PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT A BID IF YOU DO NOT HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH GRADUATE-LEVEL WRITING. MUST FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE FOLLOWED, AND NO PLAGIARISM. ALL PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT IS INCLUDEDWeek6finalassignment.docxHUM5060Week4Assignment.docxHUM5060Week2Assignment1.docxHUM5060Week1Assignment.docxHUM5060Week3Assignment2.docHUM5060Week5Assignment.docHUM5060Week2Assignment2.docHUM5060Week3Assignment1.doc

Part 1: How do you maintain a professional image during an online meeting 200

Part 1: How do you maintain a professional image during an online meeting 200

Part 1: How do you maintain a professional image during an online meeting? 200 words Part 2: pdf attached write a two-page paper that addresses the following: ¢ Identify noisemakers in the video. Be specific as to the character’s actions or dialogue in the mock online meeting. ¢ Discuss at least two communication barriers that facilitators may face when conducting a virtual meeting. Your response can pertain to the mock meeting or be generalized. ¢ Explain how virtual meeting facilitators may overcome communication challenges. Your response can pertain to the mock meeting or be generalized. Unit_VI_Mock_Online_Meeting.pdfUnitVI.pdf

Organize International Business Activities When international enterprises begin operations in other countries decisions related to

Organize International Business Activities When international enterprises begin operations in other countries decisions related to

Organize International Business Activities When international enterprises begin operations in other countries, decisions related to organizing their business activities are needed. To gain a wider perspective for these decisions, companies frequently use cross-cultural teams. Goal To organize international business activities using information from various regions of the world. Activity/ Question Locate examples of laws that affect business activities and international business trade in your region. How do these compare with business regulations in other areas of the world?   Region: Asia

Overview As the business in the simulation goes through various generations  it is faced with

Overview As the business in the simulation goes through various generations  it is faced with

Overview As the business in the simulation goes through various generations,  it is faced with various external and internal factors that affect its  business model in different ways. You may have also made decisions that  affected the company’s business strategy including its value  proposition, customer segments, revenue models, and other factors. In  this journal, you will reflect on these factors and decisions and  discuss how the business model changed across generations, and then  determine the feasibility of these changes by running them through the  BMC framework. Prompt In your journal, reflect on the different BMC segments, such as value  propositions, channels, customer relationships, customer segments,  revenue streams, key resources, activities, partnerships, and cost  structure, and how they affected the decisions made in the simulation  and consequently the company’s growth and direction. In this journal, select two BMC segments to use in answering the following questions: BMC segment changes: How have the selected BMC segments changed over the various generations? The effect of decisions: How have your decisions affected the BMC segments? Explore your decisions: How did you come to your decisions? Assess your decisions: Do you believe you made the right decisions in the simulation? Why or why not? Guidelines for Submission Submit your journal as a 1- to 2-page Word document using 12-point  Times New Roman, one-inch margins, and double spacing. Sources should be  cited according to APA style. Go to this link:

Overview Based on the situations you faced and the decisions you made in the  simulation

Overview Based on the situations you faced and the decisions you made in the  simulation

Overview Based on the situations you faced and the decisions you made in the  simulation, the company hired and fired certain people. The business  also had some interest in philanthropic initiatives. In this journal,  you will reflect on these decisions and initiatives and consider the  overall diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and corporate social  responsibility (CSR) initiatives of this company. Prompt In your journal, reflect on the various personnel decisions made in  the simulation. Also, reflect on the company’s CSR programs and whether they impacted the business or the community in a meaningful way. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Hiring practices: Describe how you think the  company did with diversity and inclusion in their hiring practices  across generations, and whether your decisions in the simulation helped. Places to improve upon: Explain how the company could have done better. Corporate Social Responsibility: Community and social initiatives: Discuss the  company’s contributions to community and social initiatives and whether  your decisions in the simulation affected these initiatives. Places to improve upon: Outline some ways in which you think the company can further improve their CSR programs and involvement. Guidelines for Submission Submit a Word document of 1 to 2 pages using 12-point Times New  Roman, one-inch margins, and double spacing. Sources should be cited  according to APA style. Go to this link:

Overview Creativity and diversity can lead to outcomes that both maximize  profit and enhance social

Overview Creativity and diversity can lead to outcomes that both maximize  profit and enhance social

Overview Creativity and diversity can lead to outcomes that both maximize  profit and enhance social well-being. Business leaders use measurable  factors to help determine design and development decisions, go or  no-go milestones, financial models, and many what if scenarios. In  this process, the new product or service is considered as part of a  system. Scenario You rocked your BMC and received a great response from the  experienced project manager (PM). As you read the feedback, you realize  that it’s now time to develop the financial component. In the comments,  the PM also stated that no matter how good an idea is, to senior  management, it’s a no-go if the new product or service does not  produce sales. In preparation for your funding pitch, which you will submit as your  course project in Module Seven, the PM also warns that funding pitches  are quick and decisive. Including too much information could overwhelm  senior management, cause more questions, and erode the purpose of the  funding pitch. Prompt The PM’s directive at this point is for you to develop a 24-month pro forma  that demonstrates the potential profitability of the new product or  service in an income statement. You will use the Module Six Assignment  Template linked in the Guidelines for Submission section to complete  this assignment. You may use the current company’s income statement to project what  can be added to the company’s profitability. This can be found in the  company’s 10-K. Look to other companies in the marketplace with products  or services similar to the one you are proposing as a basis for your  projections. Additionally, you may use the company’s current year  numbers and key assumptions based on your analysis of the market to  project into the future. Remember, these numbers are purely speculative. In the template, you will specifically address the following: Previous fiscal year: Identify historical information for the previous fiscal year. 24-month projections: Speculate projections for 24 months. Explanation of assumptions: Explain how you were able to speculate appropriate assumptions. Guidelines for Submission Submit the completed Module Six Assignment Template Word Document as a Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.BUS400ModuleSixAssignmentTemplate1.docx

Overview In this assignment you will evaluate a current organizational structure and recommend structural changes

Overview In this assignment you will evaluate a current organizational structure and recommend structural changes

Overview In this assignment, you will evaluate a current organizational structure and recommend structural changes that can help address the concerns the organization identified regarding collaboration, communication, and autonomy. Scenario You work for an organization that has traditionally been very formalized, and managers have had a very broad span of control over direct reports from multiple departments and functions. This worked well in the past; managers were able to oversee a high number of direct reports because there were many rules and regulations dictating how their work should be performed. However, there were downsides. Employee talent was underused, and there wasn’t a strong team culture, as most work was done independently according to standard operating processes. Recently, the organization has been shifting to less formalized working structures to support more creative, innovative work and provide employees with more autonomy. While employees are happy with the purpose of these new changes, managers are feeling overwhelmed, and employees are feeling undersupported. This has impacted function-specific work the most, because in the past, managers didn’t need to understand in-depth, function-specific tasks (such as the technical aspects of graphic design work or the intricacies of project management). Instead, they had the ability to rely on rules, regulations, and standard operating processes. Employees have also noticed a lack of communication around current projects, which has led to a lack of updated information and duplicated work across management teams. You have been asked to work with the human resources department to recommend a new organizational structure that addresses these identified management and communication concerns. Prompt Use the Module Six Assignment Template located in the Guidelines for Submission section to create an updated organizational structure chart for the organization. Then, in a separate Word document, write a brief explanation for your recommended changes and how they will impact both organizational communication and overall team dynamics. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Updated Organizational Structure Chart: Create an updated organizational structure chart that addresses management and communication concerns. Explanation of Changes: Explain your reasoning for why you made the changes you did to the company’s organizational structure. Include how your changes differ from the original and why you believe they would benefit the organization. Impact on Organizational Communication: Describe the impact these changes will have on the company’s overall organizational communication. Impact on Team Communication: Describe the impact these changes will have on the company’s overall team communication and reporting structure. Guidelines for Submission Submit your completed Module Six Assignment Template PPT as a PPT file. Submit your separate, written submission as a 2- to 3-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins.BUS210ModuleSixAssignmentTemplate.pptx

Overview The elevator pitch was a success Senior management believes they  made the right choice

Overview The elevator pitch was a success Senior management believes they  made the right choice

Overview The elevator pitch was a success! Senior management believes they  made the right choice in giving you the title of CIO and putting you in  charge of seizing new opportunities in the marketplace. Scenario While the pitch conveyed your good idea, it was just that: an idea.  You now have to test the feasibility of your idea. However, before you  create a complete business model canvas (BMC), you want to quickly  identify key elements needed to take your product or service idea to  market. In doing so, you will assume that all components of the BMC are at  the fingertips of your project team. For example, you will have to work  with the marketing and sales departments, and perhaps outside vendors  and suppliers, to promote, advertise, and sell the product or service. The Business Model Canvas Template you complete in this assignment  will serve as the groundwork for the more detailed PowerPoint slide deck  you will create in Milestone Two. As with any well-executed project, a  former project manager experienced in such product-to-market initiatives  has agreed to assess your complete BMC slide deck, which you will  submit in Module Five. Prompt For this assignment, consider the company you have selected and the  work you have completed so far to further your business idea. Then,  complete the Business Model Canvas Template linked in the Guidelines for  Submission section with your assumptions about the key activities for  your business idea, product, or service. Specifically, you must address  the following rubric criteria: Value proposition: Complete the Value Proposition  building block by describing the value of your business idea, such as  the customer need you are satisfying or the problem you are solving. Front-stage considerations: Outline the segments  related to your potential customers, which include the Customer  Segments, Channels, and Customer Relationship building blocks. Back-stage considerations: Make initial assumptions  about how your business will work. This includes completing the Key  Activities, Key Resources, and Key Partnership building blocks. Financial considerations: Make reasonable  assumptions about the segments that will inform your profit projections.  These include the Cost Structure and Revenue Stream building blocks. Guidelines for Submission Complete and submit the Business Model Canvas Template PPT. Any sources cited should use APA formatting.BUS400BusinessModelCanvasTemplate1.pptxBUS400ModuleTwoAssignmentTemplate1.edited.docxNewProductPresentation.docx

MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK – They are checking through TurnitinAssignment Instructions: For this assignment

MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK – They are checking through TurnitinAssignment Instructions: For this assignment

MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK – They are checking through Turnitin  Assignment Instructions: For this assignment, write a summary of what you learn from the example budget (budget file is attached). I am also attaching a sample assignment to show the format that the teacher wants. Does your income exceed your expenses? o If so, how much are you saving each month and is it enough? How do you know it is enough? o If not, what are your goals for addressing the deficit (i.e. job change, cut back on expenses, etc) 2. How is your short-term savings”if you had an emergency, would you have enough in savings to handle the situation? 3. Why is a savings account important? How much do you need to have in savings? What are some tips to accumulating savings? 4. What else did you learn from this budgeting exercise that could help you and/or your family finances going forward? Write a 3 page paper that addresses these questions after completing your budget worksheet. Use the template provided. Follow APA format, including a title page, introduction, conclusion, citations, and a minimum of one reference (not Wikipedia or Investopedia). See the attached PPT file.ExampleBudget.xlsxStudentPaperTemplateAPA7th1.docx

Need in 24 hours MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK They are checking through Turnitin Assignment

Need in 24 hours MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK They are checking through Turnitin Assignment

Need in 24 hours! MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK They are checking through Turnitin Assignment Instructions: The purpose of this week’s assignment focuses on debt and risk.  You will be completing a 3 page paper with three sections: Section 1: Identify and analyze your debts – What assets secure your debts? What assets do your debts finance?      What is the cost of your debts? What determined those costs? What risks do      you undertake by being in debt? How can being in debt help you build  wealth? Section 2: Risk and the 5C’s – Are you considered a default risk? How would a lender      evaluate you based on ‘the five C’s’ of character, capacity,      capital, collateral, and conditions? How could you plan to make yourself      more attractive to a lender in the future? Section 3: Review video and comment – Discuss the Tim Clue video on debt. What makes this      comedy spot funny? What makes it not funny? What does it highlight about      the appropriate uses of debt? Complete a 3 page paper. Use the template provided. Follow APA format, including a title page, introduction, conclusion, citations, and a minimum of one scholarly reference (not Wikipedia or Investopedia). It’s a help to turn on the MS Word grammar and spell checker, these will find errors before your professor does, and that can significantly raise your grade.  Also, always read over your work and listen for incomplete, confusing, or problem sentences. See the attached APA7 PPT presentation, it can help you with citing and referencing in APA style.StudentPaperTemplateAPA7th2.docx