PSY 200- Discussion Post


You started this course eight weeks ago and provided your personal definition of addiction. Revisit your definition. Would you change your definition of addiction? Why or why not? If you would, state your new definition.

Visit the website of the Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC) and review the code of ethics and credentialing process for an addiction counselor. Choose one ethical area that you feel is especially important and one area that you think could be challenging for new or inexperienced addiction counselors.

OL-301 Discussion Post- Local Zoning


Research the various forms of zoning in your area.

What are the different zones?

What is allowed with a property in each zoning category?

What are the subtypes of each type of zone?

Are there variations based upon density?

What are the setback requirements?

Are accessory dwelling units or “mother in-law” suites allowed in the single family zones?

  1. Are there any uses that require conditional use permits?
  2. How does an owner go about obtaining a zoning variance or changing the zoning requirements?
  3. What is the administration that is in charge of ensuring properties are in compliance with the zoning regulations?
  4. Narrate your findings in the discussion post and tell what you feel is the most important zoning issue to know when considering purchasing property and why.