BAO1727A Rasmussen College Financial Advisor Role Case Study Paper

BAO1727A Rasmussen College Financial Advisor Role Case Study Paper

For this part of the course project, you will demonstrate your understanding of the time value of money.

In your role as a financial advisor at Eagle Consulting, you will be meeting a potential customer, Keith Jones. Mr. Jones customer is 35 years old and married with two children, and he would like your help in planning a long-term investment strategy with the $100,000 he has to invest. In advance of your meeting, you decide to create a PowerPoint presentation that will educate Mr. Jones on the underpinnings of the time value of money. In doing so, your goal is to help your client understand the basic construct that a dollar today is more valuable than a dollar received tomorrow.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Refer to the Eagle Consulting Info Sheet you downloaded for the previous course project piece
  2. Develop a 6-screen PowerPoint presentation with accompanying lecture notes that:
    1. Explains the concept of the time value of money
    2. Provides examples of how time value of money calculations are determined

The presentation should include the following slides and accompanying lecture notes. The slide content should be brief and include supporting images or diagrams where appropriate. Use the Notes area beneath each slide to put the accompanying lecture notes for the slide.




Title Slide


Slide Content: Main ideas of the time value of money

Lecture Notes (100-150 words)

  • Provide an explanation/definition of the time value of money.
  • Explain why understanding the time value of money is important to investors.
  • Explain the risk for investors in not understanding the time value of money.


Slide Content: Step-by-step example of a present value calculation using numbers

Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

  • Explain the present value formula.
  • Explain how changing the variables in the formula will affect the investment outcome.


Slide Content: Step-by-step example of a future value calculation using numbers

Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

  • Explain the future value formula.
  • Explain how changing the variables in the formula will affect the investment outcome.


Slide Content: Identify impacts of compounding on the calculation of present value and future value

Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

  • Provide examples of how compounding impacts both the present value and future value of investments.


Slide Content: Summarize the main points of the time value of money concepts.

Lecture Notes (100-150 words):

  • Explain why these concepts are critical to an investor.

If you need assistance with using Microsoft PowerPoint, please visit the Video Tutorials page in the Course Materials folder.

COM323 Ashford University Week 4 Humor and Persuasion Paper

COM323 Ashford University Week 4 Humor and Persuasion Paper

Humor and Persuasion

Prepare a three- to five-page paper (not including title andreference pages), formatted according to APA style as outlined in theAshford Writing Center, that details the effectiveness of humor inpersuasion. You may use this week’s recommended scholarly sources as abasis for your observations. Your paper should delineate three or moreaspects of the effectiveness of humor and indicate at least three risksof attempting to use humor in persuasion. Your paper should includeprevious theories of persuasion and discuss how the technique of humorcan support or limit the effectiveness of persuasion.

Waypoint Assignment

Rasmussen College Hate Crimes Against Police Literature Review

Rasmussen College Hate Crimes Against Police Literature Review

Your literature review is a comprehensive review of sources you have chosen to use for your final project. The literature review should include 8-10 sources related specifically to your topic. Each source should be: described and explained, reviewed for quality, and clearly defined in terms of how it will be used for your thesis. The reader should have a clear understanding of what the source is and why it is was chosen for your review. Be sure to complete the assignment using proper APA formatting. Your literature review should be approximately 9-15 pages in length.

For my topic I am covering Hate Crimes against police.

COM425 Ashford University Stability and Innovation Discussion

COM425 Ashford University Stability and Innovation Discussion

These are two separate discussion posts not one paper. Both discussion posts need to be completed. Any references used should be in APA format and cited in the body of the posts as well as a reference section.

Stability and Innovation

Describe the concepts of organizational stability and organizational innovation. Provide a real-life example of how an organization has maintained stability and promoted innovation. You can use an example from your personal experiences in the workplace or an example that is discussed in Chapter Nine of your textbook.

Post should be at least 250 words in length. Support claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.


Kreps, G. L. (2011). Communication in organizations [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

Ethical Organizational Communication

Explain each of the three principles of ethical organizational communication, as outlined in Chapter Ten of your textbook. Then, describe how these principles are important during external organizational communication, such as lobbying, marketing or advertising.

Post should be at least 250 words in length. Support claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

COM424 Ashford University Organizational Communication Structure Essay

COM424 Ashford University Organizational Communication Structure Essay

Communication Structure

Imagine that you are proposing a new communication structure for an organization. Write a formal proposal in which you discuss at least five concepts that you feel are most important for successful communication within an organizational setting. Explain why these concepts are necessary for successful communication and how best to implement them within an organization.

Examples of concepts that you may choose to use are active listening, organizational culture, conflict resolution, key principles of human communication, leadership strategies, formal and informal communication, etc.

Information for this paper should not be based on your own opinions; you must back up your information with research. In total, the paper must include at least five sources. This is a formal paper and should include proper grammar, complete sentences, appropriate paragraphs, and correct citations/references in proper APA style. Along with explaining the communication concepts and including the research, you can also use your personal experiences to explain the research that you are presenting in the paper.

The paper must be eight to ten pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly sources to support claims. Cite sources in text and on the reference page.

  • Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style.
  • Must include a title page with the following.
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use at least five scholarly sources.
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style.

HRM498 Phoenix Week 2 Performance Management Plan Case Study Paper

HRM498 Phoenix Week 2 Performance Management Plan Case Study Paper

Read the following employee profiles:

Employee #1

Jimmy Brown is a manager with Solomon Industries, Inc., (SII) a supply company in South Carolina. SII serves as a warehouse for other companies that deliver and store their goods using SII’s facility as temporary storage. Jimmy was born in 1955 and spent 20 years in the military. Upon retiring, he was hired as a production supervisor for SII. Originally from SC, he is the night shift supervisor working 12 hour shifts from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am Monday through Thursday supervising 12 employees. Jimmy is a traditional Baby Boomer as he grew up in the 60’s, his dad worked, his mom stayed home, and he is the oldest of three children; a brother and a sister 2 and 4 years younger, respectively. Jimmy received his bachelor of arts degree while in the military in chemical engineering. Turnover is pretty high at SII as Jimmy is constantly training new employees. He had the option of moving to the day shift but he worked nights his whole military career and likes this shift so he asked to continue working this shift. His present staff consists of 1 employee over the age of 50 and the rest of the employees range from 20-40 years of age.

Employee #2

Michael Johnson was born in 1976 in Ohio. He has a technical background graduating in 1997 in computer science and moved to SC in 2010 with his new bride. Michael’s parents divorced when he was 2 years old and he rarely saw his biological father. His mom worked two jobs almost 7 days a week until she remarried when he was 10. His step dad travelled often with his job and had two daughters from a previous marriage. Their mom died 3 years before he married Michael’s mom. Michael applied for the Information Technology position but at the last minute the position was closed because the employee decided not to leave the company so Michel took on the responsibility of being the day shift supervisor. He works 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Thursday with Solomon Industries, Inc., (SII) a supply company in South Carolina. SII serves as a warehouse for other companies that deliver and store their goods using SII’s facility as temporary storage. Turnover is not as high as his night shift counterpart, but still has some turnover. The company allows tenured employees to move to the shift they desire if positions are available. Michael manages 15 employees, 8 are over the age of 50, 2 are new employees under 21 years old, and the remaining are between 21-50 years of age.

As a manager, you are tasked with creating a 350-word performance management plan for each Employee 1 and Employee 2.

  • Include how your management approach would change to fit the employees needs
  • Assess the approaches you would use to monitor the behavior of each employee
    • What are the legal implications?
    • How would you evaluate the effectiveness of your approach?

Assignment should be formatted in accordance with the APA formatting guidelines.

CO561 Phoenix Wk 1 Decision Making in Purchasing a Personal Computer Paper

CO561 Phoenix Wk 1 Decision Making in Purchasing a Personal Computer Paper

Good morning, Attached is the Assignment, Requirements and Chapters for Week 1 of my Eco/561 class. There are 6 Chapters for this week, but the instructor only wants us to read a few sheets in each chapter and I included the pages within the Assignment and Requirements. Thank you

LAW421 Phoenix Contract Clause Intellectual Property Essay

LAW421 Phoenix Contract Clause Intellectual Property Essay

Draft a contract clause, containing a minimum of 175 words, regarding one of the following topics:

  • Intellectual Property Clause regarding company ownership of employee created works
  • Intellectual Property Clause regarding a third party’s use of at least two types of your business’ intellectual property

Discuss the following in a minimum of 875 words:

  • Explain the legal issues addressed by your selected topic/clause and how your contract clause can be applied within a business managerial setting.
  • Summarize the potential legal defenses available to contract formation.
  • Evaluate the potential remedies for breach of contract that might be available if someone breached the contract clause you created.Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references. Peer-reviewed references do not include websites, newspapers, or popular magazines.Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment as a Microsoft® Word document.Based on
  • Cheeseman, Henry (2016). Contemporary Business Law (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson Education, Inc.

  • Chapter 7: Intellectual Property and Cyber Piracy
  • Chapter 9: Nature of Traditional and E-Contracts
  • Chapter 10: Agreement and Consideration
  • Chapter 11: Capacity and Legality
  • Chapter 12: Genuineness of Assent and Statute of Frauds
  • Chapter 13: Third-Party Rights and Discharge
  • Chapter 14: Breach Of Contract And Remedies

BUS330 Ashford University Product Life Cycle Stories Paper

BUS330 Ashford University Product Life Cycle Stories Paper

. Review section 3.2 in our text regarding product life cycles.

2. Check out our sample life cycle Storify (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. regarding Polaroid Instant Cameras.

3. Identify an appropriate product, product category or brand.

4. Research your brand/product/category to answer the following:

    • The approximate timing of each life cycle phase
    • The key events that marked the start or end of each phase
    • Use at least three sources and refer to our example as needed.

5. Create and publish a new Storify that contains the following:

    • One section on each lifecycle phase. Briefly describe the phase,when it occurred for your product and the key events that started/endedthe phase.
    • At least one image or video (product shots, advertisements, etc.).
    • Three APA formatted citations. Reference your sources at the end.
    • When done, copy the link of your published Storify story.

6. Post your Storify link to the discussion forum below.

    • In the title of your post identify your product/brand/category.
    • In the body of your post, provide your Storify link. See our example.

LAW421 Phoenix Roles of Law and Courts in Business Environment Paper

LAW421 Phoenix Roles of Law and Courts in Business Environment Paper

Create a diagram outlining the structure of the federal judicial system.

Discuss the roles of law and courts in today’s business environment using a minimum of 525 words. Include the following:

  • Explain the purpose of business law and how the judicial system fits into society — including business.
  • Differentiate the federal court structure from your state’s court structure.
  • Describe the different forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and how they can be used in business.
  • Explain how Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is different from the traditional court system.

Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references. Peer-reviewed references do not include websites, newspapers, or popular magazines.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment as a Microsoft® Word document.