For this week’s group dialogue, please respond to the prompt stated in the corresponding week’s Course Content

For this week’s group dialogue, please respond to the prompt stated in the corresponding week’s Course Content

For this week’s group dialogue, please respond to the prompt stated in the corresponding week’s Course Content folder. A grading rubric for this assignment can be found in the ‘Grades and Progress’ section of the main menu. Locate the assignment and click on ‘View Rubric.’ For this week’s group dialogue, please respond to the prompt stated below. A grading rubric for this assignment can be found in the ‘Grades and Progress’ section of the main menu. Locate the assignment and click on ‘View Rubric.’ This week’s dialogue prompt is: The following video presentation comes from a sports marketing manager for the Milwaukee Bucks, Michael Grahl.  Skip to the core conversation at 5:28 about social media marketing in sports, or ‘Sports Marketing with Millenials.’  Based on what you have learned this week, identify some concerns or pitfalls that may have arisen with their marketing strategy.  What are some ways they could have protected themselves?  What laws and entities may have been implicated in litigation had something gone awry? [You must properly cite your Sharp text and at least one outside resource using APA format, not including constitutional provisions, statutes, ordinances, or other laws, rules, and regulations.]  what this youtube video for assistance

First please read Chapter Five: Ethical Decision Making in your textbook Then read the

First please read Chapter Five: Ethical Decision Making in your textbook Then read the

1.) First, please read Chapter Five: Ethical Decision Making in your textbook. Then, read the Cover Model Student Materials handout. Finally, carefully read Case Study Seven: Walmart Juggles Risks and Rewards (pg. 398-411 in your textbook). 2.) For this project, you are going to practice with the Cover Model decision making model and use it to help analyze the Walmart case study. You must do a separate Cover Model analysis for three of each of the primary ethical issues in the case study. You may choose your three issues from the following list: a. Effects on Competitive Stakeholders b. Relationships with Supplier Stakeholders c. Ethical Issues Involving Employee Stakeholders d. Ethical Leadership Issues e. The Bribery Scandal f. Safety Issues 3.) For this project, you must utilize the Cover Model to analyze each of the three ethical issues you chose. A complete analysis would address Facts, Issues, Alternatives, and Stakeholders followed by Codes, Outcomes, Values, Editorial, and Rules in this order for each ethical issue. A complete analysis will also come to a preliminary conclusion with suggestions for how Walmart can prevent such ethical issues from occurring in the future. You would then repeat this analysis two more times, so that there is a complete FIAS COVER analysis for each of the three ethical issues you chose. 4.) This analysis should be written in paragraph form with proper spelling, grammar, etc. Projects must be typed, double-spaced, in size twelve times new roman font or similar. Projects should contain sub-divided sections of analysis for FIAS COVER for each of the three ethical issues. A minimum of one paragraph (5-7 complete sentences) is required for each of these sections. For example, for ethical issue Effects on Competitive Stakeholders, you would need to write a minimum of one paragraph for Facts, one paragraph for Issues, and so on. Then, you would repeat the process for the remaining two issues. Students may include charts, graphs, etc. if they are helpful to the analysis, however such materials are not required. 5.) Projects should be presented in an approximation of APA format. Students may conduct outside research for this project, however such research is not necessary. If outside research is conducted, please provide an APA format compliant references page with your project. 6.) Projects should be a minimum of four pages in length (of actual content, not supplemental pages). There is no maximum page length for this project. 7.) There is no specific rubric for this project, however it will be graded objectively on how well you utilize the Cover Model to analyze each of your ethical issues, as well as the completeness of your analysis. Different students will come to different conclusions regarding the ethical nature of Walmart’s actions, and as such, this subjective component will not be graded.

Explain three important points about the format of the ICD-10-CM coding manualAll initial responses to

Explain three important points about the format of the ICD-10-CM coding manualAll initial responses to

Explain three important points about the format of the ICD-10-CM coding manual.All initial responses to the DQs require at least one reference. Reminder: Use your own words when writing your post. The reference at the bottom of your post should appear as follows:ReferenceCarol J. Buck, Saunders. Step-by-Step Medical Coding, by Carol J. Buck, SaundersChapter_0031.pptxChapter_0021.pptx

Excel Online Structured Activity: Lease versus Buy Sadik Industries must install $1 million of new

Excel Online Structured Activity: Lease versus Buy Sadik Industries must install $1 million of new

Excel Online Structured Activity: Lease versus Buy Sadik Industries must install $1 million of new machinery in its Texas plant. It can obtain a bank loan for 100% of the required amount. Alternatively, a Texas investment banking firm that represents a group of investors believes that it can arrange for a lease financing plan. Assume that these facts apply: The equipment falls in the MACRS 3-year class. Estimated maintenance expenses are $56,000 per year. The firm’s tax rate is 40%. If the money is borrowed, the bank loan will be at a rate of 14%, amortized in six equal installments at the end of each year. The tentative lease terms call for payments of $280,000 at the end of each year for 3 years. The lease is a guideline lease. Under the proposed lease terms, the lessee must pay for insurance, property taxes, and maintenance. Sadik must use the equipment if it is to continue in business, so it will almost certainly want to acquire the property at the end of the lease. If it does, then under the lease terms it can purchase the machinery at its fair market value at Year 3. The best estimate of this market value is $180,000, but it could be much higher or lower under certain circumstances. If purchased at Year 3, the used equipment would fall into the MACRS 3-year class. Sadik would actually be able to make the purchase on the last day of the year (i.e., slightly before Year 3), so Sadik would get to take the first depreciation expense at Year 3 (the remaining depreciation expenses would be at Year 4 through Year 6). On the time line, Sadik would show the cost of the used equipment at Year 3 and its depreciation expenses starting at Year 3. Year3-year MACRS133.33%244.45%314.81%47.41%

Each student will develop a three-year strategic plan for the case study presented. Here is

Each student will develop a three-year strategic plan for the case study presented. Here is

Each student will develop a three-year strategic plan for the case study presented. Here is the Case Study: BA 725 The University of Never Land Institution Description.docx  Instructions                    BA725: Strategic Management & Leadership in Athletic Administration Strategic Planning Project: BA 725 Strategic Plan Paper FA21.docx  Assignment Overview Each student will develop a three-year strategic plan for the case study presented.  Each plan will consist of the following parts: organizational vision/mission; analysis of the environment; SWOT analysis; strategic values; organizational strategic goals and objectives; brand strategies; implementation and control strategies; communication strategies; and supporting documentation. Strategic planning is a systematic process of envisioning a desired future, and translating this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them. In contrast to long-term planning (which begins with the current status and lays down a path to meet estimated future needs), strategic planning begins with the desired-end and works backward to the current status.  (,of%20steps%20to%20achieve%20them) Formatting Written work is to be strictly of your own work unless explicitly designated in the syllabus. The College of Business courses use APA style for references and citations unless otherwise specified for law courses.   Please use the following resources to assist you with your writing.  For more help, please visit the Writing Center. Husson University’s library provides resources for APA style: Other resources APA – Purdue OWL – APA Sample Paper (from Purdue OWL) some computers may not be able to see the paper directly from the Purdue OWL website due to Adobe Reader issues, they will need to download it to their computer – Videos from|utmccn=%28referral%29|utmc APA 6th edition – APA research papers and citations – All written work should be of the highest academic standards, meaning all narratives must be concise and coherent. All main points are sufficiently supported by cited research.  Your work should be carefully proof read and spell checked for accuracy.  I would prefer not to receive work via email unless you have made previous arrangements with me prior to the assigned due date. All work MUST BE SUBMITTED in either a .doc or .docx format. Grading Rubric: Scroll down the page to see.

Download the worksheet provided for this assignment Respond to the questions according to the directions

Download the worksheet provided for this assignment Respond to the questions according to the directions

Download the worksheet provided for this assignment. Respond to the questions according to the directions within the document (space for your answers is provided). ***Please use the attached Week 2 worksheet to do this assignment.  *** Attached is the week 1 assignment I did for this class. Please use the SAME companies as listed in week In place of B2B company Samsung, please choose Dropbox as B2B company. All the other companies should stay the same! ***Attached is the assignment I submitted for week 2 and it was completely incorrect so the pdf file that is attached are the comments from professor to do it correctly. Please follow that and choose right companies with correctly written. Also include 5 to 6 sentences on B2B company Dropbox Business-to-Business Name of your selected B2B company:  Short description of what the company does (1-2 sentences):  Website URL: Bus5415_Assignment2_Worksheet3.docxKarishmaSagar_Assn2_DrPate_feedback2.pdfBus5415_Assignment1_PartBKarishmaSagar3.docx

Directions: This project consists of three parts Part one 3-p@ge p@per MLA format

Directions: This project consists of three parts Part one 3-p@ge p@per MLA format

Directions: This project consists of three parts. Part one 3-p@ge p@per (MLA format ONLY), Part two Discussion and Part three Reviewing Evernote company (video and website) and answer questions.  Please review Word Doc with 3 P@rt @ssigment.  3PartAssigment.docx

Congratulations! You have been hired as the first director of human resources (HR) for your

Congratulations! You have been hired as the first director of human resources (HR) for your

Congratulations! You have been hired as the first director of human resources (HR) for your organization. You will create this fictional organization, which will then be used in this assignment and future assignments.For this assignment, complete the steps listed below. First, begin with an introduction that provides the name and basic description of your fictional organization. Include the location (city and state), type of industry, and number of employees. The organization must have 20 or more employees. It must be an organization where unionization and globalization are possible. Second, explain the importance of equal employment opportunity as you see it through your eyes as the HR director. Why is it important to have up-to-date knowledge about federal laws against discrimination? Third, select three federal or state discrimination laws that you consider to be important for your organization. Next, evaluate the laws and why you selected the laws that you chose. Provide a summary of the total amount of charge statistics in your organization’s state that are related to the three laws you described. Finally, develop a brief nondiscrimination policy for your organization. Ensure that it reflects what you must do to prevent discriminatory practices at your organization. Be sure it contains all recommended requirements discussed in the unit lesson. Your project should be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You must use at least three sources to support your project. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, and make certain to include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Compare and contrast Case Study 3, part 1 – McDonald’s Expansion.pdf with the Case Study

Compare and contrast Case Study 3, part 1 – McDonald’s Expansion.pdf with the Case Study

Compare and contrast Case Study 3, part 1 – McDonald’s Expansion.pdf with the Case Study 3, part 2 – Pisces Expansion.pdf. Make strategic recommendations for firms considering global expansion based on your findings. You have my explicit permission to go longer than 1/2 a page for the summary portion of this case summary since it involves two cases.

Chase strategy refers to the concept that you are chasing the demand set by the

Chase strategy refers to the concept that you are chasing the demand set by the

Chase strategy refers to the concept that you are chasing the demand set by the market. Production is set to match demand and does not carry any leftover products. This is a lean production strategy, saving on costs until the demand (the order) is placed. Inventory costs are low, and the cost of goods for products sold is kept to a minimum and for a shorter length of time. The chase strategy is used in the industries that must contend with perishables or with a company that does not have a lot of extra cash on hand to handle the added risks of unsold products. The production schedule is based on orders and immediate demand. By varying production or services to meet demand, the lean approach of inventory management has lower inventory levels and reduced labor cost. For example, an airline call center has varying demand”higher calls during summer months and major holidays. Inaccurate forecasts can cause havoc concerning staff capacity and scheduling decisions. In some situations, equipment capacity may not be adequate during periods of peak demand. For this discussion, decide to be for or against adopting a chase strategy for a major airline call center. Provide a research-based rational for your decision.