Searching for Change


Peter Drucker’s Thoughts below:

Searching for Change

A change is something people do; a fad is something people talk about.

Entrepreneurs see change as the norm and as healthy. Usually they do not bring about the change themselves. But—and this defines the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship—the entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.

Look at every change, look out every window. And ask: “Could this be an opportunity?” “Is this new thing a genuine change or simply a fad?” The difference is very simple: A change is something people do, and a fad is something people talk about. An enormous amount of talk is a fad. You must also ask yourself if these transitions, these changes, are an opportunity or a threat. If you start out by looking at change as threat, you will never innovate. Don’t dismiss something because this is not what you had planned. The unexpected is often the best source of innovation.


Take a few moments and discuss with a friend or colleague the changes sweeping healthcare industry and identify the biggest genuine changes. Ignore the fads; figure out how to capitalize on the genuine changes

E commerce


Read the below excerpt from Peter Drucker: 

The final question needed in order to come to grips with business purpose and business mission is: “Read the below excerpt from Drucker: 

E-commerce is to the information revolution what the railroad was to the industrial revolution. The railroad mastered distance—e-commerce eliminates it. The Internet provides the enterprise with the ability to link one activity to another and to make real-time data widely available, both within the company and to outside suppliers, outside channels of distribution, and customers. It strengthens the move to disintegrate the corporation.

But, the great strength of e-commerce is that it provides the consumer with a whole range of products, no matter who makes them. Examples include and E-commerce separates, for the first time, selling and producing. Selling is tied no longer to production but to distribution. There is absolutely no reason why any e-commerce facility should limit itself to marketing and selling one maker’s products or brands.


Consider the works of Alfred Sloan, Peter Drucker, Konosuke Matsushita, and Michael Porter with respect to current innovation approaches.

Which philosopher do you believe has had a major impact/lasting impact on business such as Amazon, Patagonia, Salesforce, TOMS, Google, and Microsoft.  What philosophy is more valid for today’s business?