: Enbala helps the world energize efficiently:  2) Company Name and Product: Enbala-creating an energy future that is sustainable and balanced 3) Current Market: Australia For your research, use the following Canadian sources plus journal articles (eCentennial online library) and Industry Canada data. Export Development Canada: 2. The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service: 3. FITT Trade Ready: 4. Canadian Business: 5. Maclean’s: 6. Financial Post: 7. BNN Bloomberg: 8. McKinsey & Company:

Summary: Reflect on your professional or personal abilities and create a shortlist of 5-10 key

Summary: Reflect on your professional or personal abilities and create a shortlist of 5-10 key

Summary: Reflect on your professional or personal abilities and create a shortlist of 5-10 key capabilities you have developed over the years, either through work experiences, academic achievements, or other endeavors (or challenges). You may use results from self-assessments such as The Big Five Personality, StrengthsFinder, Global Competencies Inventory, Myers-Briggs, etc. If you have those, please consider them as a starting point to your reflection, and write your own narrative that integrates them. Then, consider each capability in terms of their component parts: tangible, intangible, and human resources. (Recall that we define a capability as a group of resources.) Then, carefully apply the VRIO/N criteria to each capability you have identified, and rank order the capabilities, based on their potential for a sustained professional advantage. Then, make a list of weaknesses, defined here as capabilities you think are important for your career, which you are lacking. Then, share your findings with one person you trust, who knows you well, and who is unafraid to be honest with you (family, friend, coworker, classmate, etc.) and ask them to reflect back on your list, by adding, subtracting, or verifying. Your written assignment will consist of a reflection on the exercise above. Consider answering the following questions, but don’t be limited by them: – What have you learned about yourself and your professional capabilities in the process of this exercise? – In what ways could you transition from capabilities to core competencies in key areas? What specific steps would you have to take to obtain the VRIO/N advantage in one or more areas? – What did you learn about yourself from discussing your Strengths and Weaknesses with a person who knows you and who you trust? Any surprises? – If you are asked in a job interview about your strengths and weaknesses, would you be able to provide answers that are considerate, deep, and and well thought out? Would you be able to answer this question in a way that helps you stand out from other job candidates? Format: – use a business memo format. About 300-500 words. You may append the capability analysis to the reflection, if you would like to show how you completed it.

Social media is a growing area of concern for employers Should  employers have the right

Social media is a growing area of concern for employers Should  employers have the right

Social media is a growing area of concern for employers. Should  employers have the right to terminate employees for their social media  posts? Do you have any experience with social media interfering with  your work life?