Response to peer


1. Which assignments were the most thought-provoking for you? Why?
The week 6 written assignment was particularly thought-provoking for me. It provided an opportunity to delve deeper into a technology-driven company that dominates its industry. I focused on analyzing IBM, exploring its organizational structure and the integration of AI into its systems as a tech company. This task not only encouraged me to consider how technology can benefit other companies but also highlighted how a tech-focused organization like IBM leverages technology within its own operations to enhance performance and achieve remarkable outcomes.

2. How has your perspective or understanding of strategic decision-making and globalization been changed, challenged, reinforced, or deepened ? Explain.
Through the assignment analyzing Disney and Pixar, I had the opportunity to thoroughly explore their strategic decision-making processes regarding globalization. Their ambition to expand not only to promote the brand but also to reach a broader audience was successful that now everyone know about Disney/Pixar. This assignment deepened my understanding of how cultural differences, regulatory changes, and economic fluctuations can significantly impact a company’s globalization efforts.

3. Review the courses you are enrolled in for the upcoming session. How does what you learned in this course connect with the content to be covered in your upcoming course(s)?
I’m going to take a Finance course, which will help me understand how economic factors affect a company’s success. My background in managing organizational structures and marketing will give me a broader view of what makes a company successful in all areas of business.