Short answer : Please review key terms and answer question 1 at the end of

Short answer : Please review key terms and answer question 1 at the end of

Short answer : Please review key terms and answer question 1 at the end of chapter 13, question 2 at the end of chapter 14 and question 7 at the end of chapter 15.  Please cite to specific eText pages where you found support for your answers.  LW discussion:  Please discuss the following case study: Globe Life Insurance Company has undertaken a new sales program that targets neighborhoods in Los Angeles where drive-by shootings were a nightly occurrence. Two such shootings occurred in which children were killed as they sat in their living rooms. Globe salespeople were instructed to ‘hit’ the houses surrounding those where children were victims. They were also told to contact the parents of those children to sell policies for their other children. TomRaskin, an experienced Globe salesman, read of a drive-by shooting at Nancy Leonard’s home, in which Leonard’s 5-year-old son was killed. The Los Angeles Times reported that Leonard was a single parent with four other children. Raskin traveled to Leonard’s home and described the benefits of a Globe policy for her other children. He offered her the $10,000 term life policy for each of the children for a total cost of $21 per month. Leonard was in the process of making funeral arrangements for her son, and Raskin noted, ‘See how much it costs for a funeral.’ Leonard had been given several tranquilizers the night before by a physician at the hospital’s emergency room. The physician had also given her 15 more tranquilizers to help her through the following week. She had taken one additional tranquilizer an hour before Raskin arrived, using a Coors Lite beer to take the pill.Leonard signed the contract for the policy. After her son’s funeral, she received the first month’s bill for it and exclaimed, ‘I didn’t buy any life insurance! Where did this come from?’ Discuss whether Leonard had legal standing to sue Globe. (1) Did she have to pay for the life insurance? (2) Discuss the ethical issues involved in the Globe’s sales program. (3) Discuss the legal issues involved in Raskin’s decision to target Leonard the day after her son’s death. Fas discussion: This week we are covering New Wave Couture: Alexander McQueen, John-Paul Gaultier and Chanel (Karl Lagerfeld). Whose designs do you prefer and why.  Explain your reasons in as much detail as possible. Please include examples. You may add links to images to highlight and substantiate points. If you upload images, the source link must be cited. An image is not to take up the whole screen as this distracts from the written content.

Risk and return go hand in hand Understanding this relationship is critical to making well-reasoned

Risk and return go hand in hand Understanding this relationship is critical to making well-reasoned

Risk and return go hand in hand. Understanding this relationship is critical to making well-reasoned financial decisions, whether you are making personal investment decisions or working for a business where you’re responsible for investing excess cash. This journal assignment allows you to explore the risk-return relationship in the context of investing in stocks in both of these roles. Prompt Write a journal discussing risk and return as it relates to investing in stocks. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Investment Risk: Explain key risks associated with investing in stocks. Investment Return: Discuss events that can cause the price of a stock to increase or decrease. Risk-Return Relationship: Explain the relationship between risk and return and how this relationship impacts stock investment decisions, using examples to support your claims. Reflection: Describe whether you make stock-investment decisions in your personal life and how you do or would make those decisions. Consider the following in your response: Would your decision-making process change if you needed to make stock-investment decisions for a business? Why or why not? Guidelines for Submission Your submission must be a 4- to 5-paragraph Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Respond to the following: Can any firm beat Amazon in the marketplace

Respond to the following: Can any firm beat Amazon in the marketplace

Respond to the following: Can any firm beat Amazon in the marketplace? If not, why not? If so, how can they best do so? How formidable a competitor is Google for Amazon? Please explain. Consider: What are Amazon’s major strengths? Does it have any weaknesses? Please explain. Is a potential concern for Amazon? Why or why not? Given the importance of understanding the external environment, why do some firms fail to do so? Provide examples of firms that did not understand their external environment. What were the implications of the firm’s failure to understand that environment?

Review a job description through a job website eg Career Builder Links to an external site

Review a job description through a job website eg Career Builder Links to an external site

Review a job description through a job website (e.g., Career Builder (Links to an external site.), Monster (Links to an external site.), etc.) in your desired career field. Please provide the job title and the link to the job description. Link for the career I chose : Interim Sr. Treasury Consultant Identify at least five skills you have obtained through your general education courses that will make you successful at this job. Demonstrate with at least two examples how your newly acquired knowledge and skills have shaped both your personal and professional development. Describe your plans for putting your education to use within your community.



RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW You will write a Research Paper on a topic relating to business ethics. You will research what is being said in the academic literature about the issue and what the secular worldview suggests is relevant in the contemporary business environment. You will then research the Bible for information related to the topic and identify what a Christian or follower of God should consider important related to the topic under consideration. Compare and contrast what agrees between Scripture and the secular thoughts and what may differ between the two. Your Research Paper Assignment must be 810 pages and double spaced, not including the title page, abstract, and references pages. You must include 810 scholarly references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. You must use your textbooks as sources; other acceptable sources are journal articles from peer-reviewed journals, theoretical texts, and the Bible. Citations must be in current APA format. As this is a Research Paper, it must be written in third person. INSTRUCTIONS ï‚The Research Paper Assignment is comprised of 3 parts: (1) the topic selection including research question/problem, rationale for selecting the topic, and thesis statement; (2) the annotated bibliography listing the proposed sources you will cite in your Research Paper Assignment, and (3) the final submission of the Research Paper Assignment. ï‚You will choose a topic and write a rationale for that topic. ï‚You will also create an Annotated Bibliography noting the 8-10 sources you intend to cite in the Research Paper. The Annotated Bibliography must be in current APA format and include a 100-word description of each source as it will appear in the Research Paper and its contribution to the paper must be included. ï‚All material should be presented in APA format, including but not limited to the title page, and references page. ï‚Sources should be cited where appropriate and it is encouraged to write in your own words (paraphrase) as much as possible. ï‚Avoid lengthy block quotes.

Research two sports teams who have filed bankruptcy in the past 20 years Explain the

Research two sports teams who have filed bankruptcy in the past 20 years Explain the

Research two sports teams who have filed bankruptcy in the past 20 years. Explain the type of bankruptcy filed, the reason filed, the result of the case, and the final outcome of the team (still same ownership, sold, etc.). After the info about the bankruptcy, describe how the action impacted the team, the owner(s), the league, the players, and the fans.

Research and submit a one-page summary of how Facebook validated its solution leverage all the

Research and submit a one-page summary of how Facebook validated its solution leverage all the

Research and submit a one-page summary of how Facebook validated its solution (leverage all the readings and class discussions to date): That is, explain how Facebook filled the gap between the problem it recognized in the marketplace and the solution its app offered using the lean canvas and the other tools we discussed to date.

Readings: Lafley A & Martin R 2013 Playing to win: How strategy

Readings: Lafley A & Martin R 2013 Playing to win: How strategy

Readings: Lafley, A. & Martin, R. (2013). Playing to win: How strategy really works. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press. (read Chapter 3, Where to Play) Magretta, J. (2011). Understanding Michael Porter: The essential guide to competition and strategy. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press. (read Chapter 3, Competitive Advantage: The Value Chain and P&L)  Wk5: Article Review: MUST BE IN APA FORMAT  Each week students should review one article related to business strategy.  The article can cover business strategy in fields like Finance, IT, HR, Accounting, etc.   Articles can be found in Business Source Complete or ProQuest Central. The article text itself must be 1) at least 1,000 words (excluding title, bios, and any other related material), 2) peer-reviewed, and 3) published within the last five years. If you have any questions about using a particular article, please reach out to your professor. Article Review Instructions:  In 500-800 words (including title and references) review the article as follows: First half – review of article contents, concepts, insights, and how it relates to business strategy Second half – application to your world Use at least one QCR (quotation, citation, reference) from the article itself Use at least one QCR from another source (can be a peer-review article or something from HBR, Fortune, Economist, or Wall Street Journal). Therefore, your references at the end of your article should have at least two entries. Title your review LastName_FirstInitialWk1AR   Wk5: Strategic Profile Analysis In this third week of the project, you will provide an overview of the company’s 2-4 key competitors. This week’s chapter should include the following sections: Cover Page: Include your name, course, professor, date, and page number Competitive Information: Include a section for each competitor and provide insights on those competitors and how they are similar and different from your company.   399B8053-1021-4A08-9F52-74E524C79422.jpeg9B9F79E8-93FE-4A55-BBDD-0CAF681B66C5.jpeg67F6A952-DDDC-414B-A438-8825A05CAE3A.jpegD1BBB964-33DF-4FE8-9CAC-75AA2AC235D9.jpeg78D45817-FFCB-4141-97AB-DF734C61C1A3.jpegD4D5C1DD-8EC7-4A64-A099-3F8CB6299560.jpegE5C305AF-BB11-44B5-974C-A66EA5137FC3.jpeg72968F69-A2B5-4117-8B0E-D4988789092A.jpeg23A5843A-D8AA-4330-84D3-8C951DFCF449.jpeg972651F7-368F-4ED6-A2AE-B6985990C051.jpeg19AF0383-ABC9-44CF-86D3-6B03EA08C5BD.jpeg094F8C6C-701B-4A21-BA18-B85D71F186E5.jpeg451293D5-B3AE-47DB-9FD7-DF36AFBE3B2F.jpeg41E8E7AF-9588-47BB-874F-FED8E3444E8A.jpegD81697C8-8F39-4876-A926-62639B075445.jpeg86FDA19F-4A00-4BAB-A8BA-545F2B1A698C.jpeg3C6B87F2-5FAD-4988-90B4-25F5B9DC2058.jpegDFD2EE29-4B98-4B15-8E61-F2B50355A10E.jpeg47138359-570D-4BF6-A79E-2868A5B3F80C.jpeg8829AD8C-7FC3-4BB8-A9CF-5A1AE8C1E77A.jpegE7484729-7060-4151-8024-C0B892BF6CBB.jpegB1D03760-EB02-486C-9B07-7DDA284185A2.jpeg39CD1394-4BC9-4363-AEBB-430B160D4283.jpeg1CF239E5-4063-49CE-ACE0-5947BD7FAE7E.jpeg693AF931-56AF-4D1A-BAD8-99D7720D2C20.jpeg742494D3-71A2-47A8-ACCA-A8EF8BE030E8.jpeg8604C618-4D95-4E3F-BCC0-B02E7EBFE5D6.jpeg032FCEE3-726F-41F5-9790-94032DF3727F.jpeg7CF88335-8C28-42A7-A90B-0F3467BCFCAE.jpeg4ACE5845-F72B-4DE9-B91C-60D3590AE62D.jpeg8D3A25A8-3614-45E2-833B-1FE186F4C36F.jpeg4ADB295E-50E9-49F6-88E3-42C3737AC719.jpegA934FB86-A6A1-4CDB-BAB7-CBE22F392B6E.jpeg22522C27-60D6-4C3A-BD9F-08258124F81E.jpegA486CCAB-C922-45E2-AECC-D594EAAC7BC9.jpegF26DC315-A694-4839-83EF-B4D7EE7C7936.jpegA9021826-9674-4EB5-84DC-EE3BE97AA29D.jpeg1309D9EE-D325-4BD6-B8E5-0ABACFA98B3F.jpegBEE9871F-B14B-4972-B38D-24228FF1BAFF.jpeg70D5FC8E-22D5-427B-8247-E3A69876C6E2.jpeg7419999C-6FED-4FBB-A43E-1846708D4275.jpeg04CCDE85-C970-4AB3-81EF-7F74782C374B.jpeg29BB4FD4-EEE4-4F31-AEA6-3EB9EBD27D10.jpeg042F8D94-6993-4E99-851A-36D632E8270F.jpegB6B43019-6B95-4ABF-8158-B7F3221A4BF4.jpeg3C156B43-3431-4114-8FFF-12B98613DC21.jpegD24265B5-CC06-459D-81FF-05583C65F15B.jpegBB068CF7-33DF-476A-9703-776E79FE29D4.jpeg1976412F-E9F3-46B0-B515-9C9646D425C9.jpegFC1F30B5-BA06-496F-B9BB-4A95F8412F33.jpeg08634064-8858-4945-B982-5584866EF9D1.jpeg

Real estate ownership is one of the basic sources of wealth creation Without the unbiased

Real estate ownership is one of the basic sources of wealth creation Without the unbiased

Real estate ownership is one of the basic sources of wealth creation. Without the unbiased valuations of real estate appraisers, real estate transactions as we know them today would not be possible. Maintaining ethical standards in the appraisal process corresponds with a Christian worldview through the standards we use when dealing with others, as God’s Word advocates for integrity and honesty in business dealings. Compose a discussion thread applying 3 of the principles in real estate appraisals.  Must be 400 words with at least 3 references

Read classmates post and respond with 150 words :The three important points about the format

Read classmates post and respond with 150 words :The three important points about the format

Read classmates post and respond with 150 words :The three important points about the format of CD coding I will be discussing are category, subcategory and subclassification. Everything is divided by sections to make it easier to code. The category is a three character code that represents a single condition. Subcategory is a four category code it provides more information than the three character code regarding cause, location and how the condition has progressed. Subclassification is a five to seven character code that helps by adding even more information about the condition and description of it. With all of this information it can make it easier to find the right information in the manual but it will take some time for you to get used to. Reference:Carol J. Buck, Saunders (2022). Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2022 Edition, by Carol J. Buck, Saunders