Prepare an appraisal report on one subject residential real estate property The report should present

Prepare an appraisal report on one subject residential real estate property The report should present

Prepare an appraisal report on one subject residential real estate property. The report should present a thorough discussion and analysis of the valuation for the assigned subject project based on sales comparison approach (Please refer to the ppt on Sales Comparison Approach for more information about it). Your main job is to collect the information of newly listed subject property and the information of 3-4 recent sold properties similar to subject property (comparables) from the websites. Then conduct a thorough analysis of the subject property’s value using sales comparison approach. The relevant information on subject property and comparable properties could be found at the website providing information on real estate transactions. Formatting: The report should be approximately 15-20 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font. At minimum, the report must include: (1) a Title page, (2) a Table of Contents, (3) an Executive Summary [a ½ to ¾ page overall summary of the points raised in the paper], (4) an Introduction”setting out the material to be examined in the paper, (5) a Discussion and Analysis section (including the excel table of adjustment), multiple pictures could be displayed within one page for the concern of page limit, (6) a Conclusions section, and (7) a Works Cited section, listing all secondary sources consulted in preparing the report.4.Appraisal_ExampleFullSolution.xlsx3.Appraisal_ExampleFIN353.pdf2.ZillowComps.pdf1.SalesComparisonApproach.pdfAppraisalProjectGuideline.pdf

Prior to beginning this discussion review section 74 Contingency Planning in your textbook Strategic plans

Prior to beginning this discussion review section 74 Contingency Planning in your textbook Strategic plans

Prior to beginning this discussion, review section 7.4 Contingency Planning in your textbook. Strategic plans are focused on current and future company goals, therefore changes in the environment must be detected and monitored. Changes in the environment that impinge on the company’s strategic plan are known as external triggers and triggers are paired with plans to successfully deal with them. These paired actions are known as contingency plans. What qualities make a future issue a trigger?As an example, consider you are on the strategic planning team for a soft drink company. A merger of two major competitors next year would constitute a future trigger. For this discussion, consider the Environmental Scan and SWOT analysis you conducted in Week 2. Formulate a trigger/contingency pair in the form of a three-part sentence similar to the example in the textbook. Examine it in terms of the three guidelines that good contingency plans should follow.Post a summary of your selected company and risks that you perceive based on your prior Environmental Scan and SWOT analysis. State the three-sentence trigger/contingency pair and justify your choice of contingency plan using information from the week’s readings and/or other scholarly or credible resources, using the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table for guidance.(NOTE: Incorporate the feedback you receive from your instructor and save your work. It will be part of your Strategic Plan Final Project for this course).SWOTAnalysisTemplate.docx

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum read sections 170173 in Chapter 17 of

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum read sections 170173 in Chapter 17 of

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read sections 17.017.3 in Chapter 17 of the required textbook, Operations and Supply Chain Management. In addition, read The Amazon Effect and the Global Supply Chain , and watch A Greener Workplace: Planning and Managing for Sustainability. In a fast food restaurant, for example, we often see overproduction (food sitting under hot lamps with no immediate sale), customers waiting, incorrect orders, undercooked or overcooked food that must be discarded, employees running around the kitchen not having clearly defined jobs, and so on.  Identify an organization that is familiar to you, and provide examples of different types of waste. Additionally, identify some potential lean tools and approaches to address the waste.  Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words. Graduate school students learn to assess the perspectives of several scholars. Support your response with at least one scholarly or credible source in addition to the text.

Please review key terms and answer questions 9 and 11 at the end of chapter

Please review key terms and answer questions 9 and 11 at the end of chapter

Please review key terms and answer questions 9 and 11 at the end of chapter 11 and question 4 at the end of chapter 12.   Please cite to specific eText pages where you found support for your answers

Please use the forum links attached below which I have provided to discuss each topic

Please use the forum links attached below which I have provided to discuss each topic

Please use the forum links (attached below), which I have provided, to discuss each topic. DQ1: Goal-Setting Motivation Managers are interested in the subject of motivation because they want to learn how to get the most effort from their employees. Is this ethical? When managers set hard specific goals for employees, aren’t they manipulating them?  Include examples, supporting theories, and sources. DQ2: Performance management Briefly describe your current job (or one you have had in the past), and determine how performance management could have been applied in a way that would have both motivated you and made your work more rewarding. Which theory of motivation and performance would be applied to your situation and why? Find supporting sources that have examples, ideas, etc. and include sources to support your response. *Don’t forget to reference your work by bringing in supporting articles/videos, etc. that show why it works, is true, has been done in the past, is being done now, etc. Show us that you extended your knowledge! LINKS  Ellen’s monologue about making decisions URL:   Decision making URL:–qw-fv3k   Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Jumping for the Jelly Beans (1 of 2) URL:  The Pygmalion Effect: Influencing Employee Behavior URL: (Links to an external site.) How to Set SMART Goals ‘Learn how to set powerful, actionable goals for your organization.’ URL:

Please review Chapter 4’s section concerning Porter’s 5 Forces read the Forbes article Porter or Mintzberg: Whose View

Please review Chapter 4’s section concerning Porter’s 5 Forces read the Forbes article Porter or Mintzberg: Whose View

Please review Chapter 4’s section concerning Porter’s 5 Forces, read the Forbes article Porter or Mintzberg: Whose View of Strategy Is the Most Relevant Today? (Links to an external site.) (Moore, 2011) and view the required You Tube video Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy (Links to an external site.), regarding Porter’s five forces. In the video, Mr. Porter discusses how Porter’s Five Forces Analysis is an important tool for assessing the potential for profitability in an industry. As an example, Mr. Porter applied these five forces to the airline industry. Think of another industry where profitability is low. In an initial post of at least 250 words, apply the five forces to your chosen industry and demonstrate how those forces can lower profitability.

Please help me to Correction my Executive Summary Draft Refer to the sample I provided

Please help me to Correction my Executive Summary Draft Refer to the sample I provided

Please help me to Correction my Executive Summary Draft, Refer to the sample I provided! Here are comments to guide my revision of the report:  Use a running header that consists of a shortened version of the report title; please see the example Executive Summary. 2. Include a blank line between paragraphs. 3. Delete findings and background material from the first paragraph. 4. Focus on presenting only major findings of strategies for increasing workplace mindfulness; delete other details that can be read in the report. The summary is a synopsis or abstract. 4. Explain how you located the report sources in the second paragraph. ( Professors provide two resources, and one is from the university online library)    using this exampel: On January 27, 2020, Dr. XXXXXXXX, Professor of Management at XXXXXX University, Los Angeles, authorized a study to look at strategies for managing workplace stress and increasing wellbeing.  Secondary data for the study was gathered from online databases and the Internet.  Findings show that workplace stress can have a negative impact not only on work performance but also on overall health. The following shows what strategies can be implemented into daily life to lessen the effects of workplace stress:  Foster personal relationships by spending more time with family, friends, or significant others.  2. Participate in preferred physical activities often.  3. Participate in enjoyable leisure activities.  4. Establish boundaries by separating work life and home life.  5. Seek support from mental health professionals or contact a supervisor who can create a better work environment.  It is concluded that these are all viable options to consider when looking for ways to destress and improve mental and physical health. For greater overall wellbeing, it is recommended that these steps be taken to manage the challenges of workplace pressures.    …£.Three resources are: Being Intentional About Workplace Mindfulness Programs(attached)   2. Promoting Sustainability: The Effects of Workplace Mindfulness Training (attached)  3.  A Workplace Mindfulness Intervention May Be Associated With Improved Psychological Well-Being and Productivity. A Preliminary Field Study in a Company Setting ( )ExecutiveSummaryDraft.docPromotingSustainability.pdfBeingIntentionalAboutWorkplaceMindfulnessPrograms.pdf

Please help me to write a business report that topic is — Which strategies are

Please help me to write a business report that topic is — Which strategies are

Please help me to write a business report, that topic is — Which strategies are most effective for increasing workplace mindfulness?  IPlease refer to the outline and Executive Summary I provided to complete the business report, request 5-7 pages. IIAnd please help me to correct my Executive Summary in the business report: Here are comments to guide my revision of the report: Use a running header that consists of a shortened version of the report title; please see the example Executive Summary. 2. Include a blank line between paragraphs. 3. Delete findings and background material from the first paragraph. 4. Focus on presenting only major findings of strategies for increasing workplace mindfulness; delete other details that can be read in the report. The summary is a synopsis or abstract. 4. Explain how you located the report sources in the second paragraph. ( Professors provide two resources, and one is from the university online library) …£.Three resources are: Being Intentional About Workplace Mindfulness Programs(attached)   2. Promoting Sustainability: The Effects of Workplace Mindfulness Training (attached)  3.  A Workplace Mindfulness Intervention May Be Associated With Improved Psychological Well-Being and Productivity. A Preliminary Field Study in a Company Setting ( ) Note: this is a very important assignment, and it needs to be put on Turnitin. EXAMPLEOFGOODREPORTSpr2022.docxTentativeOutlineandReferences.docxExecutiveSummaryDraft.docPromotingSustainability.pdfBeingIntentionalAboutWorkplaceMindfulnessPrograms.pdf

Please make sure that it is your own work and not copy and paste Please

Please make sure that it is your own work and not copy and paste Please

Please make sure that it is your own work and not copy and paste. Please watch out for Spelling and Grammar errors. Please read the study guide. Please use the APA 7th edition. Book Reference: Fox, J. (2017). Using the R Commander: A point-and-click interface for R. CRC Press. Discuss how you would use the various types of summarizing and graphing to present your data. Make sure you discuss the type of data you would have and the type of display you would select.Chp5RCH.docxUnitIIIRCHStudyguide.pdf



PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT A BID IF YOU DO NOT HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH GRADUATE-LEVEL WRITING. MUST FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE FOLLOWED, AND NO PLAGIARISM. ALL PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT IS INCLUDEDWeek6finalassignment.docxHUM5060Week4Assignment.docxHUM5060Week2Assignment1.docxHUM5060Week1Assignment.docxHUM5060Week3Assignment2.docHUM5060Week5Assignment.docHUM5060Week2Assignment2.docHUM5060Week3Assignment1.doc