Topic: High Cost Of Living As A Significant   Hindrance To Social Mobility And Deterioration

Topic: High Cost Of Living As A Significant   Hindrance To Social Mobility And Deterioration

Topic: High Cost of Living as a Significant  

Hindrance to Social Mobility and Deterioration of The Socio-Economic Divide in New  

York City


The Individual Midterm Report Will Entail The Development Of A Detailed Report Related To The

The Individual Midterm Report Will Entail The Development Of A Detailed Report Related To The

The Individual Midterm Report will entail the development of a detailed report related to the topics below. Students are required to complete and submit this report. You may use the course resources for some of your resource material. It is expected that you will do research outside of the content posted in this course.   As such, the Individual Midterm Reportmust be unique and should not be a restatement of items from the course materials. The use of APA is required for formatting for your report, citing your in-text citations, and providing full references at the end of the report.

Note: All papers will be run through Turn-it-in. Any plagiarized papers or papers with a 20% or greater ‘similarity score’ (indicating that 20% or greater of the paper was copied) will receive a 0.

Individual Midterm Report Topics (pick one for your focus):

  1. Comparison and contrast between TCP/IP and the OSI model

Requirements for the Individual Midterm Report include:

  • Write a 4 to 6-page paper (1400 to 2100 words at 350 words per page/average) on the selected technology topic. The required 4 to 6 pages of your report does not include the page count for the cover page, front matter (Table of Contents), Back matter (appendix items), and reference page.
  • A minimum of THREE outside references is required for your work.  Use peer-reviewed work (e.g., journals, conference proceedings, industry papers, etc.).  Peer-reviewed work refers to articles written by experts, which are reviewed by several other experts in the field before the article is published in the journal in order to ensure the article’s quality.  Please DO NOT use popular press items (e.g., Time Magazine, Forbes Magazine, etc.), which are not aligned with academic work.
  • Use APA formatting in your paper.
  • AVOID direct quotes. Instead, paraphrase and cite (see APA regarding this). Remember, direct quotes are typically done for seminal research, so limit the use of quotes in your submission.
  • In addition, provide an introduction and a conclusion in your paper.
  • The paper must follow a logical flow, so working from an outline is strongly recommended.


    Summary: Produce An Er Model For The Following Scenario (Presented In Step 1 Below) And

    Summary: Produce An Er Model For The Following Scenario (Presented In Step 1 Below) And


    Produce an ER Model for the following scenario (presented in Step 1 below) and business need, for the Pythagoras Math Academy.

    • ER Model for the scenario presented. 
    • You have the option to use MS Visio (if you have the software) to produce your ER Model.  
    • Alternatively, if you do not have MS Visio, you can use the ERD PLUS (Open source ER Modeling Software) and produce your ER Model. 

    Required Software:

    • MS Visio by Microsoft OR
    • ERD PLUS, Open Source Offering. This offering is cloud-based, and you do not need to download any clients. You will need to create an account (username and password), link to this offering follows: 

    Lab Steps:

    Step 1: Read and understand the Scenario and Business needs presented below. Define and document the ENTITIES, and RELATIONSHIPS, required to address the business needs. The nouns in the scenario below will give the ENTITIES that you will need. Finally, the verbs will describe the RELATIONSHIPS.Scenario and Business Need The Pythagoras Math Academy is in need to develop a database to keep track and control of his students, teachers, and classes offered. Teachers are able to teach multiple courses. But they are required to be certified on the course they are teaching. For example, only a group of teachers are certified to teach Algebra, and other Geometry. Students can take multiple courses. Courses are taught by teachers with the proper certification and have multiple certs as needed.  Courses are taught in one of the classrooms at one of the School’s several sites.Each classroom is optimized to serve the needs for a course (for example some courses might require computer labs and whiteboards). The school needs to keep track of the math courses delivered in each of the sites.

    Step 2: For this project, you are required to use MS Visio or ERD PLUS to produce the deliverables.If you are using MS Visio follow the steps below:

    • project overview/ expectations.
    • Open MS Visio
    • Click on the Software Database Template in the main window
    • Select the Database Model Diagram Template to open a new file.
    • Save the File and ensure to have in your file name PROJECT2_LastName_FistInitial.

    If you are using ERD PLUS.

    • From the ERP PLUS main interface, select DOCUMENTS –> NEW DIAGRAM (NAME YOUR DIAGRAM) –>ER DIAGRAM –> CREATE

    Step 3: Define and Database ENTITIES

    • Add an entity for each Table you identified in the Scenario and Business Need.
    • You will use the MS Visio tool, or the ERD PLUS open source offering to complete this step.

    Step 4: ADD the required ENTITY ATTRIBUTES  

    • Add the required Attributes for each Entity that you feel would help to define each Entity as needed.
    • Select one of the attributes to be PRIMARY KEY (PK)

    Step 5: Define RELATIONSHIPS

    • Use the Crow’s Feet Notation.
    • Drag and drop (draw) relationships between the entities you defined.
    • Connect the ends to the two entities for each relation.
    • Defined the Primary Key for the parent entity.

    Step 6: Define CARDINALITY RELATIONSHIPSet the cardinality for each of your relationships defined in Step 5.  For MS Visio: select a relationship line in the drawing area that is connecting two entities. In the Database Properties window, select the miscellaneous category. Select the cardinality for the selected relationship.

    Step 7: Upload your Work 

    • Save the File and ensure to have in your file name PROJECT2_LastName_FistInitial. 


    1. ER Model (MS Visio OR ERD PLUS)

    2. Entities: Minimum of three entities are represented

    3. Attributes: Minimum of two attributes for each Entity. Most would require more than two attributes, and I am only requiring two per entity.

    4. Relationships: Minimum three relationships are presented.

    5. Cardinality is defined and specific for each relationship with Crow’s foot notation.


      Read The Following Information About A Typical Dental Practice: Community Dental Has

      Read The Following Information About A Typical Dental Practice: Community Dental Has


      Read the following information about a typical dental practice:

      • Community Dental has two offices in the same city — the North office and the South office. These offices offer the same dental services to patients. Patients can make appointments to either office at their convenience to see the dentist of their choice. Both offices are similarly equipped.
      • The professional staff includes the dentists, hygienists, dental mechanics, and administrative staff (receptionist, billing clerk, and office manager).
      • Each Community Dental office has a waiting area served by a receptionist who uses a computer to check in patients, schedule one of the examination rooms, and answer the phone. The waiting room has a door opening to the outside. A second door admits patients into the rest of the facility. Background music plays inside the waiting area. There is also a large aquarium on display.
      • Each examination area is partitioned off from the adjacent ones. Each has a computer and LCD screen used to pull up patient information and record new dental data such as x-ray interpretations, examination and test results, and procedures done for the patient. A low-level sound masking system is installed in this area.
      • After their treatment, the patient visits the billing clerk’s desk, which of course has a computer and a printer. Here patients pay (cash co-pay, credit card, or check), insurance information is verified, and an appointment is made. This clerk also mails out postcard appointment reminders and answers the phone.
      • The Community Dental dentists share a private office that has a computer and a printer. Here they can review patient data, access the Internet, and exchange email with their patients, colleagues, and acquaintances.
      • A database server containing patient data sits in a closet, next to a small tape library used for backup. Next to it sits a VPN server, firewall/router, and cable modem connected to the Internet. The VPN server accepts incoming connections from the dentist’s home computers. It also provides a permanent VPN connection between the North and South Offices. In this way, all patient data is available at all times at either office.
      • Most patient data is stored electronically on the database server, but some data such as x-rays and third-party labs results are still filed in physical form. Community Dental also depends on third party service providers to build crowns, braces, false teeth, soft dental protectors, and such. Information is exchanged with service providers using telephone, fax, letter, and email.
      • The network infrastructure’s management and maintenance are outsourced.
      • Community Dental also maintains an informative website to advertise its practice. The site is remotely hosted.

      Answer the following questions incorporated into an  format. Make any sensible assumptions necessary in order to continue your analysis (stating them as needed for clarity). You are welcome to use the discussion board to share your assumptions with others in the class:

      1. What is all the electronic and non-electronic private health information (ePHI) that is stored, processed, and transmitted at Community Dental’s two offices?
      2. Assess the practice’s organization. Where are organizational processes most likely to be HIPAA compliant? What changes should be made to move the practice closer to compliance in its business operations?
      3. Assess the practice’s physical and technical safeguards. Where are they most likely HIPAA compliant? What changes should be made to move the practice closer to compliance?
      4. Community Dental exchanges data with external service providers and uses a third party to manage its IT infrastructure. What administrative and organizational safeguards should the practice expect these providers to adhere to?


      Submit your in the usual double-spaced APA-styled report. Content should be a minimum of four double-spaced pages, APA style followed (title page, abstract, table of contents, and references section) to meet expectations.

      • Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions
      • No spelling errors
      • No grammar errors


      Pc-3.2: Interact With Others In A Professional Manner Using Appropriate Communication And Presentation Skills. Purpose

      Pc-3.2: Interact With Others In A Professional Manner Using Appropriate Communication And Presentation Skills. Purpose


      PC-3.2: Interact with others in a professional manner using appropriate communication and presentation skills.


      The ability to make presentations is important for any professional. This assignment reinforces your ability to develop a presentation for upper management. 

      Assignment Instructions

      Based on the knowledge you have achieved thus far in this class, compose a minimum 10-slide research presentation using the current APA version with title and reference slides using Microsoft PowerPoint. Prepare the slides for a 15-minute professional presentation on the topic of cybersecurity policies contains a policy recommendation of some type. Your presentation will be to upper management in an enterprise firm with over 2,000 employees and six locations throughout the world. Your presentation needs to include a title slide and follow APA formatting guidelines. 

      Note: Be sure to use the notes portion within the slides to include additional content.

      Then, compose a 1-page paper explaining how you will utilize interpersonal skills, including communications skills, problem solving, decision making, listening skills negotiation, and assertiveness to obtain management buy-in for your policy recommendation. 

      Assignment Requirements

      1. Include a title slide.
      2. 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides
      3. Includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose and exceptional content
      4. Paper and slides demonstrate superior organization and are well ordered, logical, and unified.
      5. Free of grammar and spelling errors
      6. No evidence of plagiarism
      7. At least three outside references on the topic of cybersecurity policies
      8. One-page paper using the most current APA formatting

      Your work should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and expert-level usage of interpersonal skills to embody professional demeanor using all of the following skills: communication skills, problem solving, decision making, listening skills, negotiation, and assertiveness. Make sure to show how you would apply all of the skills in a professional situation.

      For assistance with APA requirements, please go to Academic Writer. You will find the link in the Academic Tools section of the course.

      Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

      Compose your assignment using Microsoft PowerPoint and Word and save them as IT484_YourName_Unit_9_ Assignment 2 and submit them separately to the Assignment 2 Dropbox for Unit 9.

      see unit 9-2 rubric


      Part 2A: Major Events Documentation Scenario: You Visit A Retail Establishment, Shop Around, And Finally

      Part 2A: Major Events Documentation Scenario: You Visit A Retail Establishment, Shop Around, And Finally


      Part 2A: Major Events Documentation

      Scenario: You visit a retail establishment, shop around, and finally carry several products to one of the point of sale (POS) terminals visible around the store. You produce a credit card and the salesclerk processes the transaction, bags your goods, and hands you the receipt. On your way to the exit, a store employee asks to see your receipt and inspects the contents of the store bag. Document each of the major events just described and then describe the events in terms of the PCI compliance standard. Include this report in your assignment.

      Part 2B: PCI Compliance

      This part will cover PCI. Please refer to Figure B-1A in your responses.

      Respond to and address the following:

      1. Suppose HGA’s data server, depicted in Figure B-1, stored cardholder data in the private databases. What steps should be taken to protect that data in order to be PCI compliant?
      2. HGA’s data server has network connectivity. Assuming that cardholder data is transmitted across these networks, describe how data should be protected in transmission.
      3. Users are located at various sites connected to the HGA network. Suggest appropriate access controls to restrict unauthorized users from looking at cardholder data.
      4. The PCI specification notes that all systems and network devices connected to a system that stores, transmits, or processes cardholder data is in scope and must comply with PCI specifications. To avoid having the whole network subject to PCI specifications, how would you partition the network to reduce the scope of compliance?

       Submit the usual double-spaced APA-styled report. At least four pages of material are expected beyond the title page, table of contents, abstract, and references page. 


        Joan’S Team At Healthy Harvest Is Ready To Review How To Implement And Maintain The

        Joan’S Team At Healthy Harvest Is Ready To Review How To Implement And Maintain The

        Joan’s team at Healthy Harvest is ready to review how to implement and maintain the new online store app. 

        Prepare a 5- to 6-page implementation and support plan using the Healthy Harvest Implementation and Support Plan template

        The template includes sections for you to document the following information:

        • Recommend an implementation strategy for the app, including testing and verification processes. Support your recommendation by explaining the advantages of the process.
        • Outline the documentation requirements, which include instructions on using the system and training and supporting users.
        • Outline the maintenance and support recommendations of the store app. Include:
        • Required changes
        • Enhancements
        • Scaling
        • Optimization


          In Order To Complete Assignment 6 You Will Need To Answer The Below Questions. Please

          In Order To Complete Assignment 6 You Will Need To Answer The Below Questions. Please


          In order to complete assignment #6 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #6). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. The assignment must be a minimum of 1-full page in length with a minimum of 2 – outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. Assignments are due by 11:59 pm Eastern time on Sunday.

          Chapter 10Immunomedics was alerted that there was some negative buzz about the company in a chat room. The poster used a pseudonym, and therefore the company was unable to identify the poster for lawsuit purposes. The only information the company could ascertain was the poster's ISP. So the company decided to subpoena the ISP for identity information of the poster in order to file suite against the poster. How should the courts handle these cases, where the company's complaints may, or may not rise to the level of an actionable legal claim?Chapter 11Please read Question #5 on page 362 and then answer the following questions.Should Craigslist be subject to liability for FHA violations? Why or why not? Cite appropriate legal principles when explaining your answer. 

           Question 5 pg 362

          Users of the popular Internet website Craigslist are able to post advertisements for housing that permit statements regarding the preference, limitation, or discrimination of others based on race, religion, sex, or family status. The Fair Housing Act (FHA), however, prohibits making, printing, or publishing a notice, statement, or advertisement for sale or rental of dwellings indicating preference, limitation, or discrimination based on protected classes. As such, Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Inc. brought suit against Craigslist alleging a violation of the FHA. In defense, Craigslist claimed that it was immune from liability based on Section 230(c)(1) of the CDA, which protects interactive computer services from liability for unlawful third-party content. Should Craigslist be subject to liability for FHA violations? Why or why not? Cite to appropriate legal principles when explaining your answer. 48


            In The News We Are Constantly Hearing About Security Breaches, Invasion Of Personal Privacy, And

            In The News We Are Constantly Hearing About Security Breaches, Invasion Of Personal Privacy, And


            In the news we are constantly hearing about security breaches, invasion of personal privacy, and the increasing prevalence of our digital footprint. The increased availability of digital information presents concerns and challenges of privacy, accuracy, intellectual property rights, security, and censorship. As a global citizen, you need to be aware of these issues and how they impact your life (CO6).

            Your instructor will set-up two (2) conversation groups this week in which you will select one topic to discuss which interests you.

            • Conversation Group: Privacy
              • Privacy, as it relates to social media, video surveillance, drones, digital footprint or other topics as they relate to digital privacy.
              • How does the electronic environment impact one’s right to privacy?
            • Conversation Group: Security
              • Security, as it relates to social media, video surveillance, drones, digital footprint or other topics as they relate to digital privacy.
              • How does the electronic environment impact one’s personal security?

            Using the Richard G. Trefry Library or another credible source, locate and read a quality article regarding digital privacy or security. Be sure to provide attribution for your source in the forum. As you are formulating your initial post consider the following questions:

            • What is the issue? Tell us about it as if we know nothing on the topic.
            • What are the pros and cons of the issue?
            • Why is the issue important?
            • How might the issue impact your life?

            You are required to participate in one group, and are welcome to participate in the other. Once the conversation is flowing, participate substantively with your peers to teach from one another.


              In This Case, The Parties Eventually Settled, And Dr. Lee Went On To Run The

              In This Case, The Parties Eventually Settled, And Dr. Lee Went On To Run The


              1. In this case, the parties eventually settled, and Dr. Lee went on to run the Google China initiative. If you were running Microsoft, what would you have done differently in this situation?
              2. Considering that this is a common scenario, how do you recommend companies to respond in the future?

              Read the case study on pp. 345-346 of the textbook and answer the following questions:

              1. Based on the standards articulated in the case summary, should the state be allowed to impose a use tax on Quill even though it does not have a physical presence in the state?
              2. Is this the right decision? Should a state be able to impose income taxes on a company whether or not it has a physical presence, as the state supreme court held? Or was the U.S. Supreme Court correct?