Q5. With the growing prominence of “networked” data in the physical, social, and
economic sciences, there has been a proliferation in graph visualization applications.
However, as the size and complexity of the underlying graph data grows, many
representation and interaction challenges arise. Please consider and describe a
multivariate, temporal network visualization context of interest/knowledge to you and
then answer the following questions:

A. What representation and interaction issues do you need to consider if you want to
facilitate top-down (overview first), bottom-up (start with what you know), and middle-out
(relevant subgraph) exploration?

B. How do the considerations identified in (a) change when you think about i) different
display sizes (small versus large) and ii) different input mechanisms (mouse versus



Q4. Your company has received a contract to study mobile phones vs. smart watches
vs. eye glass displays using qualitative methods. The client would like you to;

A.Propose a study to analyze a conversational partner’s perception of interruption,
specifically in the context of the device user during face-to-face interaction in both oneon-one interactions AND a group meeting.

B. Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology your client chose


We’ll write everything from scratch




Q2. Early implementations of touch and gestural systems often suffered from input errors.
Unfortunately, they also did not provide sufficient user feedback to allow users to associate
input with system output. Answer the following questions about what you might consider when
designing a user interface that uses touch or gesture-based input techniques.

A.Drawing on the HCI core readings list three important considerations that arise for designers
of user interface technologies that rely on touch-based UIs as opposed to mouse-based UIs.

B.What considerations should designers of touch-based UIs take into account when designing
input techniques?

1)To answer this question, describe (or propose) at least two design goals related to
preventing or eliminating input errors in single or multi-touch-based systems.

2) What are the challenges you might face in realizing each goal?

C.What considerations should designers of in-air gesture-based UIs take into account when
designing input techniques?

1)To answer this question, describe (or propose) one design goal related to preventing or
eliminating input errors in gesture-based systems.

2) What are the challenges you might face in realizing the goal?


We’ll write everything from scratch




Q1.Cars are becoming increasingly autonomous, in that more and more of the basic driving
functions can be handled by the vehicle itself, without human intervention. Indeed, some cars
are already capable of fully autonomous driving, under certain conditions. However, if the
sensors and/or automation fail, the car will return control back to the human, thus thrusting the
person out of the role of ‘passenger” and back into the role of “driver”.

A. Pick either Situated Action or Use Distributed Cognition to analyze the problem of transferring the
human’s role from ‘passenger’ to ‘driver.’ to discuss how it could be used as part of the process for
designing the car-driver interface in future vehicles that include partial or complete automation
of the driving task.

B. Can you imagine potential solutions to this problem? Identify the process by which you might
develop solutions to this problem.

C. How would you know if you got there? Describe a study to evaluate whether you have
successfully fixed the problem of transferring control back to the user. Be sure to identify the
metrics and methods, with citations

Write A Program That Prompt The User To Input Radius Of A Circle. The Program

Write A Program That Prompt The User To Input Radius Of A Circle. The Program

write a program that prompt the user to input radius of a circle. The program should then calculate the area and print computation on the screen. Using oop.


    Write A Reflection Discussing How The Internet Is Being Used To Wage A Cyberwar That

    Write A Reflection Discussing How The Internet Is Being Used To Wage A Cyberwar That

    Write a reflection discussing how the internet is being used to wage a cyberwar that affects corporate privacy.

    Make sure to support your reflection with at least 2 scholarly resource


      You Are A Security Professional For A Large, Private Health Care Organization. Users Have Access

      You Are A Security Professional For A Large, Private Health Care Organization. Users Have Access


      You are a security professional for a large, private health care organization. Users have access to file and application servers, as well as data storage facilities that contain customer health information and personally identifiable information (PII). Your organization needs to create user access policies and provide them to its employees.

      Sean, your manager, asks you to write a report detailing relevant user access policies. He needs you to research a generic template and use that as a starting point from which to move forward.

      For this assignment:

      1. Research existing policy templates and examples from organizations of a similar type.

      2. Write a report detailing at least three relevant user access policies based on your research.

      · Create a table for the policies.

      · Include a short summary explaining why you chose the policies.

      · Include an introduction and conclusion.

      · Provide citations for your sources.


        You Must Submit An Index By The End Of Week 6. The Index Will Provide

        You Must Submit An Index By The End Of Week 6. The Index Will Provide


        You must submit an Index by the end of Week 6. The Index will provide key words that will help those looking for a specific topic. Please reference the link below to create your index.

        A link from Microsoft that will show you step by step how to do these…



        What Citation Style Does Your Program Of Choice Use? Apa After Researching This

        What Citation Style Does Your Program Of Choice Use? Apa After Researching This


        • What citation style does your program of choice use? APA
        • After researching this citation style, what types of challenges will you face when using this citation style?
        • How does collecting other people's research help when trying to synthesize information for your own academic endeavors (CO8)?
        • What are the ethical ramifications of not quoting, citing, or referencing other people's research in your academic work (CO4)? 


          To What Extent Do Technologies Such As Kiosks, Enterprise Computing, Natural Language Processing, Robotics, And

          To What Extent Do Technologies Such As Kiosks, Enterprise Computing, Natural Language Processing, Robotics, And

          To what extent do technologies such as kiosks, enterprise computing, natural language processing, robotics, and virtual reality support individuals in their journey toward becoming digital citizens?