Week 2 – Discussion Forum 1


In the 21st century, itโ€™s important for organizations, leaders, and managers to look at things from a diversity and inclusion perspective. In a 250- to 300-word initial post, from a diversity and inclusion lens,

Identify the techniques you can implement to improve the likelihood that your communications will be received and understood as you intended when utilizing one of the technology mediums, such as Zoom, Skype, email, text messages, or the telephone.

Describe two checks that could be put in place prior to sending a communication that could help with selecting the proper communication channel. 

  • Explain how the proper communication channel selection can reduce or increase the effectiveness in addressing diverse audiences.
  • Use at least one credible source to support your key points.

Week 2 – Discussion Forum 2


initial post, critically examine how inappropriate use of communication technology can violate ethical standards by addressing the following:

Select an example of a violation and explain how this can occur in an organization.

Give at least two examples of how the violation can be prevented.

  • Use at least one source to support your key points.