Smart Growth, Infrastructure and Real Estate Development


Each student will report on the latest literature on a subject covered in class. The whole field of smart growth and the modern challenges of growth and development are changing rapidly. Therefore, the latest information and insights are likely to come from internet sites, including websites, blogs, recent reports, webinars, newspapers, and other journalism outlets, as well as academic and associational journals, etc. Topics will primarily stem from those covered in class, although others may be suggested. The report will explain the selected topic, identify a range of information resources, and discuss which were most helpful. Is there controversy and conflict among the sources, or does a consensus appear to be emerging?

Development Modeling and Risk Analysis


please see the file that I attached

Case study: Louis Vuitton $2,900 Smartwatch


Summary of Case

When Apple introduced the Apple Watch in 2015, it was unclear whether the company would revolutionize the watch industry as it did with MP3 players, cell phones, and tablet computers.  With recent Apple Watch unit sales second only to legendary watchmaker Rolex, that question has been answered.  Now fashion leader Louis Vuitton is asking a new question: Will consumers pay $2,900 for a smartwatch? In answering that question, shoppers will have to answer another: is this technology, or is it fashion?


1. First, identify the level in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs into which the Tambour Horizon best fits. (see the attachment, must mention Maslow’s hierachy) Next, make a case for how it could fit into each of the other categories.

2. How could Louis Vuitton’s choice of distribution channel affect how shoppers perceive and evaluate the Tambour Horizon? If you were the marketer, what distribution channels would you use?

3. Consider the five types of perceived risk(see the attachment, must mentioned). How can each be at play in the purchase of a luxury smartwatch?

The learning outcomes associated with this assignment include application of the psychological and neurological foundations that influence consumer behavior, analyzing specific models of consumer behavior and purchase decision frameworks that inform marketing strategies and interpreting consumer segmentation, brand equity, loyalty, brand extendibility, brand personality and visualization in attracting consumers.