Hello I would like to perform a simulation of spring and weight and display energy

Hello I would like to perform a simulation of spring and weight and display energy

Hello I would like to perform a simulation of spring and weight and display energy graphs like in the attachment using vpython and numpy. The assignment should be simillar to the screenshot provided in the attachment and should only use vpython. The final result should look somrthing like this shown in the link: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/masses-and-springs/latest/masses-and-springs_en.htmlSnip20220402_36.png

For our assignment this week Assignment 8 my aim is for you to understand

For our assignment this week Assignment 8 my aim is for you to understand

For our assignment this week ( Assignment 8), my aim is for you to understand how Appcelerator Titanium would be used to build a Derby app – a Derby menu. Like last week, we will use a design/modeling tool (Figma) https://www.figma.com to design/model an app interface. First download and install Figma (can use comparable SW of your choice) on your computer. This is same as last week. Make one screen shot here that shows you have install the Figma wireframing tool and did some modeling * You are ready to start adding UI elements for (to model) your app matching a layout for your app platform as mentioned above. Use Figma widgets/icons and create a mock interface (add at least six appropriate UI elements) that follow and match your chosen platform * Your app is using JavaScript coding and HTML scripting, but you ARE NOT required to do/show any coding/scripting for this assignment. Make a second screen shot showing the final placement of the UI elements on your app Hint: use a template from the Figma library for your particular platform – Except for coding, this is a simulated app as it would appear if you used Titanium Studio. Lastly, review the coding that our authors provide (pp. 292-307), and based on that coding: Write a brief explanation of each UI element you used – try to explain what specific function/method each UI provides that make your app functional. These two screen shots and UI explanations is the deliverable for Assignment 8. If you used supporting literature/videos other than your own, remember to properly cite and then include an APA style reference list.

For this assignment please use the Cyberactive Blackboard application in use at Bellevue University Create

For this assignment please use the Cyberactive Blackboard application in use at Bellevue University Create

For this assignment, please use the Cyberactive Blackboard application in use at Bellevue University. Create 15 or more User Stories concerning the Blackboard application.     a. NUMBER YOUR USER STORIES!     b. The user for all 15 user stories must be ‘Student’.     c. You may describe an existing feature of Blackboard, or a feature you wish it had.     d. For each User Story create at least two Acceptance Criteria (a minimum of 30 total Acceptance Criteria).     e. YOU MUST FOLLOW THE PROPER USER STORY FORMAT TO RECEIVE POINTS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. 2. Organize your User Stories into a Product Backlog.  Assign priorities to each User Story and order them by Priority. 3. Using the Product Backlog, create two Sprint Backlogs that might be suitable for a two-week Sprint each.     a. Assign some or all of your 15 User Stories to each Sprint.     b. Make sure that you assign them in priority order. User story format:  As a , I want/need so that I can

First pick one of these disruptive innovations: Ford Model-T disrupted the automobile

First pick one of these disruptive innovations: Ford Model-T disrupted the automobile

First, pick one of these disruptive innovations: Ford Model-T (disrupted the automobile market) Macintosh (created the PC revolution) eBay (created online auctions) Amazon (disrupted the retail market) Microsoft Windows (disrupted the computing market) Google search (disrupted the Internet) Wikipedia (disrupted the Encyclopedia/reference sources market) iPod and iTunes (disrupted music market) iPhone and App store (revolutionized mobile computing) Then, in a 3-5 page paper, describe how these innovations were disruptive. Here are the required sections of the paper: Brief History of the Market (*the market in which the innovation falls under) Disruptive Innovation: _____________ (your chosen innovation) The New Market (*what the market looks like now as a result of the disruptive innovation)

Final Project For the final project write a paper exploring themes at the intersection of

Final Project For the final project write a paper exploring themes at the intersection of

Final Project For the final project, write a paper exploring themes at the intersection of technology and policy. Select one of the following topics: ¢  Methods for reducing the level of international cybercrime ¢  Coping with the fragility of and lack of security on the Internet ¢  Establishing norms of national behavior in cyberspace, in peace and conflict ¢  Developing national legal support for norms ¢  The role and importance of declaratory national policies for cyberspace ¢  Creation of international risk mitigation frameworks ¢  Development of strategies that encourage international agreements ¢  Assess the risk of catastrophic attacks on national infrastructure. ¢  Should cyberspace be treated as a potential battlefield? ¢  Explore the impact of commercial cyber-espionage on advanced economies. ¢  Contrast European and American approaches to privacy on the Internet. ¢  Explore freedom of expression via the Internet within autocratic regimes. ¢  Must freedom of speech and association in cyberspace be sacrificed for cybersecurity? Prepare an 8 10 paged paper that fully discusses the policies, events and technology for your selected topic using the brainstorming and analysis methodology. You should use current events, laws/regulations, technology and methods to support your opinion in your paper. You must include at least 5 reference resources. You should include a title page, table of contents, and reference page. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Encapsulating Data and Writing to a File This part of the project involves creating a

Encapsulating Data and Writing to a File This part of the project involves creating a

Encapsulating Data and Writing to a File This part of the project involves creating a form to input Employees. The employee information will then be written to a file. Read the Project guide provided and the project video link for instructions and details to help guide you through your efforts. Project Files Module 6 Project Guide (Links to an external site.) Module 6 Project TemplateCEIS209ProjectDeliverable5.docxCEIS209_M6_SA.docxCEIS247_Development_-_Course_Project_-_Week_2_Part_2.mp4CEIS247_Development_-_Course_Project_-_Week_2_Part_3.mp4

Draft 4Include a revised or current outline most outlines which have been

Draft 4Include a revised or current outline most outlines which have been

Draft 4     Include a revised or current outline (most outlines which have been submitted so far need revision) at the beginning of your document and begin the draft of the report on a new page.  At the end of the draft include all references you have found related to your topic which have an in text citation in the text of the paper. The paper at this point should essentially be the final paper and meet all the requirements here.      All requirements stated for Drafts 2 and 3 apply to this draft.  In addition, this draft must include in-text citations for every reference at the end of the paper.  If your final paper does not have in-text citations the paper will not be accepted and the grade will be zero.  All URLs in the references must be  hyperlinks. If you have a question about the order of the references at the end of the paper read the material at the following link.  However, do not double space the references as suggested, just single space them with one blank line between each references.  Do not justify this section of the paper.Paudel_Shlesh_draft4.docx

Draft Sections 1 – 3: Term Project – Research Paper Due  Introduction, Background, & Literature

Draft Sections 1 – 3: Term Project – Research Paper Due  Introduction, Background, & Literature

Draft Sections 1 – 3: Term Project – Research Paper Due  Introduction, Background, & Literature Review  Draft Sections 4 – 6: Term Project – Research Paper Discussion, Recommendations, & Conclusion1A5A6Feedback.pdfRevisedAPPENDIX2-TermProject-ResearchPaperPresentationH031323.pdfWeek11LessonPlan-RemainingAssignments.pdf

Discuss the relationship with other organization processes and methods such as business continuity planning and

Discuss the relationship with other organization processes and methods such as business continuity planning and

Discuss the relationship with other organization processes and methods, such as business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning (BCP/DR). Consider how these relationships affect an incident response plan. Develop a chart or create 2-3 slides that explain the relationship. What effect do these relationships have on the incident response plan? Why is this important?

Directions: Use Visual Logic Console for all inputs and outputs.  If you are not familiar

Directions: Use Visual Logic Console for all inputs and outputs.  If you are not familiar

Directions: Use Visual Logic Console for all inputs and outputs.  If you are not familiar with Visual Logic, a flow chart can be used instead of a program to answer the questions that require Visual Logic. Choose any 4 out of 5 Questions. 1. Write a Visual Logic program that calculates the following.     a) The user enters an amount b) The program calculates the interest at 5%. Write a procedure to calculate the interest earned and the total amount which includes the interest. c) Write the output using format currency to display the interest earned and the total amount calculated in b). Copy and paste the program and the output for credit and upload the program file. 2. Write a Visual Logic program where the user rolls two dice and the program displays the sum of them. Each dice contains numbers from 1-6. a) Use random for the first dice. Display the first dice. b) Use random for the second dice. Display the second dice. c) Add them together as the sum. Copy and paste the program and the output for credit and upload the program file. If the highest subscript in an array is nine and the subscripts start at zero, what is the size of the array? Think about arrays that they use in everyday life situations. What are the advantages of using these types of arrays? Are there any disadvantages? 5.       a) Write a Visual Logic program to declare and populate an array to hold five student test scores.              b) Write a Visual Logic program to calculate the student’s average for the test scores. Output the average test score.