Marketing Strategy The goal of a marketing strategy is to increase sales and stay current

Marketing Strategy The goal of a marketing strategy is to increase sales and stay current

Marketing Strategy The goal of a marketing strategy is to increase sales and stay current with how a market is behaving. Present this strategy in a way that communicates why this strategy will be effective, and defend your claims. Remember that when creating a presentation, you should ensure that the elements used display a level of professionalism and do not distract viewers from the key points being presented. Coca-Cola Overall marketing campaign Define the goals of your marketing campaign for your segment. Determine channels through which you will market the product to your segment. Justify your response. Develop a messaging strategy, including sample messaging, for each channel you identified. One-to-one marketing campaign Define one-to-one marketing, and describe how you will incorporate it into your overall marketing campaign. Describe which stage(s) in the consumer buying process would best lend itself to one-to-one marketing. Determine a one-to-one marketing strategy that would work for the stage(s) you identified and explain why it aligns with your segment. CocaCola.pdfConsumerBuyingProcess.pdfMKT345MilestoneThreeGuidelinesandRubric.pdf

Minimum 10 pages. Choose a MNC which has gone through an international stock market financing

Minimum 10 pages. Choose a MNC which has gone through an international stock market financing

Minimum 10 pages. Choose a MNC which has gone through an international stock market financing or international public debt market financing in the past 5 years, conduct a comprehensive analysis on the decision making rational and provide an in-depth discussion about the related financial/business environment. ‘ I need the analysis include the concept/topic I have learnt from the MBA 680 Course, such as monetary policy, impossible trinity,  foreign exchange, hedging, options, forward, future contracts, international stock, bond market, etc.,.MBA680CSyllabus_Spring2023.docx

law Watch the following advertisement: Pepsi Harrier Jet Commercial 1 Please discuss the following case

law Watch the following advertisement: Pepsi Harrier Jet Commercial 1 Please discuss the following case

law Watch the following advertisement: Pepsi Harrier Jet Commercial 1 Please discuss the following case study and determine whether there should be a valid contract between Leonard and Pepsi Co.  Pepsi Co ran an ad and promotional campaign in 1996 called the ‘Drink Pepsi Get Stuff’ campaign.  The enormously successful campaign allowed customers to claim prizes in exchange for points on PepsiCo beverage containers, and points could be combined with cash payments to obtain prizes.  The campaign was so successful that the second round of ads and promotions was not run because the prizes were nearly exhausted. In one television ad, Pepsi Co pictured a Harrier jet as a satirical spoof on the prizes available under the campaign.  The jet was offered in the ad for 7 million beverage points.  Harrier jets are made only for the Marine Corps and are not sold in the open market.  They cost $33.8 million each and can be produced at a rate of only one dozen at a time. John Leonard, a 21-year-old business student, called Pepsi Co and was told he would need to drink 16.8 million cans of Pepsi in order to obtain the required points.  He was also told that he had the option of buying Pepsi Co points for 10 cents each.  Leonard developed a pool of investors (Pepsi drinkers) and delivered 15 PepsiCo points and a check for $700,008.50 for the remaining 6,999,985 points plus shipping and handling. PepsiCo refused to provide Leonard with a Harrier jet because it said the ad was not an offer but a joke.  Leonard filed sue but PepsiCo had already filed a pre-emptive suit asking that Leonard’s suit be dismissed and declared frivolous and that PepsiCo should be reimbursed for its legal expenses. (1) Define the elements of a contract? (2) What are the elements of an offer and an acceptance? (3) Did PepsiCo make an offer?   (4) Did Leonard accept?   (5) Was there a contract?  Why or why not.  Discuss. You must post an original comment of 150-250 words with citation to sources used, such as eText page references and/or credible websites Fash discussion  This week we are covering Italian designers: Prada, Gucci (Tom Ford), Giorgio Armani and Gianni Versace. Choose one of these designers and explain their brand’s success.  Explain your reasons in as much detail as possible. Please include examples. You may add links to images to highlight and substantiate points. If you upload images, the source link must be cited. An image is not to take up the whole screen as this distracts from the written content.

Instructions COMPANY SELECTION Course Objectives: Students will evaluate the business environments and

Instructions COMPANY SELECTION Course Objectives: Students will evaluate the business environments and

Instructions COMPANY SELECTION Course Objectives: Students will evaluate the business environments and practices of selected companies. Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a ‘worst’ company to learn why it is not successful PROMPT: PLEASE COMPLETE READING OF THE WEEK 1 LESSON FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT! Choose a ‘worst’ company that interests you from here: Bottom 89 or Least Admired Company from CNN Money  (Note excluded companies below.) When making your choice look for a company that represents all six business environments. Please read the Week 1 materials, which also describe the requirements for selecting a company. ***EXCLUDED COMPANIES ***YOU MAY **NOT** SELECT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES:   Amazon, McDonald’s, Sears, KMart, Family Dollar *** Instructions: DOWNLOAD the attached Word Template to create a Word document in APA 7th Edition format for submission. APA materials also are attached for your reference. Identify and describe the company you have decided to use for your assignments. Cite the list source where you found the company listed as a ‘worst’ company. Describe why the company is considered a ‘worst.’ Explain your rationale for selecting this company to evaluate applying the six business environments we will be studying in this course. You do NOT need to discuss the business environments in depth here. Simply explain why you believe this company, with its ‘worst’ issues, is a good choice to satisfy the 6 environments for your study. Your Instructor will let you know if the company has been approved. (When you have an approved company, you will be writing about the company in the next Assignments in the course.) Review the grading rubric for this and all assignments for guidance in preparing your paper. The assignment instructions MEET expectations, to EXCEED expectations, review the rubrics. StudentPaperTemplateAPA7th11.docx

Instructions Milestone 2: Research Method Part 1 Work with your dissertation chair to determine any

Instructions Milestone 2: Research Method Part 1 Work with your dissertation chair to determine any

Instructions Milestone 2: Research Method Part 1 Work with your dissertation chair to determine any specific instructions or guidance that he or she may have for you. One outcome of a good literature review is a clear theoretical frame for your research study. The review helps answer why your research is needed, provides the major theories that undergird your research, and develops the research questions and hypotheses (as appropriate) for your study. A well-done literature review with its theoretical frame should make selection of a research method fairly clear. Although mixed-method approaches are possible, in simple terms, a theoretical frame that identifies clear factors in hypothesized relationships leads to quantitative methods. A theoretical frame that does not identify clear factors in hypothesized relationships leads to qualitative methods. Chapter 3 of your dissertation articulates the research method and design for your study. Your method and design choices must flow rationally from your umbrella question to your theoretical frame to your method. Further, each of your method and design choices must be supported by literature. In other words, you must defend why your choices are appropriate. The Dissertation Proposal Template for BUS8105 will help you address the needed items for your methods section. However, different designs require different components. Be sure to work with your dissertation chair to determine what adjustments may be needed. For this assignment, draft part 1 of the methods chapter, including: Restatement of the purpose/question Research method Research design Population/Sample or participants Important Note: Dissertation writing is highly recursive. As you write material in one section, you may need to make some adjustments or additions in other sections in order to build a cohesive document. For example, your selection of method, design, and participants will likely create some changes for your chapter As you wait for feedback from your dissertation chair/committee, use the time to draft some of those adjustments. Submission Details: Submit part 1 of the methods section, including appropriate documentation to support your choices. Use APA style in preparing your paper and citing references. Post the paper to the Milestone 2 Submissions Area. Notify your dissertation chair (e.g., via e-mail) when you have submitted the topic paper. Note: A successful dissertation requires self-directed behaviors. To successfully pass each dissertation course, you must successfully complete (pass) each milestone presented in the course materials. Additionally, you must complete the milestones in the order they are presented in the course. The tasks in some milestones may take you more than a week to complete. Finish each milestone before you move on to the next milestone. In your planning, also allow time for feedback from your instructor and revisions as part of completing each task.SUOResearchProposalTemplateChapters1-3BUS8105.docx

Instructions Milestone 3: Research Method Part 2 Work with your dissertation chair to determine any

Instructions Milestone 3: Research Method Part 2 Work with your dissertation chair to determine any

Instructions Milestone 3: Research Method Part 2 Work with your dissertation chair to determine any specific instructions or guidance that he or she may have for you. For this task, you will continue building your research methods chapter (Chapter 3) for your dissertation. The Dissertation Proposal Template for BUS8105 will help you address the needed items for your methods section. However, different designs require different components. Be sure to work with your dissertation chair to determine what adjustments may be needed. You will add to the work you completed in Milestone 2: Research Methods Part Make adjustments to part 1 on the basis of feedback from your dissertation chair. Then, add part 2 of the methods chapter, including: Instrumentation Research procedures Important Note: Dissertation writing is highly recursive. As you write material in one section, you may need to make some adjustments or additions in other sections in order to build a cohesive document. For example, your selection of instrumentation and research procedures will likely create some changes for your Chapter As you wait for feedback from your dissertation chair/committee, use the time to draft some of those adjustments. Submission Details: Submit parts 1 and 2 of the methods section, including appropriate documentation to support your choices. Use APA style in preparing your paper and citing references. Post the paper to the Milestone 3 Submissions Area. Notify your dissertation chair (e.g., via e-mail) when you have submitted the topic paper. Note: A successful dissertation requires self-directed behaviors. To successfully pass each dissertation course, you must successfully complete (pass) each milestone presented in the course materials. Additionally, you must complete the milestones in the order they are presented in the course. The tasks in some milestones may take you more than a week to complete. Finish each milestone before you move on to the next milestone. In your planning, also allow time for feedback from your dissertation chair/committee and revisions as part of completing each task.SUOResearchProposalTemplateChapters1-3BUS8105.docx

In two to three pages that define how to market and brand a trend or

In two to three pages that define how to market and brand a trend or

In two to three pages that define how to market and brand a trend or product. Draft out a minimum of three key marketing and branding strategies. If there are symbols or logos to be used to market or brand the trend or product, define what they are. Summarize marketing or branding strategies by pinpointing the trend or product, the target customer, the challenges, and the opportunities. This milestone should be submitted as a Word document with APA citations.FMM457FinalProjectDocument.pdfSocialmediatrends2.pdfTargetCustomerforSocialMediaTrends.pdfCompetition.pdf

In preparation for this discussion review the following resources: Understand the Role

In preparation for this discussion review the following resources: Understand the Role

In preparation for this discussion, review the following resources: Understand the Role of Social Media in Marketing The Developing Role of Social Media in the Modern Business World Seth Godin: How to Get Your Ideas to Spread Video Discuss how you see social media playing a role in marketing in the fashion industry. Illustrate one example of how you are influenced by social media. How has this played a role in how you consume products and which ones you decide to consume? What are the key benefits of a marketing strategy utilizing social media? Elaborate on some of the key points you feel are made in the articles and the TED Talk video.

In the below link you will find a dataset related with online business sales 2017-2019

In the below link you will find a dataset related with online business sales 2017-2019

In the below link, you will find a dataset related with online business sales 2017-2019. You should analyze the dataset, in order to identify possible patterns and apply the appropriate data mining algorithm (classification, regression, etc), to establish a model that can predict the target variable.  Therefore, you have to propose a model of data mining, making all the analysis and the calculations needed to generate the model.  From the analysis of the datasets, you should determine the target variable You should determine the appropriate algorithm You should make the calculations you consider to justify the validity of the model Details of the task Individual The expected contents should include the description of the initial context, the description of the datasets, the goal of the data science project, and the description of the model generated, with the calculations associated. The deliverable is:  o   a presentation with two parts §  part 1, a presentation including all the slides you consider necessary, presenting the analysis, the generated model and the calculations §  part 2, additional slides to make a reflection which focusses on how the results could be interpreted and includes the conclusions about what you have learn regarding data analytic thinking o  the deliverable must be a single pdf file containing both parts Formalities: Wordcount: between 1.500 and 2.000 words Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount. Font: Arial 12,5 pts.  Text alignment: Justified.  The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

In the eight steps in the appraisal process the second step is to determine the

In the eight steps in the appraisal process the second step is to determine the

In the eight steps in the appraisal process, the second step is to determine the scope of work. The appraiser begins the appraisal process by determining the scope of work required, based on the property being appraised, the type of value sought, and the purpose of the appraisal. Discuss the importance of determining the appraiser’s scope of work and each of the six components in the scope of work. Your discussion should include two references to outside research such as trade publications or scholarly references. Your summary below should be a minimum of 250 words with referencesfollowing current APA standards