Portfolio Assignment Attached Files:  disaster-recovery-plan templatedocx 41243 KB Review over the

Portfolio Assignment Attached Files:  disaster-recovery-plan templatedocx 41243 KB Review over the

Portfolio Assignment Attached Files:  disaster-recovery-plan template.docx (41.243 KB) Review over the DR template and pick an industry such as (airlines, ecommerce, banking, etc.).  Within that industry, pick a specific organization for the development of the Disaster Recovery Plan such as Healthcare Physical Therapy Clinics – ATI.Pick an industry/company to focus on for this assignment.  Based upon the given information you can find on the company and any past issues/breaches the company has gone through, create a Disaster Recovery plan using the template provided.Project selection is submitted for approval.***Standard for all Research AssignmentsYour paper should meet the following requirements: Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page. Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion. Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources. Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Portfolio Assignment Background:Assume that there has been a data breach at your organizationThe

Portfolio Assignment Background:Assume that there has been a data breach at your organizationThe

Portfolio Assignment Background:  Assume that there has been a data breach at your organization.  The root cause was one of the following:  Insufficient or weak user authentication, deliberate actions of a disgruntled employee, a server that was missing a critical security patch for 90 days, or a misconfigured SaaS program that was unknown to the IT department. Topic:  Select one of the possible root causes listed above and write a recommendation to senior management for addressing the problem.  Suggest an immediate action that would need to be taken, then attempt to persuade management to support a project to address the root cause.  Address at least one regulatory reason for action, one ethical reason, and one reason based on industry standards.  Knowing that this effort would be too early for accurate financial numbers for a project, include one paragraph that would address three key financial impacts a project would have on an already fully committed IT budget. Mechanics:  This portfolio assignment has a target word length of 2,000-2,500 words.  It must be in APA format.  Due to the length, an Abstract is not required.  The word count excludes the Title Page, Reference Section, and any appendices you may desire to add.  A minimum of 3 scholarly resources must be used.  To qualify as a scholarly resource, the resource must be a peer-reviewed article published in a journal in the field related to Digital Forensics.

Please view the 1956 film The Forbidden Planet Wilcoxand write an at least 1000 word

Please view the 1956 film The Forbidden Planet Wilcoxand write an at least 1000 word

Please view the 1956 film The Forbidden Planet (Wilcox)and write an at least 1,000 word response using APA formatting to the content of the film. Please address the technological issues as well as the morality and ethics of the characters’ decisions as seen through the lens of one or more of the Saint Leo Core Values. Please submit your  to the Core Values drop box by April 15th, 2022. Please be sure to include a Works Cited section which includes at least an entry for the film. Please also be sure to follow all APA formatting guidelines including a title page, running header, page numbers, line spacing and indentation. An abstract is note required. Since this will be submitted through TurnItIn, please be sure that your text is original and does not match online sources. Works Cited Forbidden Planet. Dir. Fred M. Wilcox. 1956. Film.

Please read chapter 8 and 9 and discover that the material covering motivation was interesting

Please read chapter 8 and 9 and discover that the material covering motivation was interesting

Please read chapter 8 and 9 and discover that the material covering motivation was interesting to you given your current situation at work (or a past employer). You would then look for an article that sheds light on your interest in this topic.  I need 2 pages with references and citations  Please copy this and paste it in google there go through link which is the text book I will put a screenshot to identify the link   ‘An Introduction to Organizational Behavior – Table of Contents (lardbucket.org)’  Screenshot25.pngScreenshot26.png

Please go through the 2 slides below  Bowser Security Issues and Best Practices 2

Please go through the 2 slides below  Bowser Security Issues and Best Practices 2

Please go through the 2 slides below  Bowser Security Issues and Best Practices. 2.  Server Security Issues and Best Practices  and summarize the content of each slide in one paragraph each. Use an APA format to conduct separate research that is related to the topics in the two slides in another paragraph (now 3 paragraphs), Everything should be between 1 and 2 pages.BrowserSecurity1-IssuesandBestPractices.pptxServerSecurity1-IssuesandBestPractices.pptx

Phase 3 of Final Project: Write a two- to four-page paper that addresses and reflects

Phase 3 of Final Project: Write a two- to four-page paper that addresses and reflects

Phase 3 of Final Project: Write a two- to four-page paper that addresses and reflects upon the following: Describe the concepts and practices of designing and implementing business continuity and disaster recovery plan. How might you test a disaster recovery plan? What should a risk management plan include? How does a change management plan impact the overall risk strategy? What are the important concepts that should be included in a security plan for developing secure software? Support your writing with at least two outside sources. The paper should be in APA format. This is the 3rd part to be submitted; please look at the previous 2 parts.  2.4Assignment-ThreatAnalysisofHealingTouchHospital.docxMitigationStrategy.docx

Phase 4 of the Final Project is a proposal to provide a comprehensive security plan

Phase 4 of the Final Project is a proposal to provide a comprehensive security plan

Phase 4 of the Final Project is a proposal to provide a comprehensive security plan for your organization. As the final step of this proposal, you will prepare a comprehensive Security Awareness and business continuity plan (taking what you did in Assignment 5.3 and expanding upon the summary) that will be used throughout the organization. The plan should address awareness from the perspective of employee expectations. The business continuity plan should address the requirements needed to recover from potential disasters, whether through natural causes (weather, fire, etc.) or a security breach. The paper should be outlined as follows: Executive Summary/Introduction Threat Analysis (Assignment 2.4) Mitigation Strategies (Assignment 4.4) Business Continuity Plan (Assignment 5.3 was an overview) Security Awareness Program Plan/Overview Conclusion Provide transitions between these six sections. The total length of the paper should be at least 10 pages. You may use graphics or other features within your paper; however, these do not count toward the 10 page total. Make sure the paper is double-spaced and in  APA format. The paper should have a minimum of five references, which should be cited correctly within the paper as well as on the Reference page using APA format. 4.4MitigationStrategy.docx2.4Assignment-ThreatAnalysisofHealingTouchHospital.docx

Phase Four of the social media marketing plan SMMP should include platforms specific tactics that

Phase Four of the social media marketing plan SMMP should include platforms specific tactics that

Phase Four of the social media marketing plan (SMMP) should include platforms specific tactics that support the iShirt campaign goals: ¢ Content topics and formats Explain the types of content and main topics that will be used for the iShirt social media campaign. Include how you plan to source the content. Please refer to Chapters 6 and 7 in the textbook. ¢ Platform prioritization Using the social media platforms that you determined in phase one, prioritize them into three tiers. Tier one highlighting the main focus for the iShirt campaign, tier two being secondary platforms, and tier three being any additional supporting channels. Please refer to Chapter 4 in the textbook. ¢ Content calendar First, determine the frequency of posting that should be adopted for each social media platform. Complete the content calendar template provided for one month of the campaign. This is the posting schedule, which should cover one week before the iShirt launch and three weeks post launch. Please include each platform with the appropriate content format and frequency. ***** This Phase 4 submission will become part of your final project ***** Here are the requirements for the Phase 4 part of your final plan: ¢ Using the Phase Four Worksheet provided in the assignment, create a two page paper describing the Phase 4 part of your final plan (plus separate Reference page and complete content calendar). ¢ Include at least 2 separate credible resources to back up the details of your plan. ¢ This is a business course so spelling, grammar & professional business writing format count. ¢ Refer to the final Social Media Marketing Plan for assignment details and grading rubric.

Penetration testing is a simulated cyberattack against a computer or network that checks for exploitable

Penetration testing is a simulated cyberattack against a computer or network that checks for exploitable

Penetration testing is a simulated cyberattack against a computer or network that checks for exploitable vulnerabilities. Pen tests can involve attempting to breach application systems, APIs, servers, inputs, and code injection attacks to reveal vulnerabilities. In a well-written, assignment, discuss the following:  What is penetration testing? 2. Testing Stages?  3. Testing Methods?  4. Testing, web applications and firewalls.  Assignment should meet the following requirements: Be approximately 4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

People are using their mobile phone browsers more and more every day to find information

People are using their mobile phone browsers more and more every day to find information

People are using their mobile phone browsers more and more every day to find information about businesses, make product decisions and purchases, and even determine the quality of a business based on what they can find online.  In no less than five written full pages of content (5), discuss in scholarly detail the points below.  How to Choose a Mobile Web Development Option. Research and discuss effective use of screen real estate. Compare and contrast different mobile platforms (i.e. Android, iOS). The tools of mobile interface design. Discuss mobile information design. Choosing mobile web options. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Use at least five (5) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page do not count toward page requirements of the assignments Topics to cover: Discussed wow to choose a mobile web development option 2. Researched and discussed effective use of screen real estate. 3. Compared and contrast different mobile platforms (i.e. Android, iOS). 4. Explained the tools of mobile interface design 5. Discussed mobile information design. 6. Discussed best practices choosing mobile web options.